Thursday, September 10, 2009

We Remember

Where were you when the world stood still?
In that moment the world became changed
With an imprint of terror
Forged forever in fire
When destruction fell down like fall rain?

Were you drinking your coffee?
Were you driving to work?
Were you rocking your babe close to your heart?
Were you humming a song?
Were you righting a wrong?
Were you ironing your favorite shirt?

Where were you when the world broke in
disrupting your everyday plans
and disturbing the notion
that safety and peace
were the inalienable rights of all man…

Were you calling your Mother?
Were you taking a bath?
Were you going through the motions of your day?
Were you baking a cake ?
Were you planning a break up
and trying to find the right words to say?

Where were you when the message came
That nothing in life is for sure?
And all we get is each moment with no guarantees
of tomorrow, next week or next year…

Are you speaking a kind word?
Are you doing your part
to comfort and never cause pain?
Remember those moments
With your head and your heart
So the terror did not happen in vain…

Remember the message, remember the date
Remember nothing in life is for sure
for all we get is each moment with no guarantees
of tomorrow, next week or next year…


~Kristen~ said...

Jenny this is so beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember...I had just gotten out of bed, went to the barn, came inside, and my phone rang.
A day never to be forgotten...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love your poem Jenny -- very heartfelt and true!

It will alwasy be such a sad day for us as we lost friends neighbors and colleagues.