B is for bones.
Gross, disgusting, nasty, icky, giant bones.
I am running for Grandmother of the year and with the whole Bone issue I think I may win. Not sure but a good possibility.
Do you want to see the bones? They are gross. I hope you don't have an upset stomach. OK. Take a deep breath.
You wonder why these disgusting bones are in my oven?
Well.....January has been Dinosaur Month at our Granddaughters preschool. Dinosaur month has involved things like finger-painting dinosaurs, reading books about them, making dinosaurs out of candy. All kinds of non-gruesome stuff.
But the first week of the month the teacher asked me if it was possible to bring in some bones to use for a dinosaur fossil hunt. So I cooked up some bone-in chicken and we carefully saved the bones.
The following week the teacher talked to me again. "We have no-one else bringing in bones...is it possible you could bring about 20 or 30 bones in?"
And me, being the perky A type said "of course, would you like different sizes of bones?" and she said "that'd be great!"
My husband and I talked and he agreed that it would be a good idea to get some giant soup bones to make the hunt exciting.
So I did.
Which is actually a whole other story but this is long enough already.
Ick. I really don't want to think about the bones anymore.
First of all I wasn't sure how to get the rest of the meat and gristle off there so I tried baking them since they were too big for any pot I had.
Yea, that didn't work. Made the whole house smell disgusting.
But we baked them and baked them and the week before we were supposed to drop the bones off I made Morgan help me clean them. Well, I had her help me with the chicken bones.
I met my daughter-in-law at the elementary school to pick up the littlest sweetie.
And she had a teary, snuffly face.
While my daughter-in-law was putting Morgan in the car seat she told me that the little girl was having a bad day. She wouldn't eat her cereal. She was just crying off and on. So I climbed in the back seat with her, took her out of her car seat so I could hold her on my lap and asked her what was wrong.
She wouldn't tell me.
She did tell me, though, she did NOT want to go to preschool. She was going to my house. She was going to see "Gampa".
I told her that it was dinosaur day at school and tried to talk to her about it but she was oddly quiet all the way there.
No shouting "SLUG BUG!" No breaking of my eardrums with screams of "SCHOOL BUS! SCHOOL BUS!"
When we got to school she wanted to be carried. Which was odd for her. And hard to do while balancing a box of bones on my other hip.
And she just didn't want to go to preschool. "NO school! I want Gampa!" she cried.
Finally she consented to go with her teacher and I peeked through the window for a few minutes to make sure she was OK before I left.
Later when I came to pick her up I asked her if she had done the bone hunt.
She said, "yes" in a funny voice and then added, "Gamma, dinosaurs are dead!"
And I told her "yes, Morgan, they are extinct, but didn't we talk about that before?"
And she told me..."I scared of school. A big, big bird was going to peck me...peck me and eat me! That big bird is a Brontosauruses. But dinosaurs are dead, Gamma. Even the Brontosauruses!"
And then she put her sweet little index finger on her sweet little cheek and I could just see her mental gears trying to make sense of all this dinosaur nonsense.
"Gamma, were those big, big bones in that box from a brontosauruses?"
And I told her that brontosaures bones would be too big for us to pick up.
And she told me "That's good Gamma, cuz dem bones was disguuuussstttttiiiing!"
And that is my B post for the day - Brontosaurus, Bones and Birds ... ohhhh... and sweet, Beautiful, little girls, too!
This is linked to Alphabe-Thursday!
Oh Jenny, she's just adorable! And smart too (O:
Well, are you ready for tomorrow?? You are just so busy with your dad's party, then made 'dinosaur Bones' too..you're just awesome!
I'll be watching for any new post about the party, can't wait to see it. Will the little sweetie be there too? She's just so cute!
Get some good sleep (O:
You are officially SUPER WOMAN!! How can you even have time to think of all this with your big day RIGHT around the corner?!! I've been thinking about you ALL day today! :D I'm SUPER excited and wish I could be there and take a peek of it all. I can't wait to hear how it all goes and I hope you Dad has an amazing time. I will be thinking of you all.
All my love,
awwwwwww... poor little sweetie. And poor big sweetie for having to cook all those bones.
Hi, I would like to join in Alphabetting but can't promise to obey all the rules so you'll just have to stand me in the corner from time to time.
Good Morning Jenny,
I totally understand where you are coming from! Us grandmothers and our grandchildren. She's a little doll and that makes it worth while, doesn't it?
