It's in the desert...
...and that means it's something like 4 gajillion degrees out...
I'm exaggerating...I think it was only 113...
But if you go outside when it is 113 degrees...
And you pick a ton of these things...

And spend a long time using this thing...

To end up with a bunch of these things...

It just wears you out.
And you know what they say about canning, don't you?
Those that can't can, don't...
And those that can can, can get really tired out.
Or something like that...
Ach, lucky you!
I miss the frenzy of preserving the summer harvest now that I live in a garden-less London flat. I used to make salsa and gazpacho like a maniac, and I was a slave over the stove in damson and greengage jamming season (then there was the plum rum and the sloe gin :)
Well you certainly can CAN-CAN.
Jenny I hate the Heat, Yesterday I was in the back yard weeding, trying to forget my Dog. I must have gone out about 8Am by 10:30 it was 80 degrees, I was sick from the heat.
The Tomatoes look fabulous. My Mama
used to make tomatoe Preserves, Golly were they Delish.
My advice stay inside, that heat can kill you, plus give you skin cancer. yvonne XXXXX
I can can, I used to can, but canning can can you can't it! Now I freeze in the freezer.
I don't know if I can can. I am so glad you can can.
I can & I do because there's nothing better in the winter then pulling summer's produce out for dinner. I also choose to freeze mine. Good luck & stay cool!
Wow...those are some kind of temps....I would have melted into the garden just picking those beauties!!!!
YUMMO....looks delish!!! Nothing better...and so worth the hard work!!!
Stay cool sweet friend...we too are in for HOTTTTTTTT temps...and severe storms.....I hate the storm part!!!
Oh so nice! I am excited about this year's canning-but alas my tomatoes were out a tad late but I am ready for them! This year for me it will be tomato sauce-a competition with my sister. Hers was scrumptillish! So I am attempting to make mine out of this world! Your tomatos look yum yum
I'm gonna' dump all our garden's veggies off at your house. When "can" I expect all the canned product???? ;o)
I miss you.
my grandma does all my canning for me :) I really want to learn so I can start doing it myself and for others! I know how big of a job it is though!
I can't wait to have a garden so I can - can!
Oh, I know I can't can but I totally think it's cool that you can! Those look amazing, Jenny! As we say here in Japan after a hard days work...otsukaresama! You did a great job :)
Those look delicious! My tomatoes are sitting on the table staring at me, wondering why they're not canned yet...
Better you than me, honey! The last think planted at this house were solar lights around the pool, and they just sit there, not growing anything.
Yest, it is bloody hot here! High today? 111!!!
113? sounds lovely. :0
I am going to do the can know the dance.
Stay cool Jenny!!!!
I would love to learn how to can. I'm really afraid I would give everyone food poisoning.
Oh Hon, I remember my mother canning, in a steamy summer kitchen. And I never even tried to do it too.
And I know the NE is not as hot as your area, but summertime gets pretty hot here, too. Especially for canning, when no one had A/C. Not in our neck of the woods anyway.
whew! that is some mighty fine summer weather ... sounds like a hot day doing all of that canning but i bet the results are so worth it!!!
I bow down to you oh hot and sticky one!..... Are you crazy?.... Canning in this heat? Good Lord! I have a basket of tomatoes we picked from our topsy turvey planter and I am not sure what to do with them other than make a huge salad. I've never grown my own tomatoes before. I do have a pressure cooker and some canning jars , but it's been a long time since I helped mom do that, so I guess you could say "I cannned, and now I can't." I bought a book on canning last winter but was thinking I'd try my hand at fruit preserves first. Do you stew them and then can then? I think may I can try the hot water bath method if I cook them first. I just don't want to give my family a case of botulism.
Stay cool my's 89 degrees right now. I just got back from a walk and I am dripping in sweat! The humidity makes me feel like I'm breathing water. Hugs!~Ames
Hate the doing, love the results....I hope you have A/C! Have a great day Jenny!
Makes you really appreciate AC! We are FINALLY getting some rain! Temps in the low 70s! Yea!
Jenny, there is nothing as good as home canned tomatoes so I'm sure it was worth the effort! I used to do that a lot when my brother gave me oodles of tomatoes from his garden --now his kids are grown with families of their own do they are the lucky benefactors of his surplus tomatoes.
At least your's is a DRY heat!
Good for you to get that out of the way early in the summer. Looks delicious!
It's not quite time for us to be canning in Tennessee. In fact Jeff and I go up to the Mennonite farm and get 25 lbs of tomatoes for 10 bucks! and they are organic!! I make lots of salsa. I really like the cucumber relish I make, it's easy and I use it in place of pickles in egg, tuna, ham, chicken salad as well as deviled eggs. Send you the recipe if you would like. I'm proud of you for canning, most folks don't do that now! I also have a great hot pepper jelly that I love but no one else in my family does so I don't make it any more.
I have always wanted to try canning... but alas I am way too lazy for all of that... oh and I have nothing to can because I have a black thumb ;)
those tomato's canned and fresh looked divine. I don't garden, because I would so kill everything, but I would maybe try a tomato plant.
What??? People put food in those jars? I thought they were for drinks...
Great canning success! :o)
Whew! Hope you can take a minute or two of some relaxin' in a cool, cool has been hot, hot her to in steamy Georgia! But I do have to be thankful that it hasnt gotten to some of the temps (140 degrees!) that my hubby experienced in the dessert of northern Kuwaite! Ew!
Blessings & Aloha!
Oh Jenny, Canning in a hot kitchen in 113 degree weather sounds almost as bad as my hot flashes. At least you get some incredible tomato sauce out of the deal. :-)
Glorious red harvest palette and the lovely fruits of your labors. I'm sorry it is so hot and tiring, though. :~{
It was 113 in Palm Desert today, too. I know, because I'm here.
Sweating. Like a pig.
I am disappointed I didn't get to see a picture of you doing the Can Can...kick it girl!
I can't can.
I can't Handle 113...or anything near it
I can however tell you how wonderful you are and well...that's all I got.
No canning for this gal. I made jelly once and literally sweated myself into exhaustion. Glad for those that can can! Rest up!
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