Wednesday, July 13, 2011

M is for Magnetism

Magnetism, as you recall from physics class, is a powerful force that causes certain items to be attracted to refrigerators.

Dave Barry

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter M. To read other M links, just click here.

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Terri Steffes said...

I love magnets! My refrig is packed. Bob is NOT a fan. I think refrig magnets might make a great blog post!

Unknown said...

LOL.... I just picture a dude now with magnets all over them....

Great post:-)

Splendid Little Stars said...

Ha Ha! So that's what magnetism is!

Susan Anderson said...

I have so many magnets on my refrigerator that it's embarrassing.

At least, my husband thinks so...


Anonymous said...

Since moving into our new home, I only have one calendar magnet on the side of fridge...but back in the ole mobile mansion(teehehe)my fridge was home to many!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Magnetic force is fasinating and frig magnets are cool! I buy one everytime we're on vacation.

Play Alphabe-Thursday tag. I enjoyed reading your “M” post today!
Check out my recent posts….
M is for Mermaid

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

GardenOfDaisies said...

My fridge too. I have a couple of paper doll (and their clothes) magnets that I really LOVE.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Ah Jenny, you have a magnetic personality my dear!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I think "Life In The Kitchen" was somehow better, before refrig magnets came along. And allowed us to put so dang much stuff, up on our frig! -grin-


Anonymous said...

The primary reason for them is to hold artwork created by preschoolers.

Ames said...

I must have a severe case of magnetism. Me and the fridge are on a first name basis late at night! :D~Ames

Ms. A said...

Hahaha, my refrigerator is a disaster area! I have a thing for magnets, including magnets to hold artwork from the grandkids. (not nearly as neat as the picture you used) *hides head in shame

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I love magnets but can only put them on the sides of my fridge now//probably a good thing in my case. keeps it neater. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Great Dave Barry quote. :)

Judie said...

Wel, I am attracted to the refridgerator, because that is where I keep the ICE CREAM!!! Does that make me a magnet?

jfb57 said...

What a clever post! I struggled to think of an 'M' but have fridge like the one in your picture!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh...Dave Barry (and you) are hilarious!

Dazee Dreamer said...

hahahaha. So, so true. And better, That's how my fridge looked when my kids were little. When they all left home, I thought to myself, good a naked fridge. Nope, grandkids.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

It looks like my refrigerator door, Jenny!

The Poet said...

See...your magnetism brought us all here!

Nicely done, Jenny!

ellen b. said...

Ha! Love the quote. I can't put magnets on my new refrigerator. Bummer!

lissa said...

fun quote. that must be why people can't resist desserts.

Paula said...

Dave Barry is one funny guy!

Vicki/Jake said...

HAHA, this is funny! Do you remember the days before Frige Magnets? What ever did we do without them :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the chuckle! I really liked this week's quote for the letter M.


Jo said...

I'm also attracted the refrigerator!!! now if only i could break that attraction!

Catherine said...

LOL! I love it! Thanks for hosting

Cheryl D. said...

I love Dave Barry!

Great quote!

Ingrid said...

Oh my ! fortunately my fridge is integrated in the kitchen units, no way to put anything at the door !

Unknown said...

Hmm, I guess that makes me a magnet since I'm attracted to the fridge for all the yummy goodness I store in there :)

We use to have a lot of magnets. That was until E realized that she could pull them off and make them disappear with everything else she hides in our apartment!

La said...

Hmmmm...that explains my weight gain. It's physics.

H said...

I've gradually reduced the number of magnets on my fridge; it's under the worksurface and one of us is always spilling something down the door. Removing all of the magnets to wipe the door clean was becoming a real pain!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

My refrigerator magnets are losing their oomph. Some of our drawings keep falling off. I wonder why that happens. I wish science would tell me.

Pat said...

Like so many other comments - I am also drawn to my there anyway to do a reverse magnet and push me away?

Pondside said...

I quickly found the drawback to my new fridge - magnets don't stick to it. How can that be when it's supposedly steel? I miss my message board/gallery!

cj Schlottman said...

I love it! (and I love Dave Barry, too).
