Sunday, July 17, 2011

N is for Nature

Nature does not proceed by leaps.


This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter N. To read other N links, just click here.

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Sharon said...

Lovely photo and quote! Thanks for sharing, Jenny!

w said...

nice! <--- "n".

it does not proceed by leaps. though, sometimes, i wish it did. you know?

ellen b. said...

Another good quote and good lesson!
Have a great day Jenny!

Saffron Road said...

Great photograph! We luv nature in all of its glory...

Pondside said...

No, but I know that my garden would move a little more quickly if we could just have some warmth and sunshine this summer!

Cathy Kennedy said...

It's amazing to watch anything grow. When I grew tomatoes on the porch, it simply fasinated me to see the tiny plants develop.

Check out my recent post….
N is for Naughty or Nice

Visitng from Alphabe-Thursday/T2Q hop…
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Jen said...

The picture is perfect for the quote!

Bossy Betty said...

Love the picture AND the quote.

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Even after a few years' practice I am amazed at my garden. Some plants seem to spring up overnight while others dawdle in the heat.

Splendid Little Stars said...

gorgeous photo and perfect quote!!

Liz Mays said...

It sure doesn't, but I'm ok with that.

H said...

It does when it's a weed :)

Ms. A said...

Did you take that photo? If you did, I'm overly impressed!

Susan Anderson said...

Neither does my life just lately.


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful photo and quote for this week, Jenny!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful Jenny!!!!

Unknown said...

Great picture! Nature does produce bounty;-)

Dazee Dreamer said...

Love the photo. It seems so serene.

The Poet said...

Hello Miss Jenny.
Excellent photo for the quote! ;-)

noexcuses said...

Beautiful photo! Great "N" subject, too!

storybeader said...

how true! You have to be patient, but there's always a great reward! {:-D

Kiddothings said...

Love the picture and the thought provoking saying there!

Cheryl D. said...

Beautiful photo and quote!

Ingrid said...

I first thought it was two butterflies !Beautiful picture !

Ames said...

I love nature. I'm just sittin' here sippin' my julep and watching the grass grow.~Ames