Monday, December 19, 2011

Child Labor and Chicks

Mr. Jenny says this is why we had Grandchildren.

He hates putting up Christmas lights.

Thank heavens our middle Grandlittle thinks its swell fun!

All the grands thought it was fun that our neighbors bought a chicken tractor. They had a great time playing with the chicks!

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LuLu Kellogg said...

Grandlittles are the best!!!



Kim Lehnhoff said...

One year, the grandkids put up and decorated the tree. You could tell how tall each one was by the placement of the ornaments - it was better than pencil marks on the molding!

And the chicks? Just think...if one is a rooster, you can sell your alarm clock in your next garage sale!

Jojo said...

The going up part seems to be engaging. My kids always disappeared when it was time to take them down.

Terra said...

oh the baby chicks are sweet and the tree climbing photos priceless and I got L involved in the lights this year...maybe next year she can do it for me?

Theresa Plas said...

HappY HappY JoY JoY!

Jeanie said...

Aww! Little girls and fuzzy chicks...that is about as cute as it gets.

summersundays-jw said...

Oh, what would we do without them??? Still trying to figure out what a chicken tractor is. Happy, happy holidays to you & yours. Jan

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

anitamombanita said...

the chicks are cute, but not as cute as the grandlittles!!

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Hoping to do all those things with our grandlittle soon! Sweet post!

21 Wits said...

Oh it's always fun at your house Miss Jenny! ...and Mr. Jenny should be happy to know we have to so often fight the wind and the cold and towers of snow to hang our lights, cuz who really wants to hang them when it's nice out right! Except this year, yes old man winter is still sleeping...hush hush the word...he must keep sleeping...I so want an Arizona (almost like) Christmas this year!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Sarah Marie said...

how FUNNY!! Have you read any of the Madea books by Tyler Perry? She (he) talks about how she had children for a free maid service...I love it!

Anonymous said...

They are such great helpers!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Shhhhh, mums the word girlfriend. I won't turn ya'll in! Heeehehehee!!!

At our age, ya gotta get the help wherever ya can get it!

The little chicks are almost as cute as the grandkiddos!

God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

Ms. A said...

Chicken tractor? Do I dare ask what that is?

Pondside said...

Our boys will have to do some growing - but we'll put them to work soon too!

Stef said...

Ahhhhhhhh...chicks for Christmas. Who would have thunk it?

Susan Anderson said...

Who doesn't like baby chicks?

(Not so sure about when they grow up...)


Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Aww those chicks are too darn cute!

Judie said...

I remember playing with those soft little chicks when I was their age! What fun!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

A chicken tractor?? HUH??
I need them to help with outside lights. asap. I'll feed them...I promise!