She asked if we could have a picnic outside for lunch. She asked if I would make her peanut butter sandwiches cut into the shape of carrots. (caution: never cut sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutters unless you want to do it forever!)
Then I got lunch ready, hauled Mr. Jenny out of his office, and herded a squirmy 3 1/2 year old to the patio table.
Earlier in the day I happened to notice a pile of bird feathers by our bedroom door.
I meant to have Mr. Jenny clean up the mess before Mo got home from pre-school.
But I forgot.
So I cautioned my husband not to let little Mo go by the feathers because I didn't want to have to explain about a bird getting massacred on the lawn.
After she scarfed down her sandwich and her orange slices and her strawberries, she got up to go swing.
And she looked over and saw the bird feathers.
With a horrified look on her face she walked closer and peered at them.
"Gwamma," she said slowly, "Why are these feathers here? Where is the bird?"
I went into a big song and dance about how maybe since it was getting warmer the bird molted some of his feathers and blah, blah, blah.
Morgan walked slowly back to the table with her little forefinger on her lower lip...something she does when she is thinking hard.
I thought she was going to cry.
But instead, in a very slow voice she said...
"Listen Gwamma. Maybe a wolf came into your yard all sneaky and went walking up to the bird really, really slooooowwwwlllly and when the bird wasn't looking the wolf JUMPED ON THE BIRD AND KILLED IT! AND RIPPED THE FEATHERS OFF! AND ATE IT!" much for singing "The Circle of Life" from Lion King to comfort her.
And that is my Little, Lovely, Lyrical L story!
And this post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday!
Oh that Mo...she is wise beyond her years! I love your stories with her...she is adorable!
Oh Jenny what a treasure that child is! Here we are trying to 'protect' them and they are so much more worldly then we think. Little Mo is a blessing I know...Listen Gwamma!
Sounds like Mo is one smart chickie! Takes after her Gwamma, I'd say.
Cute story....hey, can I come for lunch today?
Bless her little heart:) Sweet baby girl. Will you please use the cookie cutters to make me a sandwich? Hmmmmm, I'll take a flower! Hugs my friend! Enjoy your day!
I have tried that cookie cutter thing long ago no way!~ You are such a sweet Gwamma, with a sweet granddaughter!~
Happy Thursday...
What a mess to clean up..
smarter than we give em credit for :D
That's a great story Gwamma, don't they just surprise you every single day? I think I like your grandchildren posts better than anything else you do! Your love comes through in the words...
Hi Jenny!
Happy Alphabe-Thursday!
btw Have left a little award for you over at my placeThe Johnson Diaries
Hope you like that sort of thing!
Love your blog - always great posts! Have a lovely day!
Haha, sounds like something I would have said at that age... But, of course, because I have my father's twisted sense of humor, I probably would have been more graphic about it...
I was thinking she would surprise you (o:
and I was right (o:
I decided to start telling the Henny Penny story and use it as a lesson on "Stranger' danger
a pile of feathers would go nice with the story
I daw the mclinky dinky thingy
read a few...
they take hours of my day because i can't stop
crafty ones
redecorating ones
works for me Wednesday ones ... yikes
Out of the mouth of babes . . . having taught young children for more than 30 years I've learned they often handle reality better than we imagine. Sweet little minds!
Gotta love children!! I think she must have some older siblings who are filling her in on some of the facts of life a little early! :-)
Such a cute story. Kids are very resilient and can take more than we think. She is very bright!
What a sweetheart and an imaginative one at that!
I hope I get to be a grandma someday!
Oh my, she's a smart little girl isn't she LOL.
That is a fabulous imagination! I would love to say to her, no!!! the bird turned to the wolf and let loose a bunch of feathers and scared the wolf away, but somewhere there is one naked bird waiting for his feathers to grow out.
So adorable Jenny. It's funny the things that these little one's come up with. It seems futile to try and cover up anymore! Love Di ♥
I think this one id a little bit like her grandma! LOL Very cute...ya just gotta love those grands...they do say awesome stuff! Come say hi :D
And what a lovely, lyrical story it was. I'm still chuckling about it. What a sweet child!
Oh how sweet that is and your lovely granddaughter has a wonderful imagination.
I think she might be on to something...just the other day a wolf got a bird in my yard.
Nasty wolf!!!
Wise little Mo.
Oh Jenny....Wise beyond her years......and yours! LOL This reminds me of the story of the child who asked his folks where he came from, so they sat him done and explained all about the birds and bees....he looked perplexed and said "Oh....Johnny said he was from Cleveland" !!!! Have a great day!
That little girl has her head on her shoulders.
Lucky little girl.
Lucky Moma of the little girl.
Lucky Gwamma of the little girl.
They sure learn early.
Sounds like the 3 1/2 year old has a very firm grip on reality! Sometimes we think we need to protect and the are telling us that the understand!
In my pre-k class when we talk about predators I simply explain that lions can't go through the drive-through at McDonalds so that's why they have to hunt.
Pass it on to mo!
They just tell it like it is don't they! I love this story.
Oh my word, I would have had the same fears....but seems Morgan figured that out for herself....what a hoot!!
Kind of creepy about all the bird feathers though...eek!
This is exactly why I love your blog, Jenny! Touching, sad, and funny done so well!
