Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quotation was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "F". To see other "F" links, just click here.
Ralph Waldo Emerson shared his wisdom so eloquently. Thanks for the reminder to live in the moment.
Fabulous advice Jen!
this is wonderful advice from Ralph
thanks for sharing Jenny...
you should get an A++ today :D
Dwelling on the past can lead to sleepless nights.
Such wise words!
XOXO Lola:)
Oh that I could!
I think good old Ralph had a better attitude than I do...of course he was a man and nothing ruins their sleep!
That is so much easier said than done! I bet Emerson never actually did it either! LOL
Make sure you're starting it first...
You know, open the eyes, take another breath, listen to the creaks, see if you can swing the legs off the bed, then smile, and carry on:)
Ok, on to another one:)
YES!...TOMORROW is another day,thats what we say,me and "Scarlet O'Hara",teehehe.
Thank you teacher for the A+.I'm always delighted when you visit,comment and give me a good grade,whoohoo!
Have a great fun filled Memorial weekend.
I love this philosophy. Thanks for this post today!
Good advice...Finish the day and be done with it. I like this!
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
I'm just going to say I agree with Sue's comment and leave it at that.
Jenny, I needed that.
That's a great quote and makes me want to go back to bed...lol....I finally got my commenting capabilities back after closing my blog so hope to keep up with you.
Oh what good advice and a great choice for F! Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
What an awesome thought! I love that.
I love Emerson, and that is some excellent, sound advice. I needed that today, Jenny!
Dropping by to thank you for always being such a loving friend. I'm trying to take things easy right now. So if I'm not blogging much, you know why. Still, you are always close at heart.
Emerson is and always be one of my favorites.
What a great quote!
love it! important advice. You may still have to deal with the blunders of yesterday, but you can do so with a fresh start and hopefully fresh perspective.
Yes. Absolutely true.
Great quote, it begs to get glued on a mirror. :)
Wise words... if only I could follow them. That picture looks mighty inviting & she looks sooo comfy:-)
Excellent quote! I would sleep much more soundly if I would only heed Emerson's advice.
I sure hope that's true. You wouldn't believe the day I had today. My family jokingly said I should write about it for Alphabe-Thursday and I might when we get to that letter of the alphabet.
Hi Jenny,
What a beautiful photo and fabulous advice--Now I need to heed it! lol
I like that!
We'll now..I could have used this piece of wisdom last Wednesday! This must be my month to self evaluate. Hurry up June!
Very wise quote.~Ames
Finish full of fun, faith, fabulous family, friends...
Thanks for sharing this quote :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
Busy, busy week this week at work...so unable to get my F post up this week :o(
But wanted to stop by and send Hugs!
that has such a tranquil ring to it. Need to remember to forget the blunders of some days and move on. Thanks for the great advice, Ralph! {:-D
Fabulous advice, I need to remember this one!
I love the advice, and that bed looks so comfortable! Maybe I should finish my day right now.
Great "F" lesson today! It was just what I needed! I had the most horrible day today, and I really need to let it go so that I can meet tomorrow.
I read your title "Fish every day" and then the text, and found it quiet strange until I realized that I probably need new glasses !
Brilliant words of wisdom! I have had so many problems with blogger this past 24 hours, I am just now, at midnight Friday AM, posting my Alphabe Thursday! Gads.
Fabulous advice!
Finish each day and be done with it.
I like that!
Perfect post!
I need to post that on a wall in my house. It's great. You're great! Love ya, lady!
I want to finish the day like that gal is doing, and in that comfy bed, too!!!
It's such good advice, but unfortunately, I often have difficulty in letting the day go and then I lose sleep over it.
Gosh, Emerson was so wise and so eloquent. Picture him following you around, Matlock....whispering in your ear.
Fabulous F!
Such a wonderful quote to live by. It's so easy to get caught up in regrets of yesterday that we can miss out on the blessings of today.
I can relate to this mostly with raising kids. It's so easy to say "Oh I really could have done that better or said that differently"... etc. so much guilt if you let it! Thank you for the reminder.
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