After about ten minutes instructions she proudly claimed, "That girl is just a natural, Grandma!"

...and then, just because playing with chickens, climbing trees and eating like starving truck drivers wasn't quite enough activity all three of the Grands concocted a zipline in the back yard.
After about an hour they admitted defeat when they reached the conclusion that it was too painful to crash into the tree and too hard on their hands.
OMG, these girls and my girls just have to get together...there is no getting around it, they would have so much fun concocting crazy ideas in the back yard....I have so been there done that, not a zip line, but many others...
Oh I love your Grands! They do keep you and Mr Jenny on your toes! Zip line funny!
Oh what a glorious day in the life of the grandlittles at Jenny's house. SO much FUN!!! I really like how creative they are with the line to the tree off the roof, there's a ride just like that at the Mn. Renaissance and it's really cool! Of course your ready, with a great tree like YOU have it's also filling for anybody who's hungry too!!! LOL
Sweet girls helping each other and being creative with the zip-line:) I am waiting on two of my little ones to come eat me out of house and home for the day! Have a good one dear Jenny, HUGS!
Those girls take after someone.....
'Love it. Great solution to makin' like George of the Jungle!
These gals would have a blast and a half gate swingin' and bale jumpin' with my grandkiddos!
God bless and have a wonderfully productive day...countdown is on baby!!! :o)
Love their imagination!
hmmm...wonder where they got that imagination and spunk....oh, let me think...I just don't know!! Could it be there Grandma?! ;) Enjoy them. They're a treasure.
Kids are so creative!~Ames
Merry Christmas Jenny!
Nice pictures. This tour does not have much zip.
Looks like those kids keep you busy!
What a great girl. I love that she thinks her sis is a "natural."
That zipline is too funny!! Very creative! I wonder where they get that?
I'm just excited looking at your blue skies and sun and kids playing outside and the trees still have leaves on them. No, I'm not jealous. Ok, I am. We've been stuck in an inversion for over 2 weeks so I haven't seen the sun in that long. I'm not even dreaming of a white christmas. I'm dreaming about a blue sky and sun christmas. Hopefully I'm on Santa's good list.
I don't dare ask Rod to build a zipline for our kids in the back yard. It would be as dangerous as the time he tried to install a window unit in Atlanta. He got the unit in the opening and pulled the windown to brace it. Then he noticed that the unit was not centered, so he OPENED THE WINDOW and the unit fell out on to the ground. See what I mean? Dangerous!!
You are so good to let your grandlittles be creative! One of my favorite memories are the zip line that my brothers and I built in our neighbor's backyard. It occupied us for days. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas, dear friend!
Oh my! We put our 4-yr-old grandson on a zipline at a local park, not realizing how fast it was. He took quite a tumble when it jerked to a halt, but he kept a stiff upper lip and was ready to try again next time we visited that park. (We were more on guard the second time!) I suppose one day he'll try to build one of his own, too!
The girls look like they are having a great time.
We are working on the Christmas thing. Hopefully we'll be ready!
I think you must be the kind of grandmother my grandkids WISH I was. I'm always telling them to stop doing that, you'll get hurt. Yep, I'm no fun.
Much better than sitting in front of a computer all day :)
How is eldest grandlittles arm these days?
They are out and about having FUN....Love that.
They are so creative too, wonder where they get THAT from??
There is such joy in watching children play.
Wow! It's so beautiful pictures the enjoyment and excitement is always there..
Zipline in Kanab Utah
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