What a lovely Spring Day. I know some of you are distracted with Spring Fever but try and concentrate because we have an Outstanding letter this week for Alphabe-Thursday! The Letter "O"!
We're going to try something a little different this week so don't just skip down to the link...points will be deducted from your final grade if you do.
A lot of you visit all the blogs and I think that is wonderful. But sometimes I realize there just isn't enough time. So this week I wanted to suggest that if your first name starts with the letter A - L you start reading posts at number 1. If your first name starts with the letter M - Z please start reading posts at number 35.
You can always go back and read them all but I'm hoping this helps distribute the comments a bit more evenly.
If your name doesn't start with any of these letters you are probably that person who is leaving Chinese character comments all over Blogland and I don't really want you reading Alphabe-Thursday anyway so go away.
Now, class. If you have any difficulties with your link please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find them otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 8:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog (since there are prizes involved and it makes my life easier that way), PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students according to the letter of your first name! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class is dismissed.
Please file your letter "O" papers in the Linkey now, Class.
Hi Jenny, two of us are listed as #4. Ominous? Or maybe Linky is out of wack? Just wanted to give you a head's up in case there's a glitch.
Ooop, never mind, I refreshed and it's all healed.
Thanks for being so sweet last week. I really missed the Linky because of my own silliness, but this week I am ahead of the crowd at #11!
Hi Jenny, I stopped by to say Hi and I see you are a busy lady. Maybe I can participate later, I have a lot to get caught up on. Love your music and I will be visiting some of your "O" participants. Have a great weekend!
Hope my O post worked this week. If not, I'll agree with the #5 post...kinda goes with mine anyway..hehe
This is my first time participating, and I didn't even change the post I wrote. Just added the link and your button, along with a tribute to the letter O. Must be meant to be!
Oh boy! I am way behind in my blogging. Been a busy couple of days. But I do believe I will be playing again.
Hi there,
I have been excited to find your blog and the Alphabe-Thursday (is there a reason why the T is missing?). :) I came just in time for O -- and I definitely had to say O is for Old West.
Thanks for organizing this! :)
Greetings from Munich,
Hi Jenny,
I think your suggestion is a great way to spread the comments around. I do try & visit everyone but it isn't always possible. This way I hope to meet even more great bloggers that I may have missed in previous weeks.
Thanks as ever for A-T, you are the hostess with the mostess!
O what fun it is to join with this fun meme each week, Jenny!
Thanks for having me!
Best wishes,
Great suggestion about reading the blog, Ms Jenny!
I was about to erase the photo from my files when the phone rang....Came back and pressed the wrong button blog roll popped up and your post! It had to be fate, my first participation in anything like this. What fun and I really like seeing what every one else has done. Thank you.
I so wish I would have played. Just not enough time to do everything here in Bloggy USA, work, clean the house, and be a darling wife too!
I wanted to stop today to tell you that I shared a valuable Jenny Matlock lesson with a dear friend whose husband, cheated and abandoned her about a year ago.
I knew it would take a little time for her to get her bearings, so I didn't harp. It's been a year, the divorce will be final in a month, and he has never even spoke to her. Used his retirement to buy him and the young fling a new house, and just moved on.
She hasn't worn makeup, bought anything for herself, unpacked the boxes after she had to leave her home. She just has been existing.
I went to her house over the weekend, unpacked decorated, and made a little sign for all her mirrors that said. How you live your days is how you live your life~Jenny Matlock
She showed up Monday looking like a million dollars, she went blonde yesterday, and purchased a pair of Jimmy Choo's and we have a double date over the weekend. I just wanted you to know that your wisdom changed someone's outlook enough to redirect her future. Isn't that what writing and sharing is all about? Love you, mwah!
I usually get around to just about everyone by Sunday night, but I think I'll try your suggestion this week.
O is for Obviously I've been missing out on lots of fun here. Thanks for visiting Postcards from Oblivion today! Now I'm following you. Anyone who writes poems about weinerdogs is a weiner--I mean winner in my book. ;)
PS Great idea for splitting the readers on the blog hop!
I thought I would miss this weeks but something came about - like many things in life - sudden appearances of certain things can trigger something in one's mind - anyway, hopefully it actually makes some kind of sense
This looks like fun, I think I might have something for the letter P next week.
Mandy in Australia
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