Good morning Class! Sit up straight!
Betty! Please quit poking Maggie in the back! Jackie! Please pay attention! This is important.
Today our letter is the letter

Very good.
Your linked post for the Letter "D" counts toward our first Alphabe-Thursday prize AND because I'm doing a giveaway every single day this week it will also count toward the prize I am giving away tomorrow. I don't know what the prize is yet. But there will a be a prize!
And please don't tell the Prinicipal I am conducting contests on school property. I do not want that to go on my permanent record.
If you have any ???'s about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 8:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class dismissed.
Please file your letter "D" papers in the McLinkey now, Class.

Once again, Jenny, I could not get this McLinky thing to work...I do not know what I'm dong wrong as I participate in some other memes where I put in my blog with the McLinky and it takes it....so I've written my "D is for desserts" but it won't refer to it.
Jenny, thanks for hosting Alphabet-Thursday every week!
To answer your question, my daughter, took lessons, competed, and performed for many (9) years. Her teacher was a TCRG (certified teacher in Gaelic dance) from Belfast Ireland. It was a wonderful cultural learning experience for all of us.
I thought I'd post here and maybe they'll see it, but #12 the link doesn't work for me and #15 I can't leave a comment because the word verification box doesn't appear. I tried twice to leave a comment.
Good Morning Ms. Matlock,
Dad looks like my kind of man!! He sure knows how to have fun and it appears the rest of the family does too!
Thanks for sharing with us.
Betty I'm not sure why the comments aren't working. I will check the settings so that everyone can leave a comment . I just don't want the spammers and trolls . you said the verification box doesn't appear? you mean captcha? or...
This week sort of takes me to a little detour but it's good, sometimes words spill out
I could have written my "D"-word instead of my site name. My "D"-word is " D R E S S - U P " !!
Happy Thursday!
Love the graphic. I used it once but it wasn't cute like yours.
I love my Dad.
Ok Teach, I'm the hoodlum in the back of the class that just watches (O:
Sounds like fun for some and a bit headachy for others. But you'll get it going right...you're the TEACH!
New to the blog..is this a weekly post title for you? Cute.
Looking at this again..I need clarification but I'm slow like that.
Thanks for visiting my Shabby Cottage today! My husband was remodeling a room and got mixed up with an old chimney! Thanks Jenny for sponsoring Alphabe-Thursday they are great fun. Warm hugs, Esther
Thanks for visiting my 'D' post! I've completely reposted it because I could not figure out what was wrong with the link back to flickr. Here's the new URL:
Hopefully, I'll get a better grade next time! :)
I have this song stuck in my head now hhahaha. I love it! I' going to participate next week when I can slow down a bit! Looking forward to delving into all my favorite blogs again!!!! :)
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