Oh heavens. Did I mumble?
Let me start again...ahemmmm..... this blog post is brought to you by the letters

But either way I've decided to come out of my little walk down memory lane for a day or two (but be warned...I may go back to deep thoughts posts any moment...and I'll tell you why tomorrow) but for now I am just sitting around musing at the different ways people hear the letters AI!
1. Now if you ask my granddaughters they will say "huh, is that like the farmer song when they go AI- AI- Oh!" And yup, it could be.
2. If you ask my friends Holly and Dawn they will say "are you talking about Auto-immune disease?" which is a subject they sadly know wayyyy too much about.
3. If you ask my husband he will say "quit nagging me I'm already recording American Idol for tonight" (ummm.... yea... I know it is brain-cell melting TV but I don't technically watch it...he watches it while ...ummmm.... I'm technically in the room reading War and Peace and deep stuff like that)
4. But my favorite is my friend Jimi who will say "Why are you talking about artificial insemination? Are you going to try and get pregnant? bwahahahahaha!"
But that was kind of funny, wasn't it?
Just a little bit?
Not like potato joke funny but funny.
The letters A and I are pretty dumb.
And I apologize for them profusely.
I told them you wouldn't get it but they wanted to have their moment of glory anyway.
I think everyone wants a moment of glory. Including alphabet letters.
So I'm trying to figure out how to do the McLinkey thing and I'm thinking next week we can start trying to do something like Alphabe-Tuesday or Alphabe-Thursday!
Please don't roll your eyes at me Missy!
Cuz I'm not sure how this thing is really gonna work.
But I'm thinking it could work something like this...whichever day we pick we can all write a post using that letter as our inspiration.
Like perhaps A will remind you of an apple and a pie and you have a great recipe...or maybe A will remind you of your Aunt Agatha and you have a funny story about her.
Do you kinda/sorta see how this might work?
It would be like Pink Monday or Wordless Wednesday...just something to have a little fun with and encourage us to visit each others blogs!
So that's what I'm thinkin' and as I think more I'll keep you posted.
One thing I'm never short of is words...
Sorry about that!
But now I'm gonna go tell my husband he can have the day off ... ummm.... because of item number four and all...
See now, I automatically thought "artificial intelligence!"
I did not roll my eyes missy maam, I did not, I would never.......busted!
Put me here ------->
Over here put me here----->
With all your other friends---->
You are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should "bottle" you, and "sell" you!!!
My head popped up apples and igloos- I don't suppose you often find the 2 things together. count me in on anything that helps me burn 329% more calories- because of course that means I can have an extra apple turnover, right?
a, i, e, o, u, and sometimes y? Why? I dunno.
Any Interest
Artist Is
Always Inspired.
I can't wait to see what this is all about.......
AI - definitely artificial intelligence! :D
I thought, she is going to talk about me ...
A is for Allie
I - well i didn't see the letter I, I had an X in a box, but now that I know it is an I ... I think it should be OH IO, laughing.
Please make it easy. My brain is so over worked right now but I want to come and play too.
You are so darn funny. You should have your own show. And you can name it whatever you want with whatever letters you want.
actually interrupted. that's what popped into my noggin.
Like many folks here, I thought of Artificial Intelligence. Sci-fi geek. Not me. But I live with one and study his ways.
I think all that gave me a headache!
My gray matter is 65-years-old and I'm not sure I understand what you are communicating.
A and I,
I'd give it a try,
If I knew what to do,
But I've nary a clue!
Ok, missy from OHIO, I always thought it was EI EI O ... You know, the Old Guy on the farm. But then I'm from Utah, nuf said..
Ok, McLinky is..???
I wanna play too..Need a diversion.
And when I saw the letters A&I, I didn't think much for artificial intelligence (O:
Uh oh. I'm feeling like Lucy and I think I have some 'splaining to do!
You might have seen blogs participating in things like Pink Sunday or Blue Monday and even wordless Wednesday (which I pretty much stink at - ha) where people post to a blog theme.
The bloggers participating sign up through something called McLinkey which allows everyone an easy place of access to see all the blog posts together so you can go read them easily.
So I thought it would be fun to try something tied to the alphabet for several reasons. It is a good writers tool to break writers in My letter is C and I am going to tell you about this cauliflower recipe I a made for dinner last night...or my letter is R and I want to tell you this cute story about my Mom, Rosalie.
Your posts can be silly or serious about any subject you choose. And we will link them all together so you can go visit and other participating bloggers can visit you.
You will have a little "button" you can use on your sidebar so you can easily link to it but I don't have that ready yet.
The fun will be in keeping us writing and getting new visitors to your blog, which is always a cool thing.
My post is just silly cuz that is how my mind is about 80 percent of the time.
15% I try to make you cry cuz I'm a bully like that (ha)
And the last 5% is posts that totally confuse you!
Like this one.
And, BTW, I never, never, thought of artificial intelligence...d'oh.
It's gonna be a just for fun thing which I might tie to a monthly giveaway after we figure it all out!
Make more sense now? I hope so cuz my head is really, really tired now.
I was setting here saying ...A what does the letter A or I sound like???
Guess it depends on where you are...
cute idea!
Keep it coming!
I love this idea Jenny! I'll have to put my thinking cap on though, I do seem to be suffering bloggy block. Right now my letter should be "B", 'cause I've got bupkis! Kathy
Sounds like fun Jenny, but do we pick any letter of the alphabet or do you assign it each week? In other words do we have to do a blog post about something beginning with a "A" and/or an "I" next Tuesday since this post is about those letters?
I think that is what is confusing me. Do we begin with letter "A" next week and then go on to "B" the next week, and so on? Do we pick any letter and go with that?
Oh my. I think I am following you now. I am not a great writer but would try it for the fun of playing along with you!
having kids around all the time makes you think like one....
Cute concept 'cause frankly I'm a bit bored with some of the other theme days on the least this makes you think a bit...
I do rather love the alphabetuesday Idea, since I love words and letters and I can tell you the origin of our alphabet if you have an hour because my husband wont let me tell him ugh....
I have to think though about what the letters mean to me I can only think of food right now....
I can't figure out that McLinky thing either. I'm so not computer friendly!!
Sounds like a fun idea! I'd just have to link up early or late - since I'm busy being crazy with True Story Tuesdays (which I'm finding out - much to my embarrassment - that I have plenty of material for... *sigh*)
So nice to "meet" you! :)
Well being the computer geek that I am the first thing that popped into my mind was artificial intelligence. But even with AI on my side I'm not sure if I follow you. I do a lot of photo memes, is this a written meme? Will you assign letters each week or do the participants choose their own? I'm confused. But Mr. Linky on the other hand is quite easy to set up.
I'm confused but it sounds like fun.
Sounds like fun :)!
I must admit that having worked in the veterinary medicine field, "AI" brought back some not so lovely visual images ;) ! You don't want to know about that, really. I didn't want to know after I innocently asked "What is an AI?" in the early days of my job... oh my. Nevermind...
Alaskan Igloos.
It makes me want to come out of my reclusive state to play this with you!
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