Welcome to week seventy-six of Saturday Centus.
I thought it might be fun to use a literary device this week and craft our prompt around it. It's gonna be hard but I know you are up to the challenge.
The literary device to use this week is Sensory Details. Describe the image using five senses: perception, hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste.
WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 100 words.
STYLE OF WRITING - Sensory Details Literary Device

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
I'm actually a little intimidated to try this, but it's all about challenging our writing. Right? Right?
Oh. Now I heard you say, 'right...' in that teeny, tiny little voice.
Good luck!
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!

An interesting idea. I only hope I've followed the rules!
Oh, NO...Mrs. Jenny must be feeling better ( Yay )...this is gonna be stinkin' hard !!!
What a wonderful idea, Jenny! The town's annual fall parade is today so I hope I can find time to play too!
Enjoyed this challenge Jenny, thanks :)
Have a great weekend!
omg. This is really something I don't know anything about. But I will research and come up with something. Way to go, ole mean one. So glad you are feeling better.
Great Centus, Jenny! Hope I got it right! There were a few big words in your directions. Sometimes, I interprete them differently than most. Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm not sure I did this correctly but I tried... LOL:-)
Okay, I'm down wid it.
Oh this is quite a fun little challenge you thought up for us today....I went with my first thought, as this weekend is a bit too busy to really put some long thinking into action...but hey, off the cuff is good too, right?!!!! It's just that after you commit you think but how about this and that....you know what I mean?!!!
I have a question - what IS the black thing on the porch? Is that a shadow on the porch floor, or two holes?
I need to know before I write something - I'm fussy like that.
It's never boring coming over here. You always manage to keep me on my toes!~Ames
I tried to enlarge the photo so I, too, could see if that black thing was a turkey or old pipes. I was unsuccessful, so I chose to ignore it altogether. This is a cool challenge. Having said that, I'm not sure that I gave the photo the attention that it deserved. I'll do better next time!!
Hey Miss Jenny, hope you're feeling better. I tried to link but I'm not seeing it showing up in your list... http://anitamombanita.blogspot.com/2011/10/sensory-deprivation.html... hope it made it in...
That's a cool prompt!
I love writing challenges and only hope I complied. It was fun and I love your entry.
For Ames, some Centus posts blogger gives me trouble trying to post on, yours is one but I really felt I had to get my comment to you, since you were not so sure...so here's my comment via Jenny's comments, hope you read it!
(For Ames!) Oh it felt just perfect...almost as if I was walking along with you...great us of all those lovely sensory things...that make life so vibrant!
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