It was from quite some time ago.
My kids were teenagers...
...all three going through the angst and anger years at the same time.
I was trying to survive as a single Mom by crying a lot and going to 'Tough Love' meetings.
Three pictures were mounted on the cheery pre-printed Christmas background paper.
All the kids looked sullen.
The tree was ugly.
And very present forlorn.
And in tiny little letters I had written at the bottom of the page, "Not our best Christmas ever."
It was true.
Not. Our. Best. Christmas. Ever.
We survived those years.
Some kids better than others.
And I ended up with a lot of grey hairs and wrinkles.
But I did it.
It's amazing how you can survive pretty much anything, even when you think you can't.
2012 was one of those years for my husband and I.
Major health issues. Major business issues.
Lost the health for most of the year. Lost the business. Lost the house.
Went through all kinds of drama with foreclosure, moving from a house we (and our entire family) loved to a house we (and our entire family) hated just so we would have a roof over our heads.
I have lots of funny stories about the bank and the move but I'm just putting my toe into the puddle of telling this story, so I'll save those tales for the future.
Here it is.
One year later.
Health is improving.
Business is successfully being rebuilt.
And we are moving to a house we really love.
We did it.
It's amazing how you can survive pretty much anything, even when you think you can't.
For twelve months I have been reminding myself that a house is just a house, but a home is where the people you love are.
For twelve months I have been reminding myself to be grateful for what I have and thankful for what I have escaped.
But now!
I'm smiling and laughing and I'm packing boxes and loading my little white pick-up truck with great joy in my heart.
Not. Our. Best. Year. Ever.
But I think 2013 just might end up being great!

Hi Jenny,
You and your family have been very strong throughout your tough times and I believe that tough times build character and strength and gives us choices to move ahead and reach for something better.
We made bad choices in 2012 by moving to a home and place that we do not like, but we have learned from the experience. Now we are moving where we want to be with the hope of a good year for 2013.
Your story touched my heart and I wish you and your family the very best.
I am so glad things are looking up! The new house sounds wonderful!
I'm so happy for you as well as thankful you share your wisdom here with us. I know exactly what you mean about making it though tough times.
We did a cross country move with $20k saved and all our bills paid for 6 months thinking all we needed to do was find jobs before that 6 months hit.
Then 4 months in I FOUND a job. And lost it two months later when they laid me off because I was pregnant. CRAP-olla. So savings was gone. No job. A baby on the way and we are still in a rent house we thought was SHORT term.
After a year and a half we are FINALLY ready to look for a home once again. Now its just with our little 5 month old baby :o)
PS: Would you like me to removed the button we added last year on your side bar :o) I'd be more than happy to help seeing as how I put it there. XO.
Hallelu!! I am happy that things are going so well, you deserve it! You are a wonderful friend and you help guide me daily! You are my hero! Love ya Lady!
Yippeee for you my friend! One step closer to a home that you will love:) Happy packing and looking forward to the days ahead! HUGS!
So sorry to hear that you and Mr. Jenny had some speed bumps to get over. Life does have a way of doing that.
Glad to hear that the bend in the road is going the right way for you now.
Here' s wishing you and yours THE BEST YEAR EVER!
M :)
Happy, happy, happy for you! Love ya!
I pray that everything is better from now on for you. I keep thinking about our lunch we had recently, and how lovely you looked.....I'm very happy for you sweet friend. Please email me your new address so I may come and that we're practically going to be neighbors!
Love ya'
Oh Jenny, I just loved this post. Full of so many emotions. I can't wait to hear about your new home and new year and new...All warm and fuzzy feelings here.
I'm so glad things are going in the right direction. Congrats to you and Mr. Jenny.
Yea! What a good way to start the new year! I'm glad things are looking up!
Jenny 2012 seemed to have challenges for lots of us! I am so glad to see you moving on and finding Joy! I am going into 2013 with a happy heart and hoping it is a much better year! Sending you big hugs! Linda
Yay! I'm so happy that things are going your way. I can relate completely having gone through a foreclosure, too, and spending 15 months in the soviet bloc style public housing apartment. Thank goodness it's in the rear view mirror. Vroom, vroom!
Sounds like 2013 will be a much better year. I'm happy for you for hanging in there.
I am so happy to hear that you are moving to a house that you can again love. You are a wonderful example of strength to me. Thank you.
I understand the issue with the house very very well. We've lived in a house (condo) for almost 4 years and it is yet to become a home. No matter how pretty I make it, painting and changing...there is a feeling of restlessness and of moving on...hopefully soon!
