I'm not quite sure how to go about it, so if you're one of those smart, science type people that can help me implement this idea, I'm totally willing to split the profits 70/30 with you. (70 for me, of course, silly!)
Mr. Jenny and I have been watching our Grandlittles for the past 4 days.
In 24 hours we did all this stuff with them...
Swam, swam, talked, swam, talked...

Played with fake snow that a wonderful blog friend sent to on Saturday! (Thank you! Thank you! We love you!)

Swam, talked, swam, swam and talked some more.
Talked. Made crafts. Talked. Made dinner together. Played Sorry. Talked.
Went to an aquarium...

Went to lunch. Talked.

Rode on a Merry-go-Round. Talked while riding the Merry-go-Round!

Spent 51 1/2 minutes picking out stuffed animals.
Drove home...talking the whole way.
And when we arrived home, Mr. Jenny and I turned on cartoons and told them we were taking a nap...
...after approximately 3 minutes they all came back to our room...rested and ready for the next activity...
Or...not so much.
We are ready to drop and they are ready to go, go, go some more...
So, I'm thinking if we could harness this energy we could a) be quite wealthy and b) hopefully, possibly tire them out just a bit.
And listen.
If you can tire them out a little bit...I'll split the profits with you 50/50. That's how tuckered out I am!
Isn't the energy level incredible! And you are running with 3 at a time. When we have the grand girls it's just 2, but after they go home I try to think back to my childhood. At any point did I have that kind of energy?
One thing is for sure. When spending time with the grands, I go to bed and sleep like a baby! It looks like so much fun and so many memories.
ROFL...you crack me up! I know how much you love them, even when they chatter constantly like wee magpies! They are ADORABLE!
Your granddaughters are beautiful, just think how young they're keeping you, Jenny...that's what I used to tell myself when most of mine were that age. At one period of time, I babysat 4 of them daily for several years! Great memories! Never entertained them with the making of fake snow though! :)
thats funny! I know, I dont know how kids have so much energy. Its just not fair that we dont have as much! Glad you had a fun time with those little dolls! hope your rested up now for the week.
What a truly wonderful way to become exhausted!!!! What beautiful hair those girls have, they are completely adorable you lucky lady.
What a lovely post with fabulous pictures. Your grandchildren are so lucky. And having a pool in your back yard, that must be amazing. I'd love a pool for Amy (and me of course) though we'd probably have a constant stream of friends round!!
CJ xx
Oh how I love myself a nap! I have the kiddles this summer, 4 on Monday is so much easier than 1 on Wednesday. Today is 3 on Monday, PT, lunch and tyedye Monday!! Praying for no rain! Love you and the reds, and Morgan and Mr. Jenny.
you are wonderful wonderful wonderful Grandparents and you are making memories that will last with these forever...AND setting a great example for when they are grandparents! I have parents like that and my girls completely enjoy the time they get to spend with them and miss it when time goes by without these visits! I am so glad you had a great 4 days...do you get to nap today?
Whew! I was tired just reading that! I've always thought we should ride stationary bikes to run things like our TVs. Now I'm thinking we should have a power station where kids ride bikes and climb things to power the whole community. Who's with me?
I'll gladly give you my kids for experimenting! I miss nap time...
That was an awesome post Jenny ! Beautiful grandkids...yes, if only we could tap the energy they produce...
Last time my Hubs and me had 4 of our grandchildren for a week, we crawled on our hands and knees to bed every night, we were so beat and as soon as they all were asleep, so were we...1st grandkid awoke every morning a 6 am...a very fun week though. Patted ourselves on the backs for having our kids young...I think when their Mom and Dad got home we took naps at every opportunity until we flew back home !
If we could only bottle it and sell it - people like me would line up for hours to buy it!
Of course, you know, this will keep you young.
Love those beautiful faces. What great memories were made.
Found your blog through Cindy's Whimsical Musings. Look forward to more visits.
Much love!
One year we took the girls to
Disneyland for a few days. They had been there many times before and knew where everything was. After two days, Rod and I were so exhausted that we could hardly stand it! My poor feet were screaming at me!! I certainly hope the girls remember that trip, but after so many times there, I doubt that they will!
