Thursday, July 7, 2011

L is for Learn

Learn that the present hour alone is man's.

Samuel Johnson

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter L. To read other L links, just click here.

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Anonymous said...

I learn something new every day, and blogland has been the best teacher, OH no, not the best, cause you still hold that top spot.teehehe.

ellen b. said...

Another great quote!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Lovely advice!

JJ said...

Jenny: My followers know I do not believe in time. It is an arbitrary creation by human beings to measure stress. I removed my watch in 1987, and I never looked back.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Nice quote. Thought provoking.

Ummm...Mrs. Matlock? (PJ raises her hand)

Ummm....Sue wrote a limerick about you this week.

Ummm...She thinks she's so smart...I mean...ummm..she's so smart.

Ummm...if she happens to fall down on the playground, I didn't do it.

Ummm....I wrote a limerick too....for extra credit.'s about you.

Ummm...My inspiration? Oh, it was something about "Nantucket" I heard my older brother reciting....

There was an old woman from A Z
who was anything other than lazy.
She was always so busy
Her life in a tizzy
No wonder that woman was crazy.

mrs. c said...

I think when you stop learning you might as well crawl under a rock!

AsylumTanya said...

Thanks for sharing this quote. When I first began the last stages of my bachelor's degree the catch-phrase was "becoming a life-long learner." I was too naive to understand really what they were talking about, but I do now! :)

Susan Anderson said...

PJ is such a tattle tale!

And she DID SO push me. Honest.


Anonymous said...

Your students are out of control today! Love the quote!

Ms. A said...

*giggling at PJ & Sue

EG CameraGirl said...

Great quote! It's good to be reminded of that every so often as it's all to easy to live in the past of future.

Jo said...

Brilliant quote ... and i do learn something, usually several things, every day .... life is about learning ... listening, discovering!!!

Catherine said...

One of my favorite "L" words! thanks you, as always for being such a gracious hostess. I Love Thursdays with Ms. Jenny! (and I also am putting a card in the mail!)

storybeader said...

that's far-reaching, and bold! I don't know if it's that great for long-range planning... {:-D

Pat said...

A great quote - and summer school means I can continue to Learn!

21 Wits said...

Oh yes, great quote, and something we must remember when we stop learning we die!.....Every day is another gift.....just waiting to be seen!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a wonderul quote, Jenny! I like learning new things every day!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm, live in the present & learn from it for the future... yeah, that's what I'm taking from this one:-)

Judie said...

Now why didn't I think of that???
Wonderful post, Jenny!!

Dazee Dreamer said...

So true.

Cheryl D. said...

Great quote!

H said...

carpe deum :)

Ingrid said...

the clock made me think of the little grandson of a friend who can't l e a r n to read this kind of watch because it's not digital !!

Rebecca said...

I just found you tonight! I love the idea of your Alphabe-Thursdays! What fun. I'm your newest follower!

Waving from Our Back Porch,

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic quote for today, Ms. Jenny, but there are two trouble-makers in the class this week...

Busy Bee Suz said...

Short and toooooo the point. xo

Ames said...

I had to look it up. I had no idea who he was.
PJ and Sue crack me up!~Ames

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful quote. I know lots of people who fail to enjoy the present because they are reliving the past and worrying/dreaming about the future.


Francisca said...

Well, after posting to A-T for nearly a year, today I learn that Ms Jenny herself participates! Then I take this opportunity to thank you for hosting a delightful meme and for faithfully stopping by each time I participate.

One of my favorite Johnson quote is: What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.

Have a fine weekend, Jenny.

Unknown said...

Learning is fantastic :) I love the quote!