My whole life my "Mom" and "Dad" have been telling me I was of German/Austrian descent, so...
I know this revelation is gonna be hard for them to comprehend...
I just discovered that...
(Prepare to be astonished...)
100 percent.
No German/Austrian blood in me.
At all.
Which means...
I believe...
That my parents are adopted.
The reason I know this is because of my new brother ...

Growing up with three sisters, I knew I was missing a brother. I was just positive of it. And not only is Buddy that long lost sibling, he is almost my cooking soul-mate...
I feel a familial connection as I watch him explore Italian family recipes that I swear I remember from sometime early in my childhood. In fact, here's a picture of me looking in the window at my brother. See the family resemblance? I'm telling you. I. AM. ITALIAN!

I'm certain I was the chubby italian toddler learning how to make gnocchi at my Grandma's knee...
And I'm certain someone in my 'real' family must have taught me to make chicken with vinegar peppers because it must be a food memory ...perhaps from heaven. This was one of the best new recipes I've tried in a long time!
After I finish writing this post, I'm going to send Buddy an e-mail and tell him he has a long lost sister.
And then I'm going to google, "How to tell your parents they are adopted."
Surely there's a way to break it to them gently.
I just hope they don't cut off the 50 bucks they give me for my Birthday each year...
Now that I'm not their real child and all.
And, hey, if you want to check out my Bro and his funny TLC cooking show, "Kitchen Boss", just click here.
How wonderful to learn you had family you have never heard about before!
OHHHHHHHHH Buddy...I wonder if he has room for another sister!!!
I love watching him create all these goodies!!!!
I sent you an email with my phone number!!!
Thank you for the post you left for me....I cried like a got me girlie....and YOU.....have to be my Sister that I always wished for!!!
Love ya girlie!!!
I see the resemblance and perhaps if your Parents cut you off for the $50, Buddy will give you the money:)
Have a blessed day my Italian friend! HUGS!
What wonderful news! How exciting for you! I'm sure your parents will take the news well, but be prepared for them to try to find their "real" daughter! Just be there for them as they go through the process...
You crack me up, Jenny!
me too! I think Lidia Bastianich is my real mom. I made gnocci and homemade lasagna noodles just recently. They tell me I'm Polish, but I don't like cabbage OR mushrooms!
I've never seen this show but I'll be watching for it now. I've always felt like there was Italian blood running through my veins -- maybe we're sisters. Hope the smoke isn't coming your way. I keep watching for a "fire report". Jan
This post cracked me up - THANK YOU I totally needed it this morning. I LOVE the photo of you peeping in on Buddy you are the best.
As far as breaking the bad news I'd let them have this one lol.
How have I missed his shows?
I LOVE cooking shows and I love Italian cooking. He looks like he'd make the real deal (I'm 100% Italian so maybe we are sisters!)
As always thanks for a smile this morning.
Buddy deserves a wonderful sister like you! Those others, Grace and Mary and Whomever (?Lisa?), set one's teeth on edge. Not to mention Mama.
I'll have to find this show up here - after all, there will be a certain thrill knowing the family connection. I'd heard that in northern Italy there are many blondes - perhaps red heads too?! :)
Since you are related now is there any way I can get a discount at the bakery?
I'm Italian too!
My parents always told me that I was German/English/French, but there are so many indications of my real ethnicity that they can't be denied. My love of Italian food, my love of Italian wine, my love of Italian shoes...the list goes on and on!
Maybe we're sisters? I've felt a connection to you for a while, it could be true!
While I was spending more time on the couch recuperating, I watched and enjoyed your brother "Buddy" as he amazingly whipped up a cake for the astronauts. Fun post! Congrats on your "Italian ancestry!"
Sooo funny, Hey come to think about it we got to be sister's cause Buddy is my brother also.The crazy thing about it is this southern Georgia Peach loves me some "ITALIAN COOKING",oh and the food too.
LOL! Hilarious. Maybe you were Italian in a past carnation. Or was that reincarnation? :)
I love his show!!! And now I know a member of his family!!!!!
I love all the relationships!!! So outgoing, gregarious, loyal, supportive, prankster-like!! Can I tell my parents they are adopted too and join all of you??
You can also trace your roots to NJ...just like me. Do you speak with a Jersey accent like Buddy and me? Buon Appetito!
Did I ever mention that you're delightful?
haha!!! How hilarious! I was believing you at the start of your revelation post! (but then again, I am Miss "got-me-hook-line-and-sinker" queen! ...I find I am forever the one to say "Wow! really?" I love to watch Buddy and his sisters! They kinda remind me of my hubby's Portuguese family! (side note: my hubby thought he was adopted when he was little, cuz he was the "fairest" of them all...lighter hair and his mom always said he had "Marily Monroe" legs-very fair skinned)....and cuz my hubby felt like he was forever getting the most spankings!...of course, he says he deserved all of them, well, except one :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
Uh huh...I know exactly how you feel Jen...I'm going to google the same thing and in the interim pick up some Italian cooking tips!
I eat enough pasta that even if I wasn't born Italian... I must surely be, by now.
Can I be a long lost sister as well? That would be dreamy. I love cooking. My biggest crush is Jamie Oliver from Oliver's Twist. You want good cooking, check him out. :)
Now I'm just plain hungry!! And it's almost midnight!
I was reading our local paper this morning and saw that Buddy has a TOUR! He's coming to Kansas City some time this summer - and I may just have to go. I'll tell him his sister, Jenny, said hi.
I love Buddy, Like Cake boss the best but have watched kitchen boss too and well...I just like Buddy. So if you reveal your long lost secret and he takes you in let him know about your cousin in Colorado would ya?
Oh, he is something and so are YOU. I hope your parents are ok with the news. :)
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