Sorry you had to see my temper like this.
I can't help it, though.
I was internet-less almost all day Tuesday.
Mr. Jenny has been working with our internet service provider and this is what he told me is wrong:
Blah, blah, blah packet loss blah, blah, blah splitter doing something blah, blah, blah, etc.
I think that translates to mean:
Stupid internet service provider and their ridiculous blah, blah packet loss means no internet for Jenny for almost two days. Yes, you read that right. Two. Days.
I will be late visiting the rest of last weeks Alphabe-Thursday links...
And I will be crabby...

So...'s probably a good thing I can't come visit you anyway!
I'm going to go use someone elses computer to put up A-T for this week, so don't you worry you pretty little head about that.
For now, though, I will just stiffen my upper lip, straighten my shoulders and soldier on...
sniff, sniff...
See you on the other side of blah, blah packet loss blah, blah.
Now that is definitely justifiable anger! See you when you're up and running. (Calm yourself, woman!)
Deep breath, inhale, exhale. Repeat.
Join the crowd. I have same problem, just paid a geek. What nerve to charge us for bad service. Like everything else, Tax
money that disappears?? Where's the schools and new roads????
This is so frustrating! We had to put our computer in the shop for a week. It was tough.
Grrrrr, I hate them lousy packets too!
WHAT DID WE DO BEFORE INTERNET? Our recent condo that we stayed in cost mucho $$$$$ and had no internet ?%&$#@@ are you kidding me? I feel your pain! HUGS!
My droid bit the dust again yesterday afternoon, leaving me phone-less for the second time in a week or so....shall we commiserate?
Oh stink - the internet at the BC house has been temperamental lately and it is so hard - we are totally dependent...
Internetless?? !! NOOO
Say it isnt true
That's almost as bad as a day without coffee,, a day on a deserted island, a day incarcerated.
Feelin ya sister..
Glad you're back in the social network.
whew:) ~d
Boooo to Internet troubles! I hope everything gets fixed soon. I know I would go insane if we lost internet here. That would mean I would have to work instead of surfing the web...
lol! I can't think of too many things that get my dander up like internet loss...hang in there!!
I think you're suffering from Internet withdrawal. Take a couple of asprin and call me in the morning. :)
Hard to believe that it wasn't that many years ago when none of us had Internet access. In fact, it wasn't even on our radar. Now it's a big part of our lives and we miss it when it's gone. Hope things get better soon.
Oh Jenny it is frustrating for sure. Our internet provider gave us this huge runaround for several MONTHS! We had service, bad service for months until they FINALLY said, oh this connection needs changing out...grrrrrrrrr. Hope when it's fixed it will work.
Net-less for 2 days!
I am aghast, my Dear!
Totally aghast!
Not fair. Not fair at all.
Isn't it interesting, how we ever got through our days, before we had a computer?
'Tis interesting. 'Tisssssssss...
Technology, you can't live with it and you certainly can't live without it! What fine pickle we've found ourselves in, huh? We lost internet connection for two or three full days recently and I went about nuts-o! Comcast was down because of those horrible storms we experienced a few weeks back. Try not to fret too much and think of this time away, as a vacation. =D
Waaaaaaaa!! I wanted to see the child's rocking chair you did! I was hoping that you'd have a photo of it today!!!!
Computer issues must be going around. I just paid $106 for a new mother board and had the internet service provider come out to the house too. Something to do with a splitter. You think that's their standard answer for unexplained issues on their side??
You painted a child rocker? I want to see!!! I wish I had your drive. I used to refinish furniture. Now I don't like to sweat.~Ames
Why that lousy, blah blah blah blah blah internet company!
Isn't it crazy how attached to having our technology...and how we want to shank someone when they take it away from us????
You have my full sympathy.
And permission to be as cranky as you like, for it is merited.
I am exactly like you.....I do not care what is wrong....I just want it FIXED! Then do not tell me about it.....JUST FIX IT! Glad you are back!
I think it is very sweet when my husband tries to explain technical things to me when something breaks but seriously...the "why" doesn't matter. It's the "when will I be able to use this again" that matters! And the answer had better be "90 seconds ago". I'm not known for my patience.
You just stomp as much as you want!
The Internet! Who does he think he is?! Humph!
(Hi Jenny! You may or may not remember me, I used to blog at Sami by the Sea but I took a break and am back at a new blog! Oooo! And I just had to follow you and your awesomeness all over again. :)
Does your internet provider not realize that all you would have to say is, please email said internet provider at blah glah blah at blahblah dot com and bam, totaly mayhem. Yeah. I said it.
Deep breath, dear, deep breath. It's all ether - we're the only real things out here in the wide, wide web, and we'll all be here when things are back to normal. Can't do without our Jenny.
much sympathy!!!
I sympathize with your computer woes, Jenny! My own laptop is sorely testing my limited patience.
We bloggers are just not at all happy with down time, are we...LOL?
We had a hiccup in our service yesterday, and I couldn't believe how incapacitated I felt. I couldn't watch TV either, since we only have Netflix. It was horrid.
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