I am Just so Jovial about our letter for Alphabe-Thursday.
It is the letter "J"!

I am Justifiably Jubilant about reading all the class papers this week. I was actually slightly Jealous of the talent you all showed in your Letter "I" links.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 8:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog (since there are prizes involved and it makes my life easier that way), PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
And with no further Jabbering...Class is dismissed.
Please file your letter "J" papers in the MckLinkey now, Class.

I enjoyed hearing your story about the "steno" job at Juvy...so old school:-) It is fun to reminisce about days gone by...Peace
Always cute Jenny! No Jabbering from me, no way no how uh uh!~
Jenny I sent my mom a link to your blog as she loves to write and I think she would have fun joining your linky party! She just started a blog a bit ago and I think this would be a great way for her to find some blogging friends.
bee blessed
Hi Jenny, thanks for stopping by. OK regarding the commercial gig.....Well I am the new WOW girl in town(is that a good thing) yes in this case it is....a friend of mines husband works for NBC and he came home from work one night saying this home decor store was doing a commercial....he apparently thought of me WOW!~oooooh I just thought of my W for the future lol!!~Anyhow it was a blast I loved it, so not nervous at all, they only had to do a couple of takes and that was that. I will be doing another one in the future as they are opening up a new WOW store. Thanks again!
My J has some bang to it..
Have a great day..
Jenny, Hi! nice to meet you! I'm new to blogging but I've noticed so many of the blogs I read have alphabet Thursday...and I love it! When or if I figure this link thing out...I'm going to try next week.
No news on the ID theft yet but hoping for the best!
jingle all the way ! :)
happy to be here!!! ...
now, off to read some of these great posts...(since class was dismissed :) )
J is such a Jolly letter!
Just perfect for one named Judy.
I'm so glad that I found your blog today. I'll be joining you on your next Alphabet trek - very fun!
Thank you for inspiring me to trudge forward and complete a "J" post despite finding it difficult this week.
I will be working the next several days so please give my apologies to everyone as I may not have time to visit or reply to comments!
Make it a grand day!
JACK-O-LANTERNS at Easter...why not? What could be more JOYFUL!
Hi Jenny,
You don't need to win my contest to get my autograph in your Cottage Style magazine.
It always amazes me how people think my autograph means something big. I always think of myself as just one of the girls. No more talented, pretty, funny, creative, experienced or special. Just of of the girls who happens to have a house painted pink!
Thank you for your kind words.
xo Cathy
I finally got it together! Such a fun meme, I mean lesson! Thanks!
This is first foray (should have found you on "F" week) into this meme! Very fun! And it brought me great JOY to have a chance to JABBER about my very favorite J - Josiah! Thanks! :)
J was harder than I, I have various words I could use but decide they were too boring so I end up with movies, still it was kind of fun looking for quotes
ps, I was wondering if you can move the music player in your blog to the top of the blog so I can find it easier, not to say it's a bad thing but I usually have my itunes on and I always have to scroll down to pause what's playing on your blog, I hope I'm not offending you for by asking this and please feel free to say no, thanks!
I have to know. Is that really you in the picture? I know you've posted your picture before, but I can't decide if that's you as the teacher.
...and of course, J is for Jenny :o)
Yay! I was able to link up while here in Atlanta for a dental conference! Thank goodness I had my post ready to go, and just had to join in. But won't have any time to visit the other "J" posts until I get back home.
Blessings & Aloha!
....as General MacArthur said as he left the Philippines... "I shall return!"
Just listening to California Dreaming and feeling pangs of nostalgia.
Holy moley, it's going to take me all week to get through these links! I love it =D
Thank's for taking me off the Dunce Stool...that dang silly PJ anyway (o:
Got a feeling we'll be a handfull all year.... hehe
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