'Twas not given for thee alone,
Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
~Henry Burton

I read so many blogs where un-kind words have left bruises and surprise behind and I am saddened.
I hear so many stories where un-kind actions have been taken that leave sorrow and sadness behind and I am surprised.
It is difficult to understand a world where meanness is sometimes applauded.
And encouraged.
And to understand why being difficult and cruel is considered a talent is impossible for me to fathom...
Or comprehend.
Many of you are new friends to me and the fact that all of you seem to be kind people is a benediction and a blessing as I continue on my journey to write every day in this blog.
Many of you have been friends for a long while and our friendships have been forged with shared kindnesses, laughter and suffered pain.
I researched many quotes on kindness for this post, and although there were many that touched my heart, this one seemed to most personify what I have seen and felt and read from so many of you...new friends and old...
“I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” Stephan Grellet
And all I can really say here is thank you.
Each day you reaffirm my belief that there is still much more good in the world than bad.
Each day you make remember that although there are often rainy days...there are many more with sunshine.
Unless you live in Seattle.
And then I will need to write a different closing sentence for you.
But since I was trying to be all dramatic and poetic with my writing here I'm not going to do it now.
This deep-thought post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "K".
PS....if you have a moment for an extra little kindness perhaps you might mail a card or a note to our friend, Kathy C. I think her knee surgery is being more painful and complicated then she anticipated. Thank you, Jeff, for allowing me to share this address: Kathy Campbell, 131 West Watkins Street, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee 37350
Oh you old softy. You are too kind LOL.
Great K post, here is my favourite Friendship quote from a wonderful woman.
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou.
Jenny, thanks for hosting Alphabe-Thursday, it makes me feel good to join in.
Nice post on friendship, and so true.
Like your blog.
Jenny, a wonderful word, kindness. This is a beautifully written post. I've always felt kindness is the key to a happy life. If you offer kindness, most often it is returned. I like the quote you shared as well as the one Maggie shared above.
A big hug to you, my friend!
Thanks for sharing Kathy's info. I've sent an email, but will pop a card into the mail today.
Thank you dear Jenny! I have seen more Kindness lately than I ever deserved. Love you and have a blessed day my dear KIND friend!
Yes, there needs to be more kindness in this world for sure. Great post!
Great post Jen! We can never be kind enough, and never reminded enough to always be kind!
I love acts of kindness- what better way in life to feel good yourself and a make someone else feel good in the process. I'll be sending Kathy a card out tomorrow- hope she starts to heal and feel better soon ♥
Kindness is the first quality I hope for in a new friend. Sense of humor, creativity, sense of adventure are all well and good, but kindness trumps all.
I love those quotes, Jenny. And thank you for your kindness, as well!
Happy K Day!
Catherine :)
K for kindness. What a special K word. Sometimes there seems to be so much unkindness in this world. Many hateful things are said and printed. Just on this morning's news there was a story about a girl that killed herself because of all the cruel things said and done to her at school. Yes, kindness is an important thing.
K for kindness. What a special K word. Sometimes there seems to be so much unkindness in this world. Many hateful things are said and printed. Just on this morning's news there was a story about a girl that killed herself because of all the cruel things said and done to her at school. Yes, kindness is an important thing.
and I thank you for your kindness shown to me.
being kind is always a good thing :D
I can't think of a better person to write about Kindness then you dear Jenny. Your laughter and zaniness bring so much joy to us all. It is a great kindness that you share yourself and your life as you do. I think it is one of the greatest attributes in anyone, to be Kind! I will send Kathy a card and hope she will be better soon.
Let me see if I'm following your idea on 'kind':
I kind of hate pink. I kind of hate beets.
What?! What do you mean I have to go to the corner? Oy.
Thanks for Kathy's address. You're a peach and I kind of like you.
I don't know Kathy C but wow what a great way to show someone you care . I concur with it being a great act of kindness . I appreciate kindness given , it makes me feel so special and it's the right thing to do . Thanks for being so kind in leaving comments to everyone. You deserve much more in return .
