Oh. Wait. Before I start this post I better give you a groan warning. Yeah. It's kinda/sorta groan worthy.
I had a big plan for the letter X. I really did. I was going to stand on a ladder and make Mo lay in the grass in the shape of an X so I could take her picture...
She was sick yesterday and I couldn't make her get off the couch long enough to help her old Grandma out...
Wednesday night I realized I had nothing for the letter X and I couldn't think of anything different to do...
I decided I would post a joke about the letter X. You're not going to believe this but when I googled "jokes about the letter X" there weren't any hits. Seriously!
In a slight panic, I told Mr. Jenny he had to help me write a joke about the letter X and he said, "Ummm.... you know you can't tell jokes very well, right?" And I, uncharacteristically defensive, said, "Well you should talk!"
For the rest of the night I kept repeating, "...this letter X walks into a bar..." but we couldn't come up with the rest of the joke.
After a good nights sleep we finally came up with a joke to share with you for Alphabe-Thursdays's letter X.
A letter X walks into a seedy bar.
The only empty bar stool is next to a bleary-eyed, slightly crumpled treasure map nursing a beer. The X enquires, "Is this stool taken?"
The map turns to the X and says, "You can sit there if you mark my spot while I go to the john."

Get it?!?
GET IT?!?!?
The X is gonna mark the spot on the treasure map.
You got it, right?
And it was cute, right?
Go ahead. Go ahead and groan if you must.
But please do it softly so you don't hurt Mr. Jenny's feelings.
For other less groan-worthy links to the letter X, just click here.
Okay, kinda laughing here, seriously..but does your letter X know any bananas? My 2 year old grandson tells me this joke everyday now. Danny: Knock knock
grandma (Me) who's there?
Danny: Banana
Me: banana who?
Danny: bananas can't talk silly gramma!
Okay maybe it's me but I think that's just so darling too!!!!
That was what my grandson would call "Lame-o"..lol..but you notice I didn't even participate this week so I'm taking an F. Getting ready to head north & honestly couldn't think of any X's.
um, yeah. I get it - but...well, ok.
Great post though! Loved the lead in! Hope that baby grand is feeling better today!
Sorry MrJ...GaaaRooooaaaan!!!!
So the Letter X walks into the BarX Bar in TeXas and says to the bartender...Slam me with a DosXXX!!! The bartender asks, Gold or Green? The X says, I don't care...just so it's cold and wet!!! So the bartender Slams the X with a Green DosXXX and now X marks the Green Spot on the BarX Bar!!!! XXXgroan!!!!
I think this one goes well beyond a groan, Jenny. We're right into out and out moaning with pain here.
I get it! I like it!
I hope Mo feels better soon!!!
Oh good golly...even my dog groaned!
Hmmm...I haven't received my grade yet... I THOUGHT YOUR JOKE WAS HILARIOUS! :O)
I didn't groan. Really, I didn't. Just don't ask me whether or not I laughed because then I'd have to plead the fifth!
No groaning here! I love these kinds of jokes. Of course, I also enjoy picking corm out of my teeth.....
That was an X-tremely cute joke! Didn't groan over here; I grew up on those!
Very cute!
Hope the granddaughter feels better soon!
I got it!!!
It was very stinkin' cute!
...but since I have the permission to groan...I'm groanin' too!
Heehehehe!!! :o)
God bless ya and have yourself a marvelous day sweetie!!!
I didn't groan. I chuckled.
Just a small smile here, but a smile nonetheless.
does stool relate to John in anyway?
Still chuckling here ...!
XOXO Lola:)
...oh...guess I have to admit at being a little thick headed sometimes and am slow to get a joke...I did get that x marks the spot. :o) I must say...I was laughing at the convos between you and Mr. Jenny :o)
(maybe a little, itty bitty groan from the peanut gallery)
Blessings & Aloha!
