A few weeks ago my garbage disposal died.
Mr. Jenny told me he was going to try and fix it himself.
While I waited and worried over his future repair, I managed...
...although sticking my hand down in that gaping hole to retrieve mistakenly scraped in leftovers wasn't too pleasant.
Finally, I protested.
"Fix it, or I'm getting it replaced," I told him huffily.
He tried to fix it.
There was swearing. There was pounding. Finally, he said, "Okay, I can't fix it. Let's replace it!"
I was ready to call the handy man we usually use and head to Home Depot.
"Not so fast," Mr. Jenny intervened. "Remember that store we went to where they sell used appliances? I know I saw used garbage disposals there, let's run over and look."
"Hmmm...I don't think garbage disposals are very expensive. Why don't we just get a new one?"
"No," he quickly replied, "I think we can get a really, really powerful one there and it will be dirt cheap."
Rolling my eyes (to myself, of course!) I got into the car. We went to the store. It was hot in there. No air conditioning.
...they had four used garbage disposals.
"Are you sure this will fit?" I enquired crankily, as he proudly carried his prize to the check out counter.
Obviously, he was sure because we left, sweating profusely, a short time later...bearing a "GEEZ!!! THIS IS ONLY 25 DOLLARS!" appliance.
Our handyman guy showed up to install it.
He efficiently tore out the old one and tried to put the new 'used' one in.
He efficiently told Mr. Jenny it wouldn't fit.
I efficiently kept quiet.
Mr. Jenny went and bought a new garbage disposal, while he paid the handyman guy to sit and wait.
I giggled quietly to myself.
Thirty minutes later I was the proud owner of a garbage disposal...

(Please don't feel compelled to buy me a Hallmark card for this happy event! Thanks for the thought, though.)
Forty-five minutes later our garbage can was the proud recipient of two used garbage disposals...
...and two hours after that I was happily grinding up garbage.
You might be wondering if there is a moral to this story or if I'm going to segue into some emotional connection between processing garbage and the irony of life.
Or something.
I'm only telling you this story because I have a pathetic life.
Pathetic and boring.
And getting a new garbage disposal was the high point of my weekend.
Okay, go ahead.
I deserve it.
And listen. To thank you for reading this, if you have any garbage you need ground up, feel free to drop by.
I can't tell you how many times I thought my garbage disposal had crapped out. Thank heaven for that funky little allen wrench thingy! (and small hands)
Congrats on your new one. Feed it well!
Never had a garbage disposal so I can't share your joy. Most of our food scraps should go to the compost pile, to the chickens or into the worm bin. I say should because they don't always make it.
Look for a box from Mo. that smells kind of funny. Don't you love being right?????? Jan
I had to replace one this year too, I let the hired handy guy purchase the new one and bring it with him (he doesn't mark up product!) no issues here! Tell Mr. Jenny I get it though - I am all about saving the almighty dollar - sometimes it just isn't worth it though!
I'll see your garbage disposal and raise you two new toilets in the excitement of the poker game of life.
At least we didn't try used toilets first :)
Congrats on the new addition to your family (kitchen)!
We have terrible luck with garbage disposals. We're on our 4th or 5th in 10 years. After continuing to buy the same brand time after time (Insinkerator), we finally switched to a new brand (Waste King). I got all misty eyed when I jammed the first batch of food scraps down it, so I know exactly how you feel!
Poor Mr. Jenny! I'm sorry his $25 disposal didn't work out.
Well... thanks a lot for making me feel all envious because you have a garbage disposal:( and I don't! We have a septic tank and can't have one at our house! While I was on vacation, it was so nice to scape all of that junk down the drain and grind it up! Oh how I wish I could have one! SO... thanks a lot:) Hugs!
I remember using a garbage disposal and loving it...not here we have septic tanks! I did recently get a new ceiling fan and was happy for days on end, does that count?
I don't even have a dish washer so I can understand how exciting it would be to get a new appliance...especially when the "I told you so" part came! *giggle*
My former MIL was very proud of her garbage disposal. She never, ever used it, though, because she didn't want to wear it out. She continued to dump scraps into her trash can.
Funniest.Post.I've read.Today.
Thank you for the laugh! I'm glad everything is back to normal & you are happily grinding up garbage again.
Did I ever need a laugh today!
Thanks for giving me one, Jenny. This is just so classic.
Jenny, you are wrong. There is a moral to this story and it is: Mr. Jenny should always listen to YOU. ;)
Congrats on getting on with your garbage grinding.
Always go NEW on home appliances! :)
Dropping by with chicken bones soon.
Congratulations on the new garbage disposal!!!
Enjoy your new tool.
Hey, don't knock it. Getting a new garbage disposal is a neat highlight of a weekend.
You beat mine!
Mine was a terrrrrrribly sick husband.
I don't think he'll fit.
I finally got my boyfriend to "help" me clean his junk out of my garage last Saturday. I almost cried with joy at the site of my clean (for the first time since he strolled into my life a few years ago) garage. My life, also, is pathetic...
Is your husband related to my husband?
These are the things that happen to us, although I don't think either of us would have felt too great about a used garbage disposal...somehow that sounds "icky" to me. I'm glad you ended up with a new one. Don't you just love those "I told you so" moments!
Too bad Mister Jenny couldn't get his money back on the used one. I don't have a garbage disposal. Oh I had one many years ago, but after I watched a cock roach (we have those here in Florida ya know) crawl out of it one day I decided it had to go. ~Ames
Wow, your life is wonderful. I wish I could have adventures just like yours. They always bring a smile to my face.
Congrats on your new little addition. {:o)
HAha~! When men try to fix things, it almost ALWAYS costs them more money then it would originally. What a funny story. So glad you got a working one now. P.S. I was going to get you a card, but you say you don't want one. How sad.
LOL Jenny, my face hurts from smiling & giggling with the all too knowing rolling of the eyes to myself... the number of things we keep to ourselves over the years!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and yes, yes, yes ... I would luv to have the mango chutney recipe. We have neighbors with the biggest mango tree that I have ever seen and they don't like mangos. Can you imagine?
Sweet Jenny I have never been the proud owner or an owner period of a new or used garbage disposal. Now that you are the proud owner of a brand new one can I just send you my garbage? How hard did you have to bite your tongue to keep from saying something when the used one did not fit? Hugs
LOL...smart cookie Jenny !
Glad you got what you wanted even after all that frustration. Letting our men find out for themselves that they are wrong about something is satisfying, especially if we keep our mouths shut and just let the obvious naturally take it's course.The reward is being right with no recriminations attached and an appliance that fits and works !
Please do the following. Walk over to Mr. Jenny. Slap him hard on the arm. Tell him Dazee sent you. Then give him the evil eye. slug him again.
There, I feel better now. :)
I think it's wonderful that a garbage disposal can bring such joy into your life, Jenny. :))
No garbage disposal here at Pondside - boo hoo. The Great Dane says that it isn't good for the septic system so I have to live with that.
Please, please Jenny, don't gloat to Mr Jenny!
I wonder if it's an American thing. I only know of one person here in the UK who has ever had a garbage disposal unit and that broke and she never replaced it.
I'm so into the routine of recycling with the compost heap, the weekly recycling collections and our very large black wheelie bin that's emptied every week even though we usually only manage to fill it up half way.
You are so fun! If you can make a new disposal this much fun, I can't imagine what you could do with a dozen roses. Thanks for the laughs. laurie
So what you're saying is "They never listen!"
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