And don't forget the tooth removal!
What cuties!!! You are making happy summer memories.
Yes, let's harness this energy!
Beautiful post on beautiful girls...enjoy while you can...they will be grown up far too soon.
Total sympathy coming your way. What I wouldn't give for an ounce of youthful energy!
There sure is a lot of talking going on here!
It sounds like EVERYONE is having fun though!
They keep you young.
Have fun.
looks like a fun but exhausting time!! Love all the smiles!!
aaahhh, grandkids. they totally wear me out. and if a couple of them happen to be in the car with me at the same time, they try to out do each other on the talking. I feel your pain.
Except, they are so worth it.
All that talking would make me the walking dead! Kids ask way too many questions these days.What do they think we are? A dictionary? Jeezem Louise! Grandson #3 wore me out asking so many questions I finally had to tell him to stop obsessing. Now he's going around telling his other brothers they are obsessing. Word of the day I suppose.
Say that Mo is striking a pose there isn't she. You've got some cute grandlittles. But you have just worn me out thinking about all that you did with them...and in one day too. Are you sneaking the Geritol or something? When you figure out the energy thing send some my way. I've got 6 grandsons and 1 grandaughter and a cranky old fart of a husband. I wake up tired.Hugs~Ames
Oh, you poor good grandparents. My 4th child could talk us all to the pearly gates if we let him. But at night, I just have to kindly, but frimly tell him to stop talking. Really.
I love your idea. If you figure it out, let me know and I will be rich and famous along side of you.
Wow! That is a heck of a lot of talking! We have 4 girls who wouldn't stop talking and fidgeting and one boy who couldn't get a word in edgewise. Thanks goodness they are all grown now. BUT...
Now we have grandkids who are non-stop energy also. Let's just say, I feel your pain and exhaustion...
Gotta love 'em though...
HAHA, isn't it so true that we have them when we're young for a reason? I'll buy the bottles....
Isn't it like the best thing ever, yes it is!!! I thought having children was fun/crazy/energizing/incredible/too short and then now it's all that all over again but with the grandkids! Life is wonderful! Looks like you all had great fun!
You guys got more tuckered out then them hahaha!
But they are soooo cute! Looks like it's been a lot of fun. Having the grands visit is always fun, but after a day with them, I tend to be more aware of my age. laurie
When I am with my grandsons I sleep well at night as they both tucker me out ..and they are only two and a half and 3 months old! I can't imagine how much Geritol I'll have to take to keep up with them when they are older...lol!
Your Grands are all so cute ..I know you love second spent with them, Jenny!
You and Mr. Jenny are such wonderful grandparents. I am so envious! Here I am, at 66, hoping that my first grandchild to arrive - they are working on that but I've had no announcements yet. Laura and Alex will be going to Hawaii August 9th for their honeymoon ( only a year late ) - maybe a grandchild will happen then! I'll be in HOT Sacramento to house sit and stay with my granddogs. Taffy is easy but Bucky has so much energy, he can wear me out! It's a good thing Laura's mom is ten years younger than me! She can do all the running, I'll just relax and cuddle!
Can I send mine your way? I mean, you already have three. What is two more? It wouldn't make any difference, right? :)
What wonderful memories they're going to have of visits with you. Lucky kids.
You must be in great shape. I was exhausted just reading about all the activities, but I must admit -- a bit jealous, too.
OMG Jenny, you are so right! This could work! Seriously, and I'll add my nephew Sam to the mix - There will never be another energy shortage anywhere on earth! The girls are all growing so much and gorgeous as ever!
There is a charity project working in sub-Saharan Africa called Playpumps. They install playground roundabouts near schools or churches etc. The kids ride the roundabout and provide the energy to pump up the clean water from the well and into storage tanks. From there gravity feeds it down to the village tap. Cool eh? :)
Some pictures full of tenderness and fun ... and energy to spare the kids, very nice photos. Greetings.
Looks live a busy summer :)
and how big they've gotten since I started reading your blog! I can't believe it. Young ladies!
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