Friday, October 1, 2010

Cherokee Healing - Part 1


Boy, do I have a story for you! I've been trying and trying to capture this in a way that explains more then it confuses.

At the same time I've been reluctant to share this story. I know a lot of people are skeptics about alternative medicines and healing but I feel like I should post this story for some reason. If you are the skeptical one, please be kind in your comments.

And now for the healing story.

To get to it, though, I have to lay a little ground work and hope it doesn't come across like I'm whining. So I'm going to give you this preface to the story and then you're going to forget all about it when this story is done. OK? Pinkie swear?

Good. I trust you.

I'm going to try to do this in a nutshell here...I've had a lot of chronic health and stress issues in my life. About four years ago things accelerated to the point that nothing in my body was working right. I had a few surgeries, lots of not very fun tests, and was tortured, poked and prodded, and then tested and tortured some more.

I lost track of specialists we saw and tests those specialists did. And each and every specialist found something wrong and tried to fix it but the decline continued.

I went to a French healer, and an acupuncturist, and to anyone who I thought could help me.

And each did help a little bit. But it was as if the symptoms they fixed made the other symptoms worse. To the point that in order to control the pain I ended up at a pain clinic and a doctor whose solution was to severe nerves in my spine. A solution they reached after performing procedures that could be used in a torture chamber for interrogation techniques.



No. I don't think so.

I continued on this road for a few months, cancelling and rescheduling the surgery several times. I had about given up hope for any other solution, when I stumbled across a lady at a natural foods store who sent me to a naturopath who was reputed to be amazing at solving unsolveable health issues.

Mr. Jenny took me because I was almost unable to walk by that time and I sat in the waiting room in agony with tears dripping continuously down my face.

This woman was a miracle worker. Literally. She gave me a 'cocktail' in her office containing magnesium and other stuff and all kinds of vials to do different testing and ordered a ton of blood and pee tests and gave me a shopping bag full of supplements and ointments. She gave me a shot of something. She gave me a strict diet to follow for 30 days.

Within a few days the charlie horses I was having inside my bones stopped. A day or two more and my heart problems eased down. Within two weeks I could walk without wanting to scream. I could sleep without sedating myself. Mr. Jenny could sleep through the night without being awakened by my screaming every hour.

No. Don't do that. Don't say, oh poor her. I am only telling you this to prepare you for the Cherokee story. I would just like to briefly add that I could probably write two books just about everything I experienced during this quest for health solutions.

My naturopath and my primary doctor started working together and comparing notes and they found that all the specialists had been right...there were lots and lots of little things wrong, and a few bigger things that added up to a miserable life.

And I've been really pretty good for a little over a year now. But several months ago things started up again and I could feel something was wrong. We tried a lot of the treatments that had offered relief before, but they didn't help. Both doctors started up testing again but nothing has showed up. And, again, the specialists aren't finding anything so we return to the a terrible case of awful health deja vue all over again... BUT...

When I went to get my hair cut (same girl for a long, long time) she told me, "OMG! I had the most amazing experience last week! I went to a Cherokee Healer." She told me all about it and then I asked for the number and called for an appointment.

The first attempt was a no go because something came up.

But I went last Friday and it was pretty jaw dropping.

And now, the story can officially begin. Sorry for all prefacing but it's the only way you will understand this story.


So...Friday afternoon as soon as Morgan left I took a bath and washed all the lotion and hair gel and stuff off preparing to go to my Healing appointment.

Then I donned my swimsuit, threw some shorts and a shirt over it, and told Mr. Jenny goodbye.

He seemed nervous. I was nervous. He offered to go along, but it was fairly close to the house and I wanted to concentrate on the appointment.

It was late afternoon. The sunshine felt wrong...on the drive I felt like it should be almost foggy. Instead, children rode their bikes on the sidewalks, a man watered his flower beds. Traffic came and went from four-way stops.

I arrived at the house. The yard was kind of cluttery and moderately messy. I felt nervous and uncomfortable...and not just from having my swimsuit on under my clothes.

I went up to the door and knocked and when it opened there was a woman standing there.

She had jeans and a t-shirt on and her long brown hair, shot through with gray, hung down around her shoulders. Her feet were bare. She had high, very strong cheekbones. And she had weird eyes. They reminded me of husky, not eyes that are chubby, but those odd, pale-gray eyes with the black rims around the iris' that you see on husky dogs.

She said, "Jenny? I'm Lisa," and that was it. She shook my hand and I followed her into the house.

She led me into a tiled studio that I'm certain must have once been the garage. There were two chairs facing each other. The room was filled with a very strong scent and smoky. I worried for a moment. I am one of those people that get a horrific headache around any strong smells. But I sat down.

She leaned forward and just started talking to me, calling me by name. Yea, I know, she knew my name from the appointment but it was odd and oddly comfortable. I felt like I had known her forever.

She held her finger to her lips and said, "I am going to tell you what we are going to do, but I don't want you to tell me anything. You are worried about getting a headache but you will not get one from the cedar boughs I am burning."

