Welcome to week seventy of Saturday Centus. There were a few entries at the end of last week that didn't have any visitors (except moi) so if you get a chance head over and give them a quick read. You won't be sorry!
For this week...
WORD COUNT - Up to 100 words AND the 7 words of the prompt (107 total maximum words - For those of you that want more words please feel free to link up multiple stories!)
THE PROMPT THIS WEEK IS: "what kind of a pizza is this"
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!

OMGosh Jenny...Another hard prompt however I managed to make it work and concluded my story too !
Enjoy and have a great holiday weekend !!!
Okay...off to check the ignored Centus posters from last week.
Just almost too hard for me this week...finally got a little smig of an idea. Have a good Labor Day weekend out West, Jenny.
will try to visit all of you.
Happy Weekend.
Ha ! Ha! ....at first I was like oh no! After such a cool prompt last week...so many hits on that prompt...and then this one...but as we are your centus fans of course we can scrape something together, even if we are short of time this weekend...what with so much going on! Hope your long holiday weekend is cool and wonderful Jenny! I'll try to hop over for the last few of last weeks, last time there I had visited everyone (except a couple that blogger won't let me comment on for whatever reason that is) this weeks been kind of busy so sorry for missing any!
Oh Jenny these posts are just wonderful! Thanks Jenny for allowing photos too, they seem to really fire people up in such a wonderful way!
Well.............I did it! i came up with something!
Thank you for such a great challenge!
when I first read this on my dashboard I thought it was going to just be "what kind of a" and I had the perfect word to come next (moron)If it had been that I would have most likey written over 100 words because I know alot of people who are morons!
I must beg forgiveness for not getting to everyone's posts last week...my week was just too busy to get it done on time. I will read them all and then this week's offerings also !
Jenny, I am sure that I read and responded. I even went back today to check!
This was a great prompt! I fired it off before I left for the Guild meeting this morning! Thanks!!!
Dear Jenny,
This was a fun prompt. But I am really getting busy now that school has started for the children and soon even for me.
My fictional character Sanna Rumsten is helping me out. She's been very busy falling in love on Romantic Friday Writers.
If you are curious about her adventures outside of Saturday Centus take a peek at:
Anna's RFW No. 16 'Smooth Sailing'
Anna's RFW No. 17 'Heart-Stoppers'
Best wishes,
Sanna trys an L-p-pizza for SC wk 70
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