I bet you are, too.
Whenever I go to bed EXTREMELY tired, apparently I snore.
Or so Mister Jenny says.
This morning we were laying in bed talking about Christmas and the highs and lows of the day and wondering if there were any maple cinnamon rolls left when Mr. Jenny informed me, "You must have been really, really tired out last night...you were really snoring when I came to bed!"

I was aghast at his exageration.
"Me?" I questioned imperiously. "You ought to talk! You are like the world's loudest snorer!"
"Not last night I wasn't," Mr. Jenny quite cheekily (I love that phrase!) replied.
"Well, show me! How loud was I snoring?"
Mr. Jenny thought for a minute and then told me, "Jenny, I cannot accurately simulate the regulation and volume of your snore."
Who talks like that at 7:00 am on the morning after Christmas?
Actually, who talks like that at all?
"I cannot accurately simulate the regulation abd volume of your snore."???
Anyway, Merry Day after. I'm off to rummage for the cinnamon roll (with raisins!) that I hid away yesterday afternoon!
Obviously I used to be a girl scout with the planning ahead and all.
Too bad I never earned the how to 'accurately simulate the regulation and volume of snores' badge.
Then I could have taught Mr. Jenny a thing or two this morning!
Have a happy rest and recovery day!
Mr Jenny is obviously exaggerating - I can't imagine such a loud sound emanating from your dainty nose. Could it have been his own snores that he was hearing?
Oh I too agree that I just know Mr. Jenny was hearing his own snores! It had to be!...we girls just could never snore louder than the great snorers of the world...aka as our husbands! It's a FACT! ;)
Love you my dear cousin, enjoy the day of recovery!
LOL, I rarely snore unless I am very tired from several busy days in a row. Then, my Hubs complains but he forgets all the years I suffered and lost sleep with HIS snoring and the time it took me to convince him to go in for a sleep study and get a Cpap machine (my best friend for several years now !)
Good move hiding those rolls...enjoy !!!
Happy Day After to you too! Hope you find the treat you hid AND catch a little nap this afternoon! HUGS from Georgia!
You snore? Naw.....Have a lazy day doing nothing:)
No one should ever tell you what you did when you were unconscious! It's so much nicer to be oblivious. ~ Maureen
hope you found your cinnamon roll..and we can not be responsible for any sounds we make when we are sleeping soundlessly (apparently not) because we worked our fannies off to make sure that everyone else had a marvelous Christmas experience. So there! Have a wonderful day.
Oh Jenny I've been told I snore quite loudly and I'm sure it's an exaggeration!!! Right? We dainty ladies don't snore...well not loudly anyway, I'm sure of it...kinda, sorta! Happy Day after Christmas. hugs, Linda
Crap, it's catching! I've been told I've started to snore, too. Actually I was told it was more like a purr, or humming sound. Whatever the heck you want to call it... I've woken myself up a couple of times and THAT is totally unacceptable!
Mee too. And I have my own go to room when I am apparently keeping the hubs awake. How can anyone who's out like a light know you're snoring? I ventured out to the stores with a friend today. What was I thinking????.....
I'm sure it's a great exaggeration! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, snores or not! Yum..did you find that cinnamon roll? Sounds amazing!!
I'm tuckered out too. I hope I'm not snoring (too much). Enjoy the rest of your holidays!
Uh, yeah--I heard that, too. "You must have been REALLY tired last night," said Rod. I gave him the steely-eyed glare, and he backed gingerly out of the bedroom.
My husband says I pooh. What in the world is poohing? he says it air leaving my mouth. I call it breathing
Mr Ken and I got a good laugh out of this one! His reply to my reading your post to him was "Well, I don't know how loud she snores but,I know somebody who
could run a close second. I have NO idea who he would be referring to!
My hubby has no filter left when discussing my bad habits, etc. This could have easily taken place at my house!
Merry Christmas (a little late) and happy New Year!
So glad you are still alive, dear Jenny..what a husband, huh..but I think Mr. Jenny is a keeper.
Sorry I've been such a delinquent in visiting. As of December 3, I was completely out of the house I'd rented for 14 years, downsized, with the rest of my belongings in storage.
I've now been in India for three weeks and have three months plus one week to go. I'm with a friend and his family in Mumbai, will start traveling out and about more after New Year's.
Aside from mosquitoes and terrifying traffic, I'm having such a fabulous time.
Love to you and all the blogging buddies from Off On a Tangent.
Lol, that´s a tough wake up! ;-) Hope you found your cinnamon roll though!
He must be exaggerating. There is NO way YOU snore like that.
And...really, he is a Mr. Smarty pants isn't he? ;)
Do you know how nice it is to be able to rely on someone to make me smile every single day? That would be you my friend!!!
Have a great day and enjoy that roll!
We aren't quite to the R&R stage yet. For me, that will be Thursday.
And Friday.
Mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls......
My husband wouldn't know if I snore or not since he is always asleep before I am and wakes me with his snoring several times each night. I can accurately simulate the regulation and volume of his snore but I wouldn't want to hurt your ears! Seriously. Geez. You make me laugh and I'd sure like to share that cinnamon roll with you!
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