Wednesday, November 10, 2010

H is for Happy...

On Wednesday morning I got up and found that my little Alphabet story was live on S'mories!

It was pretty much like the link I put on Alphabe-Thursday's Alphabet Soup which you can read here!

But I was super excited to hear it read out loud, even though the second little girl reading kind of botched up some of the words...

But it's still mighty, mighty cute especially with that cool English accent!

So...if you're Happy and you know it, just click here to listen to the rivetting tale of how difficult life can be if you lose your letter A.

This happy little post is brought to you by the letter "H"!

To read other "H" posts, just click here!

And, hey, tell all your friends and relatives (and possibly your mailman) about it. Even though there isn't any prize money this time, I'm still all stoked up that little English kids are reading my little poem!

post signature


Betty said...

Aren't they adorable. I think they did very well reading your poem. The little girl on the left read with so much expression...she was really into it. It worked...they made me happy this morning.

Anonymous said...

H is for HAPPY :))))
this is sweet.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, how neat, Jenny! And they were so cute. LOL! Loved this.

And you said to me earlier:

"Darn. I pictured cupcakes bushes and trees dripping with bacon and stuff like that."

No, that would be down the street at I-Hop and the Cupcake Store. We do have one of those, and it's GOOD! ;-)


Sheila :-)

Lola said...

Congrats - great story!

XOXO Lola & Nora:)

mle said...

How fun hearing your story read out loud!! They were awfully cute : )
I'd be happy too!

Jackie said...

haha that one little girl is quite expressive . cute .

Cheryl D. said...

Congrats! How wonderful. That is a big reason for a Happy H!


Sue McPeak said...

Congratulations to you and to the two cuties who read your story! Great job and I'm soooo HAPPY for ya! I'll try and catch the mailman today and give him the Happy News!

La said...

Wonderful! I am at work right now, but I will listen when I get home. La

lissa said...

cute video! that blond girl really knows to be in front of the camera

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! I love the two girls they selected and the poem.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Very cute!

Happiness is Hot Alphabet Soup in my opinion!

Unknown said...

So cute that 2 little girls...

H said...

I think the lass on the left had a lot of fun reading your poem! Quite the little showman. I was tuning in to the accents and I'm sure the one on the right wasn't English.

Happy day :)

Susan Anderson said...

I LOVE that little girl on the end...She is waaaay too cute.


Amanda Lee said...

Cool! You're famous now! Congratulations!

Amy said...

That was too cute! I love how the first girl enunciated every letter so emphatically. Adorable! And that story. I want to see it published with illustrations. I want to read it to my kids because it is perfect!

Unknown said...

Oh that gave me a great big smile and a warm heart! I'm happy for you as well!

Sara Katt said...

Lovely poem! Adorable children!
Sara Cat
(I'm helping out. My Mommie/Mummy has not yet recovered from the post about the letter G)
Sara Cat's Alphabe-Thursday-Rd 2-H

Tina said...

How adorable was that??? The little girl on the left sure put her heart and soul into it, didn't she! Way to go, Jenny.

Brenda said...

How cute that was. I would be happy too if such sweet children were reading a poem I wrote.

Anonymous said...

So Happy for you! That is such a neat story (even if you did do it pro bono).


The Muse said...

delightful ms jenny...
no doubt about that!

little faces, loving the poetry :)

Bravo~and happy h day :)

Unknown said...

How cool! I'm feeling very happy for you too! I just love how that little British girl was so into reading her parts of the story. I love that accent too :)

Stef said...

I love a happy H day! And I thought it would be cheating to link up today. Don't worry, I will be back next week...because I am all about "I" said...

Congratulations, Jenny. I love it. It was hilarious how the little girl on the left was giving it her all. I was afraid she was going to actually pee when she got to the letter P.

Sue said...

Hi! That was fun, aren't they just the cutest little things...and to hear them read your poetry...divine! I'm trying to catch up after the trip, I think it is impossible!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so cute and sweet Jenny.
There you go, getting famous again. ;)

Ames said...

I love to hear proper pronunciation of words. The English do it so well. That little English girl was very animated. Cute! Congrats!~Ames

Su-sieee! Mac said...

That was a cute, clever ABC story. I liked how the English lass got into your tale. Hurray for you!

Theresa Plas said...

That was Hugely Exciting! The chickies did a wonderful job reciting...what a thrill for you Jen! Congrats!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the proper English accent! It sure beats my rough and tumble Brooklyn accent! The little girls sound adorable reading your poem and that one little girl on the left was such an emphatic reader, wasn't she? :)

Happy "H" week!

Judie said...

OMG! Those little girls are darling! especially the blond1 And OUR JENNY is a star in Breat Britain! How exciting is that!!