Friday, January 11, 2013

Finders Keepers

This 100 word little story is built around the picture below.   To read other offerings, just click here.

“But why can’t I?” I whined.
“Because I SAID SO!”
“But…I found it!”
 “I SAID NO!” he roared even louder.
 “But Dad.  Can’t I play with it just once?”
 “But Dad.  Can't I just throw it once?”
He gave a sigh so giant it seemed to move the Universe.  He counted to ten.
“Son.   You can’t play with the Earth.  I know it’s hard to believe, but there are tiny little people living there and we need to respect them.”
Tiny little people?   I peered closely.

I think my Dad was teasing me again.
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Jayne Martin said...

Wonderful! I love it! Now I know what that feeling of being watched is.

Unknown said...

Lovely story. I can envision this conversation. Do you think that's what causes our earthquakes?

Bethe77 said...

Jenny I felt like I was the child holding the whole world. Great story and I love how you twisted in the end with tiny people. As the child tried peering to see them.
Blessings said...

What a beautiful story.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Good story! We give it 2 Paws Up!!
BabyRD & Hootie

Eden House News and views said...

That is beautiful really good use of prompt.

Amrit Sinha said...

This is so sweet ...loved it ....

Susan Anderson said...

Perfect response to the prompt, Jenny. Loved it.


Judie said...

You clever woman, you! Why couldn't I think of something like that??? I didn't even try!

Amy said...

Hahaha! Love it. You really have a great imagination.