Smart little girl. She gets an A+ for understanding the circle of life!!! I love how 3 year olds think.
OMG that is a hoot!
that would fall under the category, from the mouths of babes for sure.
Ya'll aren't gonna snow that child! Heeehehe! What a sweatheart!
Ya'll have a beautiful day showered by sunshiny blessings!!!
I'm glad Mo was able to figure out what happened to the bird without emotional trauma. I know I'd be worried she'd be upset, as she is so young, but she handled it well as it is a fact of life.
I'm really curious as to what you think is doing that to the birds? A hawk?
I hope I haven't double posted! My connection went haywire.
I wrote that I love that story, and for all the gruesome art I do, my kids are fairly sheltered. I thought they were going to be upset when our partially feral cat caught a bird in our front yard last summer, but they were thrilled. Natural little ghouls.
Out of the mouthes of babes! Loved this story!
As always, laughing out loud at your stories! What a great one! Kids are so smart and so much more resilient than we think.
It is amazing that kids sometimes know more that we think they do ... and sometimes they handle things with more intelligence than we give them credit for ... nicely told Jenny, i did get quite a chuckle out of this story!
Pwetty Fwunny Gwamma:-) I 'Wuv' this post Jwenny...Peace and bwessings
Bless her heart Gwamma! Mo is one smart little girl. Any chance I can have her in my kindergarten class? I know she is absolutely precious!!!!
I finally got my post up.....your kindergarten teacher follower. I am at the bottom of the list but hey....I did it...wooooooohooooooo!
That Mo, she is a smarty for sure. Your going to have your hands full, won't be able to pull the wool over her eyes. wonderfully done! Thanks for sharing this cute and funny post...I am following you now! Congratulations on your BON day!
I owe it all to your encouragement thank you. God my last two days all confuddled was supposed to be at solicitors today went yesterday luckily she was free and other meeting is tomorrow not today
fab blog
LOL! Precious Mo wise beyond her years :) .
Love it!
Little ones do bring Life to a story!
That's kind of cute and kind of... not. Funky shaped sandwiches, on the other hand, bring back fond memories of my childhood. (ps visiting from your feature post on WOW) today.
Lovely story!
[Thanks for your nice comment]
Out of the Mouths of Babes ~ They are much Smarter than we think.....
I don't think there's such thing as innocence anymore, children seem to grow up faster than before
anyway, great tale, somehow I sort of new she wouldn't be surprise by the feathers
What a great story -- I wonder who she takes after? :-)))
Adorable...totally adorable! both your granddaughter, and the way you told that story! I loved it!
xo Paulette ;)
what a little sweet pea she is!
Your little Morgan is smart-smart-smart. I am guessing you have a hawk in the area.
Nice try, but she is wise beyond her years!
Sometimes they have such a way of seeing right through to the clear truth. Sweet story ...
Wow, she's a realist...cute little thing!!
Cute story! Kids are funny that way, aren't they!
You know, she'll remember those shaped sandwiches for the rest of her life... those are the special memories we carry with us through the years!
What a sweet little story!
Watch out, she is going to be a smart one!
Just a hug for my creative yet intuitive blonde friend. "Hey" Mo!
I can just imagine....
That is just classic!!!
Teaching 1st grade, I hear all sorts of stories and presumptions. Kids can come up with some of the wildest things, and some of the simplest answers for life's hard questions.
It's why I love what I do!!
Your little grandbaby sounds like one smart little cookie! And a little sweetie, too!
It's those fairy tales I hear kids are reading nowadays....with wolves and little girls in red...AND gwammas!
Too, too funny! Makes you wish you had it on video, right??
Such a cutie! Sounds like there may be another writer in the family waiting in the wings :) I love that you and Mr. Jenny have picnics with the grands in your back yard. These little memories will stay with her forever! Kathy
Oh geez, just reread my comment. Waiting in the wings. Very bad pun, totally unintended. K
Sounds like Mo knows a thing or two about how life works already.
Clever girl.
Children can really surprise you sometimes , Wonderful Post ! Thanks for being a follower & for the sweet comment.I am now your happy follower!
Too funny! So much for maintaining her innocense. She's too smart! I've left you a little bit of sunshine on my blog today. Please stop by and visit! Have a great weekend!
That little one is special. The ability to see what might be and speak up about it will stand her well in life.
LOL. That's one smart little girl. Love the story!
they are very clever aren't they...
LOVE that girl!!!
OMG! She takes after you! HAHAHA
We also have feathers on our lawn, and I wonder the same, but Mo might have the answer for me. What a smart girl!
Enjoyed the bird feather story. I agree with Morgan, it was probably a wolf. Either that or a monster.
You don't by any chance have a cat, do you?
Oh! My! haha and to think that you were trying so hard to avoid that discussion!
Blessings & Aloha!
Don't we just underestimate those kids!!
Kids are way too smart and like Morgan, they have fantastic imaginations. Loved your Lovely "L" story.
One of these days I will get caught up on my comments.
The most amazing thoughts follow a preschoolers, "Listen...." What a creative sweetie you have there. Wonder who she gets it from? :)
Hi Jenny, thanks for your comment! I wish I kept up on my blog like you do. What a funny story about the bird feathers!!
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