Then she laid her hand lightly on my knee and started talking. As she talked I got the strangest sensation of heaviness. It felt like my body was getting heavier and heavier and being drawn into the floor. It felt like moving my finger would be impossible. I tried wiggling my pinkie but it took too much effort.

She told me, "I can tell you are open to this" and I started to answer but she told me again, "I don't want you to talk now."

And then she proceeded to tell me what she would do. She said she would try to find the source of my illness, she would rub her hands on my limbs and my face and my heart. That she might talk to herself throughout the 'examination' but I was not to converse back. She told me she would listen to her 'spirit guides' for healing and that afterwards she would tell me what she had learned. And that then, and only, then could I ask questions.

I was not uncomfortable. I didn't feel weird or scared or skeptical.

She told me she wanted to check something. She rubbed her palm against my palm and then asked me to keep my eyes shut. She asked me to tell her when I could feel our palms getting close together. I heard her get out of the chair but then heard nothing more. After a few moments my palm started twitching a bit. It felt like my fingers were bending all on their own, with no control from my body.

And she said, "Open your eyes." I did. She was about four feet away from me.

She said, "You are an intuitive," and repeated, "You are open to this."

In writing this story now I'm feeling like I should have thought, "Yea, you think so? Here I am in the garage of a person I've never met who is burning cedar boughs prior to me laying on a table in my swimsuit." But those words never flitted through my all.

Then she told me to take off my clothes down to my swimsuit and lay on what looked like a sturdy massage table.

Now this was another surprising thing for me. I am over-weight and very, very careful not to let anyone see me in my swimsuit. But I didn't feel self-conscious at all. Not the smallest bit. As I walked to the table it felt like I had cement boots on my feet. I was actually trudging. There was a sheet laying on the table and she folded it up and said, "We don't need this." It took some effort to climb up on the table because my limbs were so heavy and when I laid down it felt like I was imprinted into the mattress.

A very, very odd sensation indeed.

To be continued...

post signature


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

When it comes to areas of knowledge that are presently unfilled, there is wisdom in ceremony and ritual. Also, I am a little bit ashamed to be ignorant of the customs of those indigenous to this land, and I hope to learn.

Unknown said...

I'm finding this story fascinating and look forward to part 2!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

This is sounding good Jenny...hurry, I want part 2!

Kat said...

Wow Jenny. I can't wait to hear more. This is really interesting to me. The older I get, the more I am open to the possibilities that are out there. 20 years ago, I would have snickered and said "yeah right". Not now. This is fascinating to me, and I can't wait to read more. Kat

ain't for city gals said...

There is a time for western medicine and a time for alternative medicine...looking forward to the next post...

Wanda..... said...

Can't wait to hear more of your experience, Jenny.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

such a tease you are Jenny.

You story is my life.
I wish there was a cherokee healer here. I would try anything right now.

Unknown said...


Hurry back with part 2!!

Bonnie said...


I am fascinated by your story. I can't believe you left us hanging! Oh well, I will look forward to part 2.

I just want to say I'm sorry for what you've been through. You are a special person and I'm hoping part 2 is very good news.

Susan Anderson said...

I really can't wait to hear the rest! (And I hope part of the story is that you're improving...or have reason to hope you will.)


NatureGirl said...

Even only "knowing" you for a few months, it is clear that you are a very open and intuitive woman. Really part of your draw. Cannot wait to hear the rest of the story...

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

I've been waiting to hear this since you mentioned it before! I want to know what comes next! I also want to know where I can find a Cherokee healer...

Willoughby said...

No! I wasn't ready for the story to end just yet! I'm totally hooked, I want to read the rest of it right now!

Judie said...

Continued???? Get on it, sister! We can't wait!

J said...

Some cliffhanger... Just when I'm getting into it...
;) :P

I like this story so far. Can't wait to read the rest.

Pondside said...

What a cliff hanger.
I believe that there's SO much more out there than we could ever hope to learn/tap into. Good for you for being open to getting better however the process looks.

Anonymous said...

I was all absorbed in this story when boom, I read 'to be continued'. Looking forward to the next chapter and see how it all turns out. If she is a true Cherokee healer than the outcome could very possibly be positive. There are some out there that are not the real deal, but those who are can help and do help a lot of people. Hugs

Cheryl D. said...

I can't wait to hear about part 2! This is fascinating!

Jeanie said...

It's funny that what we call "alternative" predates western medicine by such a long, long time. I"m for whatever works and I'm hoping that we hear (soon) that this has worked for you.

Mrs. M said...

Aw jeez! I was transfixed and forget this was only part one!! Can't wait to hear what is next, sounds like an amazing experience for you!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this.
I do hope the rest of this story brings you much relief Jenny.
If anyone says anything negative to you about this, I will personally take them down to the woodshed....

Cheryl said...

I love this stuff all to pieces because it works miracles.

