Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday Centus - Week 6

This post is linked Saturday Centus - A 100 word story based on a prompt. The prompt is in bold below.

It’s true, the smell of freshly mowed grass can stay with you for years, for decades.

And it's also true that the evocative scent can bring on a full-blown attack of acridophobia.

Especially if you were the tomboy in a family of four girls to whom the duty of mowing the front, 3 acre field fell to on a weekly basis.

"Dad," I would beg, "Please don't make me mow behind the polebarn. The grasshoppers are everywhere there! I hate them!"

My Father, a no-nonsense military man, simply growled, "Quit being stupid. Go mow!"

So I did.

The rich verdant smell of the grass falling under the whirring blades of the riding lawn mower was always accompanied by my screams and flailing arms as the grasshoppers rained around me like evil, prehistoric confetti in the golden summer sun.

Click here to read the rest
of the stories linked to Week 6's prompt!

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Viki said...

"evil, prehistoric confetti" I liked these words so much. Very unusual but very appropriate when I think of grasshoppers hopping all around you, ha. Great Centus.

Theresa said...

Sweet memories! Freshly cut grass makes me want watermelon:) Now sure why! HUGS!

Kat said...

You do have a way with words, Jenny! I'll never be able to look at a grasshopper again without laughing hysterically. DH is going to think that this time I really HAVE gone off the deep end :) Kathy

Vicki/Jake said...

EEEKKKK I hate em too Jenny! Confetti is too nice of a word to describe the little creeps. I can think of bolder you have too :)

Fun post for the Centus.

Cheryl said...

You are SUCH a girl! Brilliantly done.

Jo said...

"evil, prehistoric confetti" i dont know whether to pee my pants out of fear or spew coffee over my screen in laughter ... lets just say somethings wet, im not telling you what .... and that was hysterically descriptive!!!

Terra said...

I am not sure whether to laugh or cry! I can't even imagine mowing with those evils floating all around me...grasshoppers can be so creepy!!!!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I think we'd all be flailing and screaming if faced by evil prehistoric confetti! Even if you like grasshoppers, they quickly lose their charm when you encounter large numbers.

And you threw this guy an 80th birthday party? Oy.

Excellent job, Matlock!

Bookie said...

Excellent and so vivid. I hate the sudeen jumping attack of a grasshopper!

jeff campbell said...

Poor hoppers...funny you:-)

Tgoette said...

Awww, you're such a girl! LOL! Great job on this week's Centus, Jenny! That was a fun read!

Pat Wahler said...

That'll make me think twice before mowing!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Good description!

Ms. A said...

Ummmm, what's a polebarn? Off to check.

Ms. A said...

Ok, got it!

Susan Anderson said...


