I am so happy to be here to celebrate the Lovely Letter "L" with you on Alphabe-Thursday.

Ahem...yes, I am definitely telling you a Lie about the Liposuction.
However, I am not going to tell you a Lie about something special we're doing this week.
The Lovely and talented Julie Schuler, author of the Abecedarium of Demise Alphabe-Thursday posts, at My Good Babushka is providing a prize for Alphabe-Thursday - the letter "L". It is a copy of her book...

To be in the drawing for this book you need to have a link on Alphabe-Thursday AND you must try to visit all the linked posts.
Since I know this takes awhile... I won't do the drawing until Sunday night, April 11th!
I'll notify the winner by e-mail and I'll find out then how you want the book inscribed.
What a great prize from a great artist! Thank you, Julie, for letting me do this!
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 8:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog (since there are prizes involved and it makes my life easier that way), PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class is dismissed.
Please file your letter "L" papers in the MckLinkey now, Class.

Okay Jenny,
I am going to give it a try this week! Wish me luck.
I already messed up. I was trying to put L for love...can you erase it for me?
Hi Jenny
Thanks for your suggestion to add my Poet's House library post ..I am so dense (or dumb)I didn't think of that myself ..lol
That looks like a fun book! I love the artwork.
Off to look at all the lovely "L's"!
♥ Pat
julia is so talented! i am so fortunate to have discoverd her, a hidden treasure!
I have to remember to keep checking back for late posts so I can visit everyone! Happy L!!
What an amazing prize ... Julie's posts are always so amusing ... i bet the book is totally fab!
somehow I veer off from what I originally plan to write but that happens a lot
anyway, happy thursday!
I thought I was going to be late, but I made it! What a generous thing for Julie to do! This book looks fabulous. Off to start visiting. Kathy
I thought I would have joined by now, still have not, now I am sick, so ,maybe next week
great letter L
LOVE is the best!!!!
I am so distracted by "Babushka" Is somebody Polish or Russian? My husbands whole family is Polish. Haha.
Okay, couldn't pass up a chance to mess with the letter "L"....it is such a lovely, loyal, lucky, letter! Don't ya think?
And don't ya be tellin' no more lies!
Hi Jenny, I didn't know you do this alphabet meme! Well- maybe I am the only one on the internet, huh? I would love to win this book for my daughter, but man, time is probably against me! Link exchange is just about linking up your site to my site and vice versa. You could click on the tab at the top by my blog header to read more details if you're interested. Thanks!
Good Morning Jenny,
How exciting, Julie is such a talented woman I always enjoy her Alphabet posts.
Too cute Jenny! Love your lipo lie. Sounds painful:) Have a happy day my friend! Hugs!
Good Morning. First time I have entered your party. Number 48 and 49 need to be erased. Not sure if you can do that? Anyway, must be too early in the morning for me. I will re-enter my blog address correctly next time. Thanks so much!
Yay! I'm very excited for L week and this book giveaway. To answer Laurie, my mom's side of the family is 100% Polish and my grandma would always wear a babushka to protect her hairdo. So I named my project after her, in a fashion, as I was also named after her.
Mrs. Matlock,
I am NOT copying you despite the fact that we seem to have the same alphabet words quite often...and that's no LIE! Happy L-Day!
Better Late then never. Sorry to be tardy...L was harder than K!!!!
How exciting that Julie is giving away one of her books. I didn't even know she had published a book. I always enjoy her weekly Abecedarium of Demise. She is a clever lady. This class has soooo many talented students, Mrs. Matlock. Must be the teacher, don't you think? :-)
I really Loved the Letter L...
Thanks for hosting..
Thanks for throwing such a fun party! I'm new this week, but I'll be back for the remaining letters. I love linky parties and usually visit everyone on the list. Your feather post is delightful! so cute! Hope to see you back at my place later! Off to mingle with the other girls.....
I was looking at this book last week wishing it was mine! I have my fingers tightly crossed!
Miss Jenny - I didn't post this week! So sorry...just didn't have an L post in me. Too lazy minded to think of anything..spring fever has hit me hard!!
I'm finally able to get some blog reading in!!!! yay! I thought I would start from the back of the list and go forward...
Blessings & Aloha!
(This is such an amazing and fun meme! Thank you again for letting me squeeze in to the class!)
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