Because, frankly, I have better things to do now that I am no longer being followed around by flocks of turkeys trying to mate with my neck.
When I came home from my RF treatment yesterday, one of my "admirers" came up and looked me over closely...

And they all flew off in a big huff.
I was happy to see them go.
I think they liked me because before I got my RF treatment this is what my feathery little stalkers saw each day when I left the house...

I have to apologize for my before and afters and I think I should have taken these in sunshine but it was rainy here this is the best I could can see the creping here a bit...
They cover each area of your neck and face for about 8 minutes. It didn't hurt at all...and they had this little temperature reading thing-y and kept taking the temperature of the skin and although the reading ranged between 101 and 105 degrees it never felt very hot...almost just like a warm bath. After the hour treatment I could definitely see a noticeable difference.
I kept looking in the rearview mirror on the way home and I thought maybe it was just wishful thinking but when I walked in the door my husband commented "wow, that really worked!" ...and when I went to get my hair cut with the lady I always go to she said "wow, your face looks really good! What are you doing?" So I told her and showed her my neck and she said she is making an appointment to get her turkey neck worked on as well.
It never hurts to have a few extra admirers around...human or fowl.
So I think I'm going to get some cracked corn and go sit outside on the wall for a little bit hoping to lure them back.
Maybe they'll come to visit me again.
And maybe they'll even be willing to snuggle a little bit...even though we are almost a different species now.
I have more of a hippo neck. Fortunately, we have a large enough tub to secure the boy hippo when he comes to visit. Perhaps if I shed a few pounds, I can trade the hippo for a flock of turkeys. Meanwhile... you look fabulous! Great neck,chick... *wink wink*....
Wow! I love hearing when things like this really work.
Wonderful! I'm glad this worked for you!
Gobble Gobble my lovely!
Brave soul...yes...
For doing it and blogging!
Looks fantastic...
And I daresay you will forget all too soon about those midnight gobble gobble serenades :)
Jenny! I admire your courage to fight back at aging! You are looking FABULOUS! Leave Turkey-Lurkey behind...and go find Ducky-Lucky!
Glad too this worked for you - congrats!
"Let's get the flock out of here"...that was the BEST line!!! I've always wondered about those kinds of procedures..if they really work. Obviously, they do! Lookin good!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...hope you'll be back again soon!
OK, let's try this again! My comment was here and then it was gone. I can really tell the difference in you neck. I think I could handle this treatment, it didn't seem too painful:) I'm a little chicken.... oh, that was bad:) Anyway, I bought one of those things As Seen On TV for this problem but haven't use it. It might work! You have a good day Jenny Matlock and gobble gobble:)
That is awesome!!~
Aw, I'm glad it worked and you're happy! :)
You are amazing and amazingly funny too! Glad you're happy! Come say hi :D
Looks great, Jenny! I might even have to pursue this. Mine, though, is crepey. Can they help crepe???
Cute post.
I nearly fell on a tablescape I prepared for today. Fortunately, the Leprechauns shouted, "Be careful with yourself there, Sheila O'Magpie!" And I got a grip. ;-)
Sheila :-)
turkeys are only good on the dinner table.
that being said, i suppose they're also good as admirers.
How smooth! And it was just with some kind of heated wand? Can I do it with a curling iron, before it gets too hot? I am making mental notes of all of this for the future, you know.
so fun - you are a braaaave lady to go back and have anything done after the needle incident :D
I am liking this procedure. Looks really good...needles, not so much. I would do this!! Oh well fowls are like that you know, here today gone tomorrow.
Hey Jen, that worked pretty good. Boy after all that stuff you're doing (and the needle thing) you are going to look like a teenager! I'm glad this is working for you. A friend of mine gave me this little plastic mask that you put on over some gel stuff and it gave you little electrical zaps on different areas of your face. I did it once, and when I started getting zaps, I slung that mask about half-way across the room.
You're a braver woman than I! And also very funny!
Hi Jenny! Congrats and you look fabulous, dahhhhling! You are also a hilarious writer!! When I saw even just the title of this post, and then read on further, I thought, "Oh my gosh. Jenny and I are a lot alike. I'm so glad she stumbled upon my blog!" I, too have a little bit of a double chin, and a definite "turkey neck"! The other turkey similarity is that one of the chapters in my book is: Frostbite from a Turkey Neck" :D
I think you look so pretty with and without the new skin treatments. You just have that glow.
We are headed to Phoenix in a couple of weeks for a baseball tournament, I am ready for some sun and warm weather.
Enjoy your new neck,
I loved that - I want one - does it help for double chins - or do you haved to get two of them?
haha, love your humor, and WOW! I love the before and afters, it looks amazing! That's only after ONE treatment? Where did you go? I don't have saggy skin YET, but I'm all about anti-aging. Thinking about botox, but still a little sceptacle. What do you think?
I am so happy for you Jenny.
THis looks great and I will keep it in mind for the future. (the near future)
I am so happy for you Jenny.
THis looks great and I will keep it in mind for the future. (the near future)
Your neck looks great.
I hate any kind of bird that might try to "peck" at me. Avoid avoid! :)
love your stories...
Why is it that our necks always seem to age faster than our faces???
Anyway, yours looks great. I think I'm going to look into that procedure.
Maybe if you bribe the turkeys with some good corn they will come back for a visit and admire your neck.LOl!
That is awesome! Would you be willing to share what beauty school you go to for this treatment? (I think we live in the same neck of the woods). I would love to make an appointment!
Wow! That looks great -- I may have to think about doing that myself - or else find a turtle necked bathing suit!
I had to let you know, that your neck turned out awesome!!!
That is fantastic! I want a turkey neck treatment!!!! What is a TNT called? I like it better thant the red-lines, stay home for a week and it will go away, treatment!!!
I was so skeptical of any kind of treatments like that. Can't argue with pictures. You look great :)
That is amazing.. Really? Looks so much better..I really need that.
I love that you are so open and honest, posting pics and everything! And I am SOLD, I'm ready to sign up for my RF treatment!
Happy Thursday!
I had some 8 year old brat tell me today I look old, & have "crinkly skin". I'm all of 43. I'm hoping and praying her ass drops at the age of 15 and that I'm around to laugh at her.
Your neck does look different. If it makes you feel better I say go for it.
I'm planning in growing old disgracefully. I earned every grey hair and wrinkle and I'm going to flaunt them like Beyonce's booty.
At the next Esthetitians' Convention the big topic will be 'why the huge surge in demand' and they'll never know to trace it to your blog!
Oooo, that looks awesome! I have to try that! I can't get rid of the turkeys around me... I think it has something to do with the big backends.
You are so brave! Pictures! I'm really glad to know it helped...there is hope for all of us! I'm also glad to know that it didn't hurt. I wonder how often you will need to do it?
I'm a "details" woman. Exactly what did it dooooooooooooooooooooooo?
And is it still going to be the same, after a few days?
Yeah, I am soooooooo nosy, aren't I?
I need my neck done!! Yours looks great!!
What does RF stand for?
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