Thursday, May 5, 2011

C is for Cloud

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining


This post is linked to Letter C of Alphabe-Thursday. To see other links, just click here.

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Anonymous said...

Clouds are nice, but I am certainly a big fan of the sun!


Donnie said...

That would be good to put on my desktop to remember the sun is always shining somewhere. Take care.

Lola said...

After all the rain (and rain clouds) recently here in Spain, we do love the sun!

XOXO Lola:)

PS Many thanks for continuing such a great meme.

Amanda said...

Sun still shining indeed! It's so easy to forget that.

Slamdunk said...

Great message for today Jenny--thanks for sharing.

Susan Anderson said...

Longfellow knew whereof he spake...


ellen b. said... that quote! Happy C to you!

Judie said...

Jenny, what a sweet quote for us to remember! Happy reading, teacher!!

RNSANE said...

Lovely, Mrs. Matlock. Just recently, I did some black and white cloud photos and they were tremendous. Billowy and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful reminder!

Monica said...

I'd actually LOVE to see some clouds! (A little rain would even be great!) I'm a little tired of all the sun we've been having! ;)

Cathy Kennedy said...

I love clouds! I like to lay in the yard to see what I can find hidden in the clouds, like when I was a kid.

Good 'C' word! =D

Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Read today's post ...
C is for…Alphabe-Thursday

Jen said...

What great words of promise! Thanks!

Jo said...

oh beautiful post!!!! it touched my heart!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Great quote! It reminds me of a fishin' trip we took our students on. It was a cold, cloudy spring day and I had a Down Syndrome boy in the paddle boat with me who said, "the sun is shinnin'." I'm like, Jesse there is no sun today in which he so wisely answered...." yes, yes Mrs. Nezzy the sun is shinnin''s just hiding behind the clouds!" Outta the mouths of babes! :o)

God bless and my the sun brightly shine on your day sweetie!

Lourie said...

I love looking at clouds. They can be very soothing...if they are the lazily floating along kind. ;)

Ms. A said...

Lovely image and quote.

Unknown said...

Love it! :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Longfellow ( and you!) touch my heart with this beautiful quote, Jenny!

H said...

There's always something good to hold on to! (And what a peaceful photo!)

La said...

This poem is so appropriate on many levels.

Hope the sun is shining on you today. La

Betty said...

We'd love to have some of those clouds right now. You can have the sun.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

wow..this is superb.
love the image you choose.

Happy Mother's Day Weekend.

Unknown said...

I love that picture & I love the clouds.... as long as they don't always cover up the sun:-)

Cheryl D. said...

Cool picture and quote!

Gattina said...

Why can't the clouds be over the sun ? Last time I took the plane I thought I was driving over snow !

Su-sieee! Mac said...

For me, it's knowing the stars are out there even though it's day.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Your blog is the only one on my google sign in I saw this before 5 am my time.

This post was linked to my soul. Perfect. Thank you. xo

Shaista said...

Longfellow always gets it right, a poet for hope and guidance, don't you find? I might join in with your alphabets sometime if that's alright? :)

Mari's World said...

A beautiful image and words well worth remembering in sad dull moments of life

Mari's World said...

Beautiful image and words well worth remembering on a sad and dull day

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Ahhh...very pretty Jenny:)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful photo and verse for this week!

Bonnie said...

Such signifcant meaning for so few words!

Pat said...

I love this quote! Expecially after the snowy cloud filled sky we have endured all winter.

storybeader said...

how sweet! and what a beautiful image! {:-Deb

Splendid Little Stars said...

cool photo!

Leovi said...

These clouds have some wonderful tones that invite you to imagine and create forms and figures.

Terra said...

Love love love that quote!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I do love to bask directly in the sunny warmth of some sunshine...but a little fluffy clouds passing by cools the temps a bit and offers a little shade... What a great quote!

Blessings & Aloha!
...a wee behind in my visiting! *sigh* I tend to say this often!
Hugs to you my friend!