I understand the issue with the house very very well. We've lived in a house (condo) for almost 4 years and it is yet to become a home. No matter how pretty I make it, painting and changing...there is a feeling of restlessness and of moving on...hopefully soon!
Hopefully this will be a better year for you in every aspect.
Wow, I've been absent for 2012. Not just from you and you're troubles - I had no idea. I'd lurk the occasional post, didn't know how bad it was. Sounds similar in toughness to my 2012. Of which I spent 75% on bed rest. Not kidding. But 2013? It's looking much better. We're slowly digging out the house from the lack o a mom for a year. We got rid of all the carpet that was contributing to my severe asthma, I'm functioning again. At a slower pace. With less energy. Less stamina. Less spunk. But I just finished hosting a long awaited sleep-over that has been postponed I think four times due to my health. The boys are happy. I've cleaned up the kitchen from the homemade pizza, the breakfast brunch crepes, and they boys, amazingly, have put all the mattresses, blankets, pillows, and sheets in their appropriate places. And I'm still upright.
We do get through the tough years. We can be "normal again." But if you'd asked me that when I dragged myself and my nebulizer to Thanksgiving, I would have said I'll be sick forever.
I'm so happy to hear that the business is rebuilding, you're getting a new house, and that your Jenny-attitude is intact. I'm going to be in touch better and wallowing less in self-pity this year. I wrote so.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
I hope life continues to look up for you.
Happy Happy Joy Joy! I am so glad that you are moving to a place you love. A house is just a house, but I know you are like spend a lot of time in that house and it is better when you can look around and feel peace. You did have a rough year and I truly hope that 2013 will only bring you good things.
Jenny, my heart feels with you. I've had those "not the best years ever" and they are HARD. I love your spunk and spirit IN SPITE of it all. And the words you wrote are IS amazing how you can rebuild even when you think you cannot.
I am so thrilled that you are moving back to a house you love.
And I love your description of that Christmas card of so long ago.
And I'm so glad the business is being rebuilt.
2012 was a disaster year for me health wise. This summer I will be putting the family home on the market as per the divorce agreement. I have no idea when it will sell, but I do know that last year and this year God is by my side and he will guide me and put me where he wants me
and I just could not be happier for you! So let's raise a glass ... to health, home and happiness in our hearts ... may you have the best year yet!
Seems like each of us has gone through years that are best remembered as just simply thankfully over. With all my heart I join with your other readers in wishing you this new year is filled with all that is good.
Oh yeah, have had years like that. Happy New year! 2013 your New Happy Year.
Happy for you Jenny!
Glad things have turned around for you. I'd have brought you a banana slicer if I had known you had moved.
You said it! It is comforting to know I am not the only one going through these things right now. 2011-2012. Not the best years. Same reasons. Health, house, living in a space we hate. But we are with family, and have friends, and much to be grateful for. Thank you for your example and your friendship. I am so glad things are looking so wonderful for you, and anxiously await my turn! :)
I was happy to see the end of 2012, too. Let's leave our troubles behind us and sail into 2013!
Fantastic! That is such good news. I'm delighted for you Jenny! God's blessings on your new home!
so glad that you hung in there. safe travels to your new home. wishing you many blessings.
I hope that 2013 is everything you wish for and more! :)
This is a very good post - very inspiring, honest, and authentic. I've had some very bad years too - just haven't blogged about it. You are brave to share - and it gives strength when we know we are not alone.
Congratulatiuons, Jenny! I am so happy that things are looking up for you, as you deserve the best!!
Every good wish for the future, Jenny!You deserve the best.
Lola & Nora:)
I did not know. I should have known. I know now. And you, my friend, must know how I find you to be the greatest of heroic women. You have continued on with your inspiration and support for all of us even when times were sad and difficult. Thank you, Jenny. I hope you know how much we love you!
Big Hugs!
Yes, it's very nice, I love your J.
For reals? You post about the scrapbook page, then no picture??? I am imagining it... because it was probably a bit like our tough 2011 and 2012.
But it sure helps you find perspective in what to be grateful for right?
Now... congrats on moving!!!! :)
I know this past year was heck for you all. I'm so happy that you have much to look forward to this year. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger....yadda yadda yadda. YOU are a strong woman and a super dooper trooper. Blessings to you and yours in this next transition.
Jenny, I'm sorry you have had such a hard year. I knew you had moved, but I didn't know why. There are a lot of families going through tough times and I can't wait for the economy to rebound.
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