Thursday, July 22, 2010

An epic poem for Alphabet Soup Day...


cough, cough...sputter...

Once I had a letter “A
But it could “B” hard to “C”!
So in my hunt I passed by “D
And “E” and “F
and then “G”!
HI!” I said to letter “J
I don’t want “K, L, M or N
O” I need a tiny break,
Please excuse me while I “P”.
I’m back, I’m back, did you see that?
Q”, “R”, “S” went rushing by…
Please excuse my bad manners..
I hope I didn't make you cry.
Since you are a friend, true blue..
I'd like to take a little break,
and have some “T” with “U”.
We’ll skip right by “V” and “W
And you can “X” the map where you think I’ll find A.
I know you forgot this a serious poem.
There is no time to play!
Y?” you ask. Have you forgotten
This poem started with an A I couldn’t see.
But for now, I’m tired
This poem has worn me out.
I need to go get some “ZZZZZZZ’s”.

This literary masterpiece is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Alphabet Soup day! Please click here to read the other astonishing literary works attached to this intellectual meme.


post signature


Tina said...

Very clever, Jenny!

Deb said...

cute Jenny...

lissa said...

quite silly and fun to read...

Lola said...

So witty - drawing together the entire meme! Wonderful!


Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

How do you do it??!!

Carol said...

Well done my friend....well done! Congrats on hosting 27 weeks of fun!

Susan Anderson said...

Love it, Jenny!


Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

cute cute:)

Lourie said...

Oh my gosh! So very cute Jenny! Just like you. XOXO

Debbiedoos said...

Now that was cute!!~

marie said...

Excellent poem. Definitely worthy of some kind of prize!

Christy said...

Awesome poem, for reals!

Cheryl D. said...

That was great! I love it. Give yourself an A+!

Tracy said...

What can I say fantastic

Anonymous said...

This is so much fun! I would love T with U. It would have to be Southern Sweet Tea in South Carolina.

Thanks for all you do.

Viki said...

LOL, great poem teach.

Cheryl said...

You are by far the goofiest human I know. Oh wait. You're runner up to half of my family.

Theresa said...

You are my A+ friend:) Really cute poem! Hugs!

Sarah said...

Cute one, Jenny! You are a delightful individual. It's truly been fun linking up to this meme each week. Thank you for hosting! ~ Sarah

aimee said...

i love it!so cute. and you had lunch while writing it. i like veg soup.

Pondside said...

Only you, Jenny! That was very witty!

The Words Crafter said...

Um, wow. Seriously, I'm impressed-I could never think of that in a million years...

Unknown said...

Reminded me of the following:

AB C D Goldfish?
L M N O Goldfish!
O S A R!

(read the above in sing song silly baby voice and you'll get it)

Kat said...

Oh Jenny, this was perfect! You always, always make me smile. This has been so much fun, and I've met so many new friends. I can't wait until our summer session :) Kat

The Quintessential Magpie said...

You are too, too funny! Loved this! Great job, Jenny!


Sheila :-)

Betty said...

You're a poet too! A great piece of work.

Thank you for not deducting any points. I was kind of hoping to make the Honor Roll.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh fun, fun, fun poem, Jenny!

Pat Wahler said...

Oh Jenny, Jenny, Jenny! I do so want to send your prize! Could you please email your snail mail address to me at:


Chatty Crone said...

Your a smart c-o-o-k-i-e! sandie

Theresa Plas said...

A+ soup post Ms. Jenny:)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So cute Jenny!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are SO fun Jenny!!!

Brenda said...

That is great Jenny! Wonderful ending to a fun game. I would not have missed it. Afraid I have had trouble visiting all the post that you have assigned me the last 3 weeks. Overly busy with grandchildren and guests. But I made up for it tonight and visited absolutely everyone. Read and read and smiled and was sorry that I probably missed some good stories and information that was shared. Thanks so much for the fun!

Marlene said...

The only thing that would make this better, would be a vlog of you reading it to us!!! :)

Melinda said...

Super cute. Never would I have been able to do that.

You are a talented one Miss Jenny!


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Jenny, that was very nice!
Better than my favorite spice.

I'm sure you're glad the weekend is here...
I bet Mr. Jenny will shout out a big ole cheer...

Yeah...not so good, but at least I gave it the old college try. :)

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! How brilliant!! Will have to teach this to my kids when they are older!! Or get them to write one too!

I love Alphabet Thursdays :-)

Maggy x where books meet crafts

Anonymous said...

such fun Jenny!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

This is brilliant poem,
love the first two lines....


Mary said...

Thanks for all the weeks of fun :-)

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

That is so very cute! Awesome!

Terra said...

and it made me smile, we all know how important that is!

Red Couch Recipes said...

Jenny fun poem to recap our adventures! The poem reminded me of the children's book "Boom Chick-a-Boom! Thanks for the fun at the A to Z party! Joni

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

You're such a cutie!

signed...bkm said...

Very clever and sweet, you are a "J" for Joy to have met Miss "J"enny....bkm

Short and Sweet said...

WOW! You used all the letters so cleverly! Great job.

jeff campbell said...

Funny, funny Jenny...weird how those two words are alike...Funny Jenny...For my thoughts would you give me a penny...If you do I'll give you the skinny...Jenny

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was an adorable poem! It's hard to believe the whole alphabet is over! I'm looking forward to joining in the rainbow meme.

Have a good weekend! Stay cool!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

OOOH! I had a time working out my alphabet "sentence"! And here you are with an alphabet POEM! Awesome!!! :o)

It is after midnight...and I am almost done with my next post...(once again , I am that tardy student...I emailed you :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
We are supposed to be driving up to Atlanta to pick up our son from his return trip from his Hawaiian Vaca!!! may just be my hubby hitting the road at 3am! haha

Christy said...

This literary masterpiece should be required memorizing for all school children - young and old! Love it Mrs. Jenny!

linda said...

Made me giggle. said...

This is so cute and clever, Jenny.