Thursday, January 17, 2013

Crash course in appliance repair...


A few weeks ago our dishwasher started leaking all over the place.

Suds everywhere.

Big mess.

Dishes all nasty with build-up.

We got the repairman out.

He fixed it.

Or said he did.

But after he left and we washed dishes, it went all over the kitchen again.


We called.

He came back.

Said he needed to order a part.

And came to install it today.

He then asked what kind of dishwasher detergent we were using.

My husband showed him.




Apparently you are not supposed to use laundry detergent squishy things in the dishwasher.


Who knew?


That was pretty embarrassing.

And the packages of squishy things look almost exactly the same.

And I had no idea I had mixed up the packages when I put the groceries away.


...the switch-up would probably explain the different smell in my laundry for the last few weeks as well. 




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Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny I am laughing but sooooo glad I don't buy those squishy things and get them mixed up! YIKES!!

hugs, Linda

Melinda said...

Oh my gosh! This is way too funny. (not really)

I bet Mr. Jenny wasn't too thrilled.

M :)

Terra said...

That is so cute you wrote the word blush in pink. Oh my, mixing up the detergents!

Jeanie said...

I'm sure that could happen to anybody, no really....probably happens all the time, to everyone. No need to blush, really, it is, um, er, just one of those things....well, one of those Jenny things.

Naperville Now said...

too funny! well, at least your dishes are softer.

Janie Junebug said...

The Hurricane once put liquid dish soap in the dishwasher. What a mess.


Neabear said...

Oh boy! I am amazed you were willing to share this incident. But then we can all learn from it too and hopefully not make the same mixup. One can hope anyway. Good luck with all of your future dishwashing episodes.


paula j said...

Glad you can laugh at yourself. Or glad we can laugh at you. Whichever. That's pretty funny. Sounds like something I would do. Made for great blogging material.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh no!
I love your talent for making disastrous situation humorous.

one mystery solved!

Kim Lehnhoff said...

My parents once used dish liquid in a laundromat washer while on a camping vacation. That laundromat floor was never so clean!

I will NEVER buy the laundry squishy things - love the dishwasher ones, though.

Lesson learned! did learn the lesson, didn't you? lol

Ms. A said...

I don't buy those squishy things, plus I never used my dishwasher, I still wash by hand. (not the clothes, just the dishes)

Jo said...

omg ... what a mistake to make ... i think i will keep my laundry detergent in liquid form so i dont mix the two up!

Rachel said...

So sorry. I'm laughing WITH you.

Because I totally would have done that.


H said...

That's funny!!

Eden House News and views said...

That is so funny. I had run out of tablets one day and thought aha I know I will put drop of washing up liquid, similar results n my kitchen.

Gattina said...

Lol ! that nearly happened to me too, only I realized the mistake in time !

Theresa said...

OH NO:( That sounds like a big fat mess! Happy that you are getting it fixed! I bet you won't make that mistake again! Have a blessed and leak-free day, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

OMG LMAO I don't think I have every used that many abbreviations for my reactions in one comment! Seriously - that was funny (for me - not for you) - I could totally see myself doing something like that!

Anita said...

Too funny, Jenny!

However, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Not the best usage of time and money.

But, in the scheme of things, it's minor.

Happy New Year Jenny, Mr. Jenny, and all the Kids and Grands! Wishing you blessings of peace, health, and prosperity.

Anonymous said...

There are just too many squishy cleaning products these days.

Anonymous said...

There are just too many squishy cleaning products these days.

Pondside said...

Oh Jenny - this is too funny! I agree, that there are just too many squishy cleaning products - maybe they should come in shapes...little cup-shaped squishy things for dishes, little shirt-shaped squishy things for laundry. Do you think we could make our fortune with these ideas?

Sue said...

Oh my gosh! I'm really surprised that you don't have bleach spots all over your clothes! Don't you sometimes wonder how we can screw things up so easily? Well, the bright side is that your dishes should be nice and soft and your clothes should have all the built up stuff washed off of them!

Dazee Dreamer said...

I'm not laughing. Truly, I'm not. You don't see a smile on my face, I burped, yeah, that's what that grin was all about.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

I hate to admit this, but I didn't even know about those "squishy things" until I read your post. So I've managed to avoid that particular mistake!

Susan Anderson said...

I laughed out loud reading this. Makes me feel a little better about my own, growing absent-mindedness!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my goodness Jenny....only YOU could do this. Well, I could kinda see this happening to me too. :)
On the upside, I bet your clothes were free of spots.

Amy said...

Ha! A mistake anyone could make. :)

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I've seen all those squishy packets in the cleaning supply aisle and they give me a horror. I can't imagine that kids don't eat them every time they see them, they look too bright and candy-like.

Anonymous said...

It happens. We're all human, right? Funny though. Sorry for laughing out loud.

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