I do find people around the blogosphere to be kinder than kind, oh, there are a few exceptions but we can ignore those
happy thursday! now if I can just finish my K alphabet-thursday....
I've had so many kind people in my life at times when I really needed it. Those are the kindnesses that remain in my memory...
I believe that the vast majority of people are kind and compassionate, it's the ones who aren't that seem to make it to the news..
Beautiful, thought-provoking, memory inducing post!
It is wonderful to be reminded of the kindness around each one of us. Thanks for sharing!
I thank my luck stars for the kindness you have shown me. I forget a lot of things... that won't be one of them. Blessings Jenny!
I work with pre-schoolers
I am always saying 'Be nice'...use nice words...how would that make you feel?
Some people never grow out of the pre-school stage.
What a great post you are sharing with us for Easter; lovely words!
You are a kind person!
Wishing you
Happy Easter.
Oh Ms. Jenny, this is a lovely post. And your kind words to this newcomer warmed my heart today. Your encouragement means a lot to me. P.S YOU are the new friend to whom I was referring in the Jake post who said "just write"...so you're only agreeing with yourself. Thought you might get a big old K is for Kick out of that ;-)
So sweet! I love this Jenny!
Thong? I love it. Gusess what? I just got rid of all of the ones I had *before* I had the weight gain in the first place. I guess I need to hurry up and replace them ASAP. Ha Ha! *Smiles*
Hsppy Easter sweet friend! ~Melissa :)
I love that first quote! And I am so glad I have connected with you...a fun gal with a big heart! Loved this post and it's all true...kindness is so important, I believe every child of God deserves to be treated with kindness, even those who hurt us! The way Jesus taught us is the best way, always. Come say hi :D
Lovely and thoughtful as always. And you're right, our world applauds rudeness and meanness far too much. Like it makes you more powerful to be mean. I think you're a lot more powerful when you're kind, because people would rather think back on a kindness shown them than a cruelty, and would rather pass a kindness on to others. THAT'S power.
I love participating here every week!!
Our trip to Phoenix was very full and I am so sorry I didn't have time to call or connect.
My son played 4 games and we went to 2 spring training games. Our days were filled with sun, baseball and eating. My favorite things. {:o)
As always, I love stopping by your blog and seeing what you have writen.
Sounds like we will be making Phoenix a yearly trip so maybe I will connect next year.
Happy Easter,
Hey there just wanted to give you a heads up...I passed an award your way.
You are a great read keep me smiling for sure....:0)
Hey there just wanted to give you a heads up...I passed an award your way.
You are a great read keep me smiling for sure....:0)
Sometimes kindness takes a little extra effort, but it's so worth it. Love your quote too...it made me cry though because we buried my grandmother a year ago today and I still miss her like it was yesterday.
Thank you Jenny, for inspiring words, Here is a wish for you....
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday.. Big Bunny hug yvonne
I love this post Jenny.
I was only thinking the other day , it's all to easy to focus on the negative in this world and that there are more fabulous people in this world than yukky people.
Perfect post Jenny. DH and I have been shown so much kindness recently with his job loss and our new adventure. And we do appreciate it. I have to believe that there are more kind people than not in this world. I just think the mean ones get all the press :) And I wanted to thank you for hosting Alpha-Be Thursday every week, I always look forward to it. Kathy
LOL Jenny! I used to live in Seattle. ;-)
This is one of my favorite hymns:
Jesus’ hands were kind hands,
Doing good for all.
Healing pain and sickness,
Blessing children small.
Washing tired feet
And saving those who fall.
Jesus’ hands were kind hands,
Doing good for all.
Take my hands, Lord Jesus,
Let them work for you.
Make them strong and gentle,
Kind in all I do.
Let me watch you, Jesus,
‘Til I’m gentle, too,
‘Til my hands are kind hands,
Quick to work for you.
