Thursday, June 30, 2011

K is for Kites

Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it.

Winston Churchill

This quotation is brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "K". To read other K posts, just click here.

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Anonymous said...

This is a thinking quote.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Tricky quote, that!

I understand it's message.

But guess I'm not scientific enough to understand it's reality.

Can you guess that I never flew a kite?



Anonymous said...

That is such an interesting quote. It certainly gives one something to think about.


Anonymous said...

Yep,higher AGAINST the wind,just don't "spit in the wind",teehehe!!

Theresa said...

:) HUGS!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Now, that's interesting - rising against the wind. I never knew this. Thanks for sharing!

Come by to read today’s post: K is for Knight in Shining Armor

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Oh my, I need to go get a cup of coffee and read this one again....

It's a little early out here!

Love the quote and love the quoter?



Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It reminds me of the song "...against the wind"..beautiful photo,Jenny!

Susan Anderson said...

Love the "Kwote."

And the Kites.


My name is Riet said...

Lovely kites Jenny flowing in the wind.. You asked for the name of the flowers in my blog.I do know the name but not at this moment.:((( They grow everywhere in Spain and Italy and France and I suppose in more southern warmer countries.They don't grow very well in Holland, the climat is not right for it.Oh yes I know now. Bougainville is the name. LOL Have a good week. We will be on holidays in England next week but maybe I can post on my little notebook.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I've been meaning to get a kite. Today would be the perfect day to fly one too.

Ames said...

I've always enjoyed kites. Down here they fly the most amazing kites over the river and the beach.
I also buy them and tuck them in the grands Easter baskets. They love them too!~Ames

Rosalind Adam said...

That explains a lot about why I could never get my kite to fly as a kid... and maybe why I'm not a high flyer now!! I'd rather go with the flow any day. It's much easier. Weren't Churchill's quotes wonderful though!

ellen b. said...

Great quote Jenny! Happy Kite flying to you...

Melinda said...

They look so happy flying in the breeze!


Pat Tillett said...

Now that's deep! Like the words, love the photo!

Amanda said...

Amen to that!

Jo said...

I have never heard of that quote before ... quite brilliant and thought provoking! I am so glad you shared this with us all!

Cheryl D. said...

Who knew? I thought kites went with the wind! I always go against the wind, yet I never fly!


Rachel said...

Beautiful post. Great quote. True also of red kites.

Ms. A said...

One of those times when going against the wind is the only way to soar to new heights!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

what a lovely kite.

Dazee Dreamer said...

Sometimes I wish I could fly above all the drama, like a kite.

Pondside said...

Now that's a great quote, and way better than the famous one from Nietzsche. The wind, the kites - great images in my mind.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh, Winston was such a smart man!
Jenny!! LOL!! Suburban taupe/brown is one of your favorite colors? Surely it's something bright and wonderful like mango yellow or coral red or cobalt blue or something else worthy of a great blog post. :-)
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!!!!

Judie said...

I am a kite person. When I was young, we made kites out of balsa wood and the London Times. I taught my children to fly kites and they love them as much as I do!! Great post, Miss Jenny!!

H said...

There is something very therapeutic about flying a kite!

Winston was certainly one who rose against the wind. He was at his greatest while he was leading through the time of crisis and darkness.

"Keep buggering on!"

Unknown said...

Ah, kites.... I think I've only played with a kite only once or twice ever. It was a lot of work getting it up in the air though.

Ingrid said...

Not convinced, I have to try it out myself ! I thought the wind has to blow under it ! Not with or against, lol !

Unknown said...

Nice choice of K-word, lovely image of the kites and great quote too!
Best wishes & hugs,
I am still packing!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

A perfect K post. You know, I just watched "The Winds of War" a bigtime mini-series from the 1980's..... about WW2. Churchill was a wise, wise man.

Splendid Little Stars said...

certainly a quote to ponder. I love the cheerful joy of the photo!

Vicki/Jake said...

AW, go fly a KITE!!

Love this one :)