Thursday, December 29, 2011

As the year winds down...

I count my blessings. There are so many.

Living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

A roof over my head that keeps me warm and dry and safe.

Granddaughters that are the joy of my heart.

A lovely garden, and the ability to walk to it and see the growth and change every single day.

Food, electricity, warmth.

The ability to dream.

The unlimited riches of words...the umlimited horizons that words offer to me.

Friends, old and new. Friends, silver and gold.

Kind words on a sad day.


A husband who loves me in spite of everything.

Loving myself in spite of everything.

The wealth of possibilities.

The potential of tomorrow.

Living my life every single day.

Facing down fear.

Choosing beauty.

Choosing hope.

Choosing to look up at the sky and look beyond the grey clouds.

Choosing joy.

For today. And the New Year.

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's New Years linky. To visit other posts, just click here!

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Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Just beautiful Jenny! Just like YOU!!!

Betty said...

Very well said Jenny. Happy New Year to you!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a beautiful way to close down 2011. Oh the joy that flowed through this post. I love it!!!

God bless you sweetie and you have a glorious day as this year draws to the end. :o)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful things to choose to start the year with.

ain't for city gals said...

wishing you a happy and healthy new year, Jenny!

Ms. A said...

True blessings, each and every one!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Jenny, my dear, this is so lovely! Amen to every word you typed. And I might add, thank you for being such a blessing to all of us. You are, you know. A shining blessing that I thank God for now and always.

Love you much...


Sheila :-)

(I got my computer back, but I'm up to my eyeballs in things going on. Stealing a few minutes to try and start my visiting. Have missed you SO much!)

21 Wits said...

Simply from your heart! Wishing you happiness and love to follow you everywhere you go...and a safe and fun New Year's Eve, oh yeah, and your most favorite soup (all of them) all year long......! ;)

Pat said...

A wonderful list...

Wishing you all the best in 2012 -
Happy New Year!

Ames said...

I wish you an awesome New Year Jenny!
Be happy,Be healthy,Enjoy life to it's fullest,Surround your self with your family and friends.
Blog on dear friend!Blog on!!~Ames

J said...

This was really sweet. :)

Happy New Year!

Terra said...

Beautiful Jenny. Made me smile and drop a tear at the same time

mrs. c said...

You are always such a positive person. I know that you have always been a bright light in Jeff's and my lives and we are blessed to call you....friend! Happy 1212 and may it be filled with love and happiness.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny these words are perfect! It makes me so happy to choose Joy! thank you for being such a great friend. Hugs, Linda

Judie said...

You are just the sweetest woman! I am so lucky to have you for a friend.


Pondside said...

Choosing joy.
That says so much, Jenny. I'm so glad that I've met you! You inspire me every week.

Melinda said...

Very well said!


Jo said...

Oh what a beautiful post .... from a beautiful lady ... Enjoy all of the beauty of life!!!

anitamombanita said...

I need to find something to say other than 'great post'! But wait! What's wrong with 'great post' when it actually is?! Choices open up a wealth of possibilities, no?! Love that. Happy New Year!

Gattina said...

I could have written the same except I have no granddaughters but a grandson, and I am also living in a land of the free, but can't say if it's also home of the brave. (Probably some are) lol !

Happy New Year to you !!

Evalinn said...

That´s a lot of great stuff, happy new year! :-)

Theresa said...

Add TWO Grandsons and I can say DITTO:) Hugs to you today, tomorrow and into the New Year!

Sharon said...

So beautiful, Jenny! And once again you could be speaking for my heart as well! Have a very Happy New Year filled with wonderful things!

Willoughby said...

Beautiful post! May you have a wonderful new year!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic post, Jenny!

Wishing you and your family a great and wonderful New Year!

H said...

Happy New Year to you all Jenny!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Happy New Year sweetie!

See you Thursday....



Tina said...

Inspiring. It's a daily choice to find good amidst the horrid and hard. Thanks for the pep-talk. And thanks for this song. (Mary did You Know?) It's my favorite Jesus' birthday song.
Tina @ Life is Good

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Those are wonderful blessings to remember :)

Unknown said...

There you go again...making my face break a huge smile! You inspire me and others each and every day with your attitude and outlook on light. You are truly infectious!

Erika said...

Beautiful. I love the reminder to love our self in spite of everything.

Busy Bee Suz said...

My thoughts exactly Jenny!!! (well, I have to wait on the granddaughters!)
We have so much to be thankful for! I am thankful for YOU Jenny.
Happy new year!