— Margaret Cropper (1886–1980)
Thank you Jenny for that, and yes kindness is priceless. I want to tell you how uplifting your words are so many days.. If I am soulful you pick up my spirits and give me laughter.. The way you write is just delicious and please keep on bloggin
Have a wonderful Easter
Kindness is a light that will shine bright in the darkness of this world. Your post is shinning bright right now.
What a sweet post Jenny, I will send a card to Kathy. I'm sure she will get many! Love Di ♥
In the kindergarten I learned that everything good comes from God.I try to pass the goodness on. I love knowing all of you! Thanks for sharing Kathy's address as I will send a warm wish for a speedy recovery. My giveaway arrived today! J Nichelle! I was so thrilled! I will blog about it as soon as I can borrow my daughter Rebekah's camera. Mine is temporairly out of order! I love the lamb it is so sweet and so detailed! I must thank that Jennie for making such sweet Easter presents! Thanks you thank you so much! Anne
Hi Jenny! What lovely thoughts. I must say that I feel the same. I was just telling my husband this evening about the wonderful women I've met through my blog, and most are from recent weeks or months. I love your quote, too. It's just perfect! I hope to remember to send a note to Kathy C.! (this is funny, because I have a blog friend that goes by Cathy C.)
Hugs, Becky
No April Fool's here - your quotes and thoughts are so true. I thank you for your kind words, thoughts and deeds. The kindness I have seen on so many blogs is so encouraging.
Happy Easter!
right back at ya, Jenny...you know how I feel...:)
Kindness is so underrated. I agree Jenny...it is NEEDED.
I love this post. I love the quotes.
This makes me want to buy the world a coke to teach the world to sing... well, you know.
Prayers and good thoughts to Kathy.
I hope her recovery becomes painless and quick. Then she can get out there and spread the kindness.
Great posting about friendships, I really enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing.
Jenny, does Kathy have a blog?
Love Di ♥
This was a lovely post. And yours is a lovely blog. Your writing cheers and encourages. And the Alphabe-Thursday group is the nicest group of bloggers I've seen. I think you're a "nice magnet". Also as a new Seattle transplant, I am beginning to wonder if the "rain thing" is just a conspiracy to keep people from moving to this beautiful town!
awwwweeee .... now i just wanna give you a great big hug! and me too, i just do not get this whole meanness thing and why you have to be mean to be cool .... my drummer has such a different beat ... and a card for Mrs C ... You bet, i do enjoy her blog ... i will make one just for her!
Your best post yet Jenny. Although I love the chuckles this really hits the spot. I saved Kathy's address from when she won my first give-away and had a card made waiting to go in the mail earlier this week. I have really enjoyed her friendship as I do yours since meeting you both! Oh and I am not trying to brown nose because I already got my A+.
You are the kindest and sweetest of them all!
Kindness begats Kindness, or something like that...I'm just trying to be sophisticated..unlike PJ..only not so brown nosey sounding like she thinks I am. She looks good blending in with the corner...
Oh sorry, back to KINDNESS. Yes, you are by far the mostest Kindest one of all...for sure!
Great post of KINDNESS :o) We all need to remember to leave a bit of sunshine wherever we go :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
(and even in your deep thoughts of kindness post, you still made me laugh with
"...Unless you live in Seattle.
And then I will need to write a different closing sentence for you.
But since I was trying to be all dramatic and poetic with my writing here I'm not going to do it now.")
Kindness... a word that should be on our lips from sunup to sundown :)
I think your kindness and fun draw out the same in others.
Great K post! I have been lucky (so far) to mostly experiece the kindness in blogland.
I feel so blessed to have you as a new friend!!!
Unless you live in Seattle.
or The Netherlands ;)
I agree though... it's nice to know that there are more good people out there since all you usually hear about on the news are the bad.
Love your thoughts on kindness. I know we all need more and need to show more.
Does anyone ever give you a grade? Because I think this post deserves an A++ if anyone were to ask me.
What a beautiful post!! I try to be kind everyday but sometimes I fall short!!
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