And to make matters worse, I decided I would find a catchy little quote about excuses to share with you today so that I could make myself feel somewhat better about all my year end shortcomings...
And now I'm even MORE depressed...
How could I not be, with inspiring words such as this...
Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing. ~Steven Grayhm
or this one...
No one ever excused his way to success. ~Dave Del Dotto
or worst yet, this one...
Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure. ~Don Wilder
So what I decided is that I still have a few days to make good on that long list of stuff I was totally planning to do this year...
Finish the scrapbooks I started for my kids and Grandlittles...
Lose weight and get it shape so I could buy a lime green kayak...

Wax the car...
Dust all the wooden blinds in the house...
...stay current on my blog visits...
You know...
Deep, compelling stuff like that...
I'm figuring if I hurry really, really fast I can totally organize scrapbooks from the roughly 1.2 million digital and printed photos I have on hand...
...quit eating and lose some poundage...
...take up jogging and strength training... some Turtle Wax (I wonder if they even make that brand anymore)...
...drag the hose inside to spray off all the wood blinds...
...and visit all your lovely blogs and Alphabe-Thursday and Saturday Centus links...
I'm pretty sure that's all possible...
The only thing is...
I think I'm out of double-stick tape...

It would be a sin to waste all this food left over from Christmas...
My knee kinda/sorta hurts AND I'm tired...
It's too cold to wax the car...
If I drag the hose and spray the blinds and then I'd have to wash the windows, too (ACCCKKKK!!!!)...
If I visit all the blogs I need to I'll probably go semi-blind (and seriously, who has time to go to the eye doctor!!!!????)
I've decided instead to just forget about all those silly quotes.
An excuses saved is an excuse earned.
Early to excuse, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Okay, yeah.
I just made those two quotes up.
But at least I feel much better now.
LOL! too funny miss Jenny...may I suggest just one resolution this year ?(it's one that works for me:)
'quit beating yourself up''s my new motto and if I say it enough it works like a charm!
Happy New Year Jenny Matlock!!
I don't make resolutions any more, I make "plans"... see, plans can always change:@) I like Paula's resolution though, that's a good one!
Happy New Year's Week Jenny!
Lol! My new year's resolutions don't even last through January but every year I swear this is the year to follow through.
LOL, I think you do well on the blogging thing:-). Just think, now you already have goals in place for 2012 & you can just add to it & tackle them:-)
Whether your resolutions are made, kept or're excused, Jenny, because you're Special, just ask anyone!
I love your version of the excuse quotes!
I ditto that! :)
I agree with Paula above-we do no good by beating ourselves up about what we don't get done.
I do think you would look lovely in a lime green kayak.
oh boy, I am so right there with you....that's about all I an say!
My advice is go get a great haircut. Everything else will follow. Happy New Year, Jenny.
The best thing ever to do wth those lists is...throw them all away! Ha ha! As for you keeping up on blogs, you are ace that every day! Best ever for don't worry about us....thinking your not...(this music is still cool feeling to me! thanks) and those memory books, scrapbooks they are a great work in progress and they will get done, when you're finished! Take care and best of happiness in how ever you celebrate the New Year coming in! We're having a family-kid-friendly-game-time this year...!
I agree with Naperville Now- I think that is dang good advice! I am making that my first New Years "Intention". It all starts with Hair flare! Happy New Year, Jenny!
Hahahahahahaha!!!I gave up on New Years resolutions years ago and I must say, I have been a lot more happy and satisfied with each passing year ever since...I highly suggest that everyone follow my example !!!
Jenny I'm like many and don't do 'resolutions' just try my best to do better each year...sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad but always if I try I feel better. Love your blog and always always feel better after having been here. hugs, Linda
Funny that Naperville mentions getting a haircut. I am doing exactly that after work today!
I never make resolutions either. Mainly because I never follow through on them. But I do have a plan, finish my UFO's! Now that is a good place to start.
Jenny I've had this conversation with you can have a picture of me in my bikini if you just need to reprint without my consent. It makes me a tad cranky. It's a nice kayak isn't it?
I've never quite understood why people make resolutions every New Year. I've weighed the same thing for several years now, so losing that last 8 pounds doesn't seem reasonable. I have lots of double-sided tape if you need some. I would definitely volunteer for a study on medically induced comas! Those cute little twins really wore me out!!
I don't even bother with lists anymore. I'm with Paula up there in the first comment. Your post gave me my first after Christmas laugh. And God knows I could use it, so Thanks! Happy New Year Jenny.
For a minute I thought that photo was your 'reveal' and that we'd have to stop being friends. Not that I'm so shallow that I wouldn't want to be friends with someone in a bikini like that....I'm sure there's a religion somewhere that would encourage you to make a ceremonial bonfire, print off this post and then burn up the list.
Then you get a start-over!
Lol, at least you´re in good company. (Or at the very least, in company...) ;-)
What are resolutions anyway? A way to deprecate yourself for failure? Society's way of keeping us humble/humiliated for not having the follow through of those Buddhist monks? I say burn the list and never make a new one. That way, at the end of the year next year there will be no disappointment~!
Oh, I am so going to join you in that lime green kayak ... I'm sure if you give me a year, i will get my bikini bod in shape by then .... or maybe i could just join you in a glass of wine ... with some nibbles ... fine cheese ... or hey, maybe a fondue ... oh, make that a chocolate fondue ... or maybe just the chocolate, and to keep it even simpler we could just toast each other at midnight with chocolate ... now that sounds like an acheiveable goal!!! have a happy new years!!!
Never waste a good excuse. You never know when you might need it.
Laughing. Yup, I am. :)
First comment: Paula's resolution/motto--I like it! :D
You make me giggle, Jenny.
Hi Jenny: Came by to wish a Happy New Year, tell you that your are wonderful, give you a give hug, promise to visit more often and oh, tell you how dear you are to me! I hope I didn't forget any thing! Hugs, Martha
I like your quotes the bestest!!!!!
Are we supposed to clean our blinds? I thought they were self-cleaning!!!!
Happy New Year Jenny!
Thanks, Jenny. Because somehow, I feel a little bit better, too!
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