This is, however, the 2nd stop on my journey that ends with a damn 2BCNTNUD. GAH!

Unknown said...

I am just amazed at how your words speak to all of us! I was right there with you! I am also anxious to hear the rest..... Love, Sandy

H said...

Part 2 tomorrow? Pleeeeez? Pretty pleeeeeeez :)

Anonymous said...

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! I can't wait! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you (another alternative method).

Ingrid said...

Your post is like a crime story ! when it becomes interesting it ends !
I am open to everything. For me only one thing is important and that is the result and even if I have to dance around a fireplace.

Bookie said...

Like everyone else, I am fascinated. I am glad to see so many people with open minds reading you too. Do you think that now with the number of Baby Boomers being so great, that THEY and their openess to things like this might change our country, our world?

Amy said...

Again with the TBCs... So not fair! Really, I am going to be stalking your blog every hour until you post the rest. Setting up camp. Don't mind the strange girl on your doorstep. It s your fault for leaving me hanging, wanting more. Did I ever tell you I am not a patient person? No? Well, when you trip over me coming into your blog, you will know then. Not leaving until I hear the rest. :P

Ames said...

Nooooh! Don't stop there!!! Awhah, I need to read the rest of it!! I'll be sitting right here waiting. Hurry back. Gosh this is good.

Like faith, you have to believe in it with all your being. Oh Jenny, I surely hope this will give you the relief you need.

Sooh looking forward to the rest of your story!!!~Ames

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny I am open to all kinds of healing and can't wait to hear more. I hope this has helped. That kind of pain is very debilitating.

Susannah said...

Oh, Jenny, I am so enjoying this and can't wait for part two!

I can so empathise with your story of the lead up to this, I have had a very similar experience myself.

Thank you for writing this and sharing your experience.

Now hurry up and finish the story!! lol

(patience is not one of my strong points.)

Terra said...

WOW. I have chills. I am not sure I am as brave as though! I can't wait to read more...really.

Rustique Gal said...

Dear Jenny,
I'm dying to hear more. This is so fascinating. My youngest brother is "into" Native American ceremonies, and I'm interested...Don't keep us hanging too long!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am anxious to hear the rest of the story and hope it has brought you relief. I am a big believer of every possibility. I have studied Healing Touch and Reiki, and I've seen some miracles! All it takes is openness to see them.


Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Very powerfully written, Jenny. I have fibromyalgia, so I'm familiar with clusters of symptoms that defy diagnosis and treatment. I'm eager to read the rest of the story!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It sounds fascinating Jenny! Many cultures have successful treatments that we are just beginning to learn about. Look how acupuncture has become so popular and effective.

Dee said...

Jenny...I do hope you are posting part two tomorrow!!!!

Sue said...

I just read this to my dad as I read it. My first thought is that I had no idea how bad it was for you and I know you don't want me to feel bad about that...but friends don't like friends to have pain. So, once I got past that...all I could think of was that you are so much braver than I am, I would never go to someone's house like that and if I smelled something and felt like that it would scare me to death. I couldn't even the one time I tried laughing gas at the dentist...I don't like to relax I guess.

My real hope is that part 2 is going to tell us that whatever she did, it helped. I don't know that I would do it or that I'll even understand what she did...but I want you to feel good. Can't wait for the "rest of the story"!

Write Chick said...

So interesting. I have never heard of this before. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I am looking forward to hearing Part II!

Have missed you soooooo much. Hope to be blogging again soon.


Sheila :-)

Kayren said...

Hope you're feeling better, and looking forward to reading part 2!

Stef said...

Oh, I am really wanting to know how it turns out. My 10 year old has chronic headaches and we have done everything. Seen all kinds of doctors. So I can't wait to hear if and how this worked out for you.

( said...

This is very intriguing, Jenny. There's much to be said for natural/alternative practices vs modern medicine. I believe that it can do wonders, if you find the right healer/specialist. It sounds like you did!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I'm so glad your sharing this, Matlock. Where the worlds of traditional and holistic medicines meet, that's where I think we find our greatest possibilities.

Deborah said...

This is wonderful, I'm soo excited to hear what happens next, I wish I could go too, I'm thinking/hoping there may be a wonderful ending to all your troubles? yes? hurry and write no.2! Please :o)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

More book material. But I'm sure you have thought of that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am new around here, i am rubbish at delayed gratification and I have to wait to find out what happens next!!

Get on with it lady - we want to know:)

smiles and blessings

Ames said...

I'm still waiting for part 2!!! :D ~Ames

KK said...

Odd indeed!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I love your writing Jenny. This is such an interesting experience to read about! Can't wait for Part 2!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I love your writing Jenny. This is such an interesting experience to read about! Can't wait for Part 2!

Holly Lefevre said...

Oh Jenny! How I love this already. My mother in law is very "in to" alternative medicine (other than the facelifts-HA!) and is a wealth of information regarding naturopaths and such. It is probably because of her that I am fully open to this type of to read part 2! I am hooked.