Sorry too that I am late at saying thank you dear teacher for your faithful comments during Alphabe-Thursdays! I may have to post a repost this week too! And hope you little helper -Mo- feels better and better!
I like groaners. This is right up there. He-he.
awwwwe ... this is too cute to be a total groaner ... see what happens when Mo is sick ... poor girl, i hope she feels better soon!!! you and Mr. Jenny made a cute little joke!
How about a snort instead of a groan? Sorry to hear Mo is not well.
Well...I must admit your joke is better than mine coz I don't have one and that's no joke. At least you're being creative whereas I'm...well not being creative.{slam head into wall}
But...you've got my head spinning on this now. If I come up with a clever X joke then I'll be sure to share it.
Anywho your joke was cute and yeah, I got it. The important thing is you made me smile. =D
Well at least you came up with something. I would have had a post about my last dental x-ray!
Wow! That's amazing that you could come up with that on such short notice. It would have taken me a week to think of anything. And it wasn't a groan-er. It was pretty funny. Good job Mr. Jenny!
Awesome. I hope Mo is feeling better. Little sick kiddos is the worst.
And Mr. Jenny's joke is fab-you-hoo-hoo-less!
"Mark my spot." Love it.
You warned me! And I still went ahead and kept reading. -sigh- What hope is there, for me????? -snif-
And don't you DARE, DARE, DARE send me an e-mail reply to my comments! Got that!!! Or I'll sick MY *cranky sister* on you!
There! That ought to do it. No one can even IMAGINE how mean, MY *cranky sister* would be!
I like comments as well as anyone does. But do not, not, not want you spending time, e-mailing back to me, because I left you a comment. So there.
And I mean it. That smiley face doesn't not negate what I said. -Harrrrrrrrumph-
♥ Gentle hugs ♥
Well, yes, you might say it is a bit of a groaner & perhaps Mr. Jenny got alittle retaliation for the jeans shopping trip last week?? :o)
Jenny has some real X appeal this week.
Ha ha ha!!! Well, at least we didn't get an "x" rated joke! ;)
Pssst....there is a giveaway of two, 'signed by the author' kids' books on my blog, if you're interested. The grands would love it.
I get it !!! I like it a lot!!!!
I hope Mo is feeling better. Little sick kiddos is the worst.
I just love to came here...I love all your posts....I will like to say thanks for your visit in my blog...I just loved at all!!!Thanks again!!!
Have a nice day.
Hugs from Brazil
I get it !!! I like it a lot!!!!
I hope Mo is feeling better. Little sick kiddos is the worst.
I just love to came here...I love all your posts....I will like to say thanks for your visit in my blog...I just loved at all!!!Thanks again!!!
Have a nice day.
Hugs from Brazil
Oh. Oh. Oh! You always crack me up, Jenny!
Hope that sweet little Mo is soon very much better!
Hehe, you make me giggle! Tell Mr. Jenny that was cute:) HUGS!
It made me smile....
What a great groaner!
That really is clever. I am laughing. I know you can't see or hear me, but I appreciate this kind of humor.
My favorite joke?
KNock knock
Who's there?
Smell mop
(you finish it....)
Smell my poo....bwahahahahaa!
okay, yours was better.
Don't quit your day job! ;P
One thing you really have "Phantasy", lol !
X walks into a bar. He asks the bartender, "Say, have you seen my buddy in here?"
Bartender says, "Why?"
You're great in a pinch.....who knows, that job could become a classic down the road....okay, not really, but, shhhhhh, don't tell Steve.
I am totally impressed. Hehehe!
Very cute...no groaning here!
That's clever and cute! I chuckle too..
GROAN! and GROAN again. Are you two like George and Gracie??
Yup, that was a groaner!
thats bad
You had me at "The letter X walks into a bar" haha
Not too bad actually.. Mr. Jenny did pretty good.
Hope your granddaughter is feeling better. Maybe she can be a Y!
I'm behind on Sundays with Steve! I really need more time in the day!
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