Keep diggin' up bones! Have a great weekend
Good Morning Jenny,
I totally understand where you are coming from! Us grandmothers and our grandchildren. She's a little doll and that makes it worth while, doesn't it?
Keep diggin' up bones! Have a great weekend
Good Morning Jenny,
I totally understand where you are coming from! Us grandmothers and our grandchildren. She's a little doll and that makes it worth while, doesn't it?
Keep diggin' up bones! Have a great weekend
Your grand daughters is ADORABLE!! and your a super Grandma!!
I have to agree with the little princess ... those bones are disssgussting, ick! But what a good Grandma you are for cooking those nasty things up for her school :) .
I'll just bet that she provides you with more fun and more activity than you ever had when your kids were young. I hear tell grandchildren do that. Is it true? If you tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone.
She is so, so, so storybook cute! I'd be chomping on her rosy cheeks and little nose all day long.
Good luck with the party tonight....*this is Friday*. I will be thinking of you all having the time of your lives in that hangar with those cat glasses, zoot suits and bee hives!
Jenny, you always entertain me with your post. First of all that is one Beautiful sweet Baby Girl! Love her and you are right up there with the best to go thru all that to supply Bones for the school! Love it! Have a blessed day my dear! Enjoy!
so very sweet!
You are a wonderful glutton-for- punishment Grandma!!!!
You are THAT Mom and THAT Grandma. We should all aspire to do (gross) stuff like you.
SHE is a DOLL. So special...have a great and relaxing day. (Ha HA!)
Awww, sweet Morgan! She thought dinosaur day meant the dinosaurs were going to be at school. I wouldn't have wanted to go either!! Love your stories as always Jenny!
That reminds me of the time I tried to clean some deer skulls for a drawing class. I was in a dorm room then, I tried to strip them in a bucket of bleach water, under a plastic bag- it smelled like a serial killer lived there when you opened the door.
Have a happy party! And I hope all your guests appreciate your hard work.
What a cute story...it really was...I just love the way kiddos process topics like that...it really is neat to watch them make sense of it all.
You win!!! Not only Grandmother of the year, but sweetest post of the year. : ) My favorite quote..."Dem bones was disguuuuusting!". Hee-hee!
Not to mention the precious pics of the little princess.
Thanks for sharing,
Wow, I can't imagine coming up with bones like that, that's great!
How cute Jenny:) She is one precious little girl that I bet you spoil to death:)
What fun Alphabethursday was! Can't wait for 'c'!!
So cute and sweet, your granddaughter (not them disgusting bones!) She is a doll and I loved this story!
Your granddaughter is adorable Jenny...I love how children think!
Oh sweetie, the next time you need bones, you make soup!! Just put that chicken or turkey or whatever in a big stock pot and cover it with water and simmer it for a few hours. Then you can pull perfectly cleaned bones out and take them to school. (and you can make a delicious soup from the stock.)
All is well, guess that means you wont be cooking bones any time soon.lol.
The cute, adorable things that children say are the reason I still teach after 30 years. Just a suggestion.....have a book or even a blog of just cute things they say. YOu think you will remember but you forget and on those bad days open it up and read and you will be laughing in minutes!! Adorable post!
Jenny, she is the cutest thing ever! And you definitely are up for "Gamma of the Year"! I have no idea how you accomplish all you do - you must be the original energizer bunny. Can't wait to see a post about THE party. Kathy
Ahh. What a wonderful grandmother you are. We have ours stay often but I would love to be available to be a part of all the school things. Don't know that I would have liked the bone thing though. Wonderful post and as always you are such a great story teller. The men in my hubby's family can tell the best stories. I do not even mind hearing them again and again. A++ to you!
You are one dedicated grandma!
I award you Grandmother of the Year as well as Daughter of the Year! When do you sleep?
That granddaughter is about as cute as they come. Lucky you!
Ahhh what a Beautiful story Bless her!
Great post!! Just read it to my daughter....thanks for the idea to do the same thing for my grandson!! She's a cutie!!
those bones are grooooossssss - thank goodness you are such a great grandma!
that is such a sweet story! love that you did all of that work for the class!
ewww.I'm with her...disgusting! shame on you, grossing that beautiful little girl out! yuck!!
Not only are you the Sumpreme One among daughters, you are the Grandma of the Year, disgusting bones and all.
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