Good morning class! I hope you all join with me this week in evaluating the letter:

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course.
I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by Wednesday morning, please let me know, because it is important to me to make sure you know I've visited you! This will avoid you trying to skip out on doing your assignment as well.
If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.
The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and try to visit the 5 students before and after your post at minimum. The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class is dismissed. Please feel free to enter your elegant E post link now!
Visiting 10 blogs shouldn't be a big deal. I do notice a lot of blogs that don't try to do an alphabet post and do not link back to you. That sucks! I do not comment on on those blogs, so they don't count for my 10 visits.
Can I get another A+ this week? (yes, I was the annoying kid in the class who the teacher loved).
I'm like Cheryl ... if they don't link back to you i don't comment ... I try to visit most blogs, but lately i haven't been able to ... but 10 is so easy to do and leave comments on ... so yeah ... i'm loving the people who do leave comments, especially those that do over 10 ... big hugs to you for making someones day!
Hi Jenny,
I participate in a lot blog hops and I would say that most people link up but then dont visit other blogs at all. And the funny thing is that everyone is complaining about it. They wait for you to pay them a visit and then and only then will they return the favor. I have just returned to work (elementary teacher) after a 3 year absence and I caught a cold that turned to pneumonia. Last week I dont think I linked up with too many people but I still did a few. You should become a spokeswoman for all blog hops...LOL Gotta love your spunk Jenny! Take care!
I try to visit every single one, but I don't always leave a comment. So from now on, I will comment as well. I have really enjoyed reading all the entries.
Hi Jenny,
This is my first attempt at Alphabet Thursday. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to write a post with a picture, or just a picture with a caption, or both. I've visited a few of the blogs, and found that it is a little bit of everything. I just don't want to appear like an idiot with my first attempt. Thanks.
liz - missliz318@charter.net
I usually visit more than ten, but I make a point to comment on at least ten blogs. I agree. It isn't nice to play and then refuse to share.
BTW-if that is you losing your temper, then you are one NICE person. :-)
okee matlock. generally as a rule, i visit nearly every blog that's linked. but i'm not so generous with the comments. i know. i should be. and i'll work on that.
i just wanted you to know that just because i haven't commented doesn't mean i haven't read the thing.
Hi, Jenny! I checked out your friend who is having a contest...I hope some more people hop over and visit her...
Egg dishes for you this week.
Happy it.
love your e post, cute elephant.
I hope that didn't apply to me. I may do 10 or may not, I generally visit the people who visit me. I hope you understand.
Hi Jenny,
It's me again...I think I figured it out. I'm open for comments and suggestions if it is in any way not what is expected. Thanks for letting me chime in!
liz missliz318@charter.net
I have my eye on you! I am good trying to visit lots of blogs. Anyone who knew the late CC from Pink Saturday fame knew she visited each and every participate and Beverly can attest to that. She has nearly 200 participates. So I know we can all visit more! It may take me a few days but eventually I will get to them. I love visiting everyone. SO I will try to do my very best. Thank you teacher! I am watching you! Anne
I'm not sure what it's all about but I went & entered & it had nothing to do with the fact your growling scared me..& turned me on a bit too. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh
( =
I always do my duty, except probably this time, because I am laying on the beach in Egypt and have only limited blog time of course, lol !
I also always post on Wednesdays so sometimes it seems to be late, because for a lot of Americans their Tuesday is already Wednesday because they don't want to be behind the other countries whose Wednesdays are clockwise before them, lol !
I agree with a few of the people who've commented - I'm always late visiting, usually the weekend or beginning of the week so I visit the people who've already visited me first (which are generally the 10 people whom I'm supposed to visit). Sometimes I do others, too, because I love to read new blogs and sometimes I don't. I visit more people than I comment to as well. I also don't comment if there's not a link back to you or if it's nothing to do with Alphabe-Thursday.
I consider myself scowled at and will start commenting on all the blogs I visit and will try to visit even more. After all, that's sort of the point I suppose. :)
I haven't always commented - no real reason, some weeks I do (if I have more time), some weeks I don't. Sorry :-( but have visited! Will make an effort to comment more now!!!!! Esp, as it is nice to receive comments yourself.
Thanks for a fab link up as always!!
Hey Jenny,
this is my first time contribution to Alphabae-Thursday! I found it very interesting! Other's posts are so amazing to visit!
Real fun! Hope I keep taking part!
I may be guilty, I don't actually count my visits. Consider my bloggy knuckles officially wrapped by a virtual ruler. I'll behave from now on.
I ramdonly visits but don't always comment, sometimes I just don't know what to say.
I visit a few when I post my link and then come back the next day to visit a few more - I think it's not easy to take in some many visits in one sitting so doing it in two or even three days is much easy.
ps, I didn't have time to write a new piece so I revised an older story which I've always liked
Mrs. Matlock,
I knew I was going to get into trouble...it was only a matter of time. I will try harder. No, wait! I will do better! No trying!
I have been too EASY on myself! Please don't EXPEL me!
Usually an EXCELLENT student, now with EGG on my face,
I've never participated in alphabe-Thursday, but I did stop by and say hello to Susan via your link. She has a great blog and I'm her newest follower! Thanks!
Jenny...if I don't comply it is usually because the day is packed full and I work the next 3 days (12 hour shifts/no blog access). Alas, that is the case today. I do truly try, though. With that said I finally drafted an E post...better late than sorry!
This is my second week at Alphabe-Thursday. There are so many great blogs that I've read last week and this. Thanks, Jenny, for putting this on.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
Dear Jenny,
My computer suddenly stopped working online on Thursday. I am posting this at the public library. I did not get my E-post linked in time. Sorry about linking it to Saturday Centus!
I will also write something for Saturday Centus, but I will not post it just yet. I have not been able to see what the prompt was until now.
I have no idea what is wrong with my computer or how long I will have to work from the public library.
Please take a look at my E-post when you get the time. My link is number 5 on Saturday Centus week 25.
Best wishes and hugs,
of Annas Adornments
You chose a great F word- friends make me smile!Thank you for sharing and I am really trying to visit lots of posts! Have a fun week! Anne
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