I've been laid up a bit with flu again. After putting myself into a healing coma in front of the TV, I was sucked into a scinillating piece of drama about Martha Stewart's daughter, Alexis, writing a "Mommy Dearest" book.

Martha says it is hilarious. The pictures of her fake smiles make me sad. And I'm a bit concerned.
I'm not a Martha groupie.
But I wanted to throw the remote at the snarky, smug face of the daughter.
You spend all your Mom's money, use your Mom's fame to skyrocket your own nastiness to stardom AND then have the audacity to cry, 'Boo Hoo, poor you?"
And don't you think Martha did the best she could?
And maybe Martha is just not able to show her caring, nurturing self in a way that her daughter can understand but, hey, haven't most of us Mom's been on that particular highway to heartache ourselves?
Repeating again, that I'm not a Martha groupie...
(although I will admit to being pretty darned envious of her dish collection)
...I think this whole ugly debacle just speaks volumes about the American people.
Let's bash and trash and point blame at everyone and everything so we don't have to take responsibility for our own humanity and decent manners. Or lack thereof.
See what I mean?
Too much TV.
And sadly, tt's not just Martha I've been worried about either.
What do you think happens to those people that have to leave the "X" factor? How do they handle their lifelong dreams being crushed? And am I a really bad person to think that's a funny remark from the baby lips of a 14 year old?

And how do those chefs not cut off their fingers when their knives are moving so fast?
And political ads?
How can all the political ads all say the same thing? And if the 'liar' in the first political ad calls the 'liar' in the second political ad a liar, doesn't that create a double negative, which actually means the first politician is telling the truth? Or would that be the second political person being truthful?
Thank heavens I'm up and around today.
I'm not sure if my brain could handle processing other unsettling news of the world.
And I'm not sure if Mr. Jenny could handle another night of being awakened in the wee hours to discuss such things.
I think next time I get sick I'm going to subscribe to the Hallmark channel and inundate my brain with Little House on the Prairie reruns...
thinking about the pioneer days do you think when the little kids got ran over by a team of horses or bitten by a rattlesnake they...

Must. Never. Get. Sick. Again.
Must. Never...
Must. Never.
mustnevereverever watch the tv show about the disgusting foods again...
...because frankly...
...that just makes me sick.
And then the whole If-You-Give-A-Mouse-A-Cookie nightmare starts all over again.
I don't miss cable TV at all!
Glad you are feeling better Ms. Jenny!
You know, there is a part of me that wonders who these 'kids' are that cash in on their parents' famous names to make a buck....and, in the process of cashing in,do the 'mommie dearest' trick. Do you know that young Stewart could not get pregnant and her mother paid for all of her fertility treatments? And what about the fine education and well-appointed life her mother afforded her?
Even if there had been no redeeming quality to Martha's parenting, to 'cash in' on that speaks volumes about the writer.
Project Runway - I never understood how Kim made it to the 'bake off' for a place at Lincoln Center, much less to Lincoln Center. Oy (again).
Well, first of all, I am sorry you have been sick! It is nice sometimes to just LAY UP and watch TV! I watch a couple of Soaps and of course... fairy tales! Sounds like you watched a little too much:) I like Martha and I am sorry her daughter is bashing her:(
Hope today is a GREAT day for you! HUGS!
I hope you feel better soon Jenny. I started a cold yesterday, think I picked it up from some blogs. :(
I'm not a huge fan of Martha...but why would your child ever say anything bad about their mom/dad???? Doesn't make sense to me.
I heard an interview last week from Alexis's former radio co-host that Alexis herself is kinda mean mean mean.
take care,
OMG, I love to vegge out in front of the TV. I never really overthink anything though, it's basically a time where by brain shuts down. If I'm bored or antsy however then the brain clicks back on and I begin to overthink things... or I just read, blog, or play games as I watch so as to keep the brain busy;-)
Obviously Miss Martha (and her staff) didn't do 'everything' perfect!!! Heeehehehe!
Girl, ya still fightin' the crud??? Bless your heart, ya gotta get that old immune system built up again! I'm prayin' for ya sweetie.
I've been gone a week to my Mom's in Brownsville, Tx. I callin' it a workcation...that's my word and I'm stickin' to it! :o)
God bless you day sweet Jenny and feel better. Hugs...........
LMAO this is hilarious!!!
I'm only seventeen but what you said about martha's daughter sounds outrageous (or maybe thats just the Asian in me) I can't believe that a daughter could have the audacity not just to talk about it but to actually publish a book at the expense of her mother...
and live. Wow. Hope you're feeling better. this is a great blog!
I sooo totally agree 100% with this rant. I've been thinking about this for a long time about what's happened to people. People are just so darned mean to each other. Besides the mommie dearest people just people in general. Sometimes I think part of the problem is all the "reality" TV people see. They think it's okay for people to say or do anything nowadays. It's like no one knows how to filter their behavior. I know I'm a little off track on what you posted but I had to get it out LOL.
Haha. The only thing I know about in the fall is sports.
I hope you feel better.
Sorry to hear you have been sick. Daytime TV can be a very scary place.
Sorry to hear that you have the nasty flu - made me glad, though, that I had a flu shot last week because I don't want to catch anything hanging around at your blog!
I quite agree with you about those 'tell all' books written by spoiled celeb children. The best way to make a statement is to not buy it - not even when it sits on the remainder pile marked down 80% after Christmas!
Daytime TV can cause a sanity deficiency and hypochondria. It should be taken in small doses!
Ugh, I watched the promotion for the book on the Today show this morning. I thought, " omg! If that was my daughter I would feel like such a failure and be humiliated !"
Holy cow Jenny...sick again ? Geez, I'm sorry !
Seeing Martha's pissy, nasty daughter and her friend dishing dirt about Martha ( my opinion, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree )...AND getting paid big bucks for it ? Awful ! Yes, I also am envious of her massive dish collection...wonder what that signifies ?
Miss Jenny, hope you feel better very soon. But if you don't, please do put yourself into another TV coma and report back tomorrow because this was absolutely hilarious!!
Starting my day with a chuckle after this post!!!! You have such a gift for writing, Jenny!!!! Sorry to hear you've been ill, but you have to get your material somewhere. Nice of you to suffer for the cause!
I am sorry to hear you were not feeling well. I hope this is it and you are back to your healthy self! I wouldn't spend a dime on Martha's daughter's book. She will never be like her mother, and she needs that sidekick friend of hers every step of the way!! Don't understand it. Martha keeps pushing, but I think it is time to give it a rest!! xo
ugly begets ugly, doesn't it?!
I remember seeing M's daughter a long time ago and knowing BAD things were coming...
hope you feel much better
no more garbage in...prevents garbage out ;)
So glad you are up and feeling better! I won't even get started on ungrateful kids.
Clearly the daughter is a product of her environment ... I turned off nasty tv this year ... housewives, drama, mean judges ... my life is just too damn precious to waste it on those who promote ugliness and adult bullying ...
and Jenny, do look after yourself ... I am sending healing thoughts and prayers ...
I am completely unimpressed with any child who puts him or herself forward at the expense of a famous parent. If you have something to work out with your mother or father, do it privately. It's not as if Martha were a total bust with that girl. As I recall, she seems to have done quite a lot for her.
As always, you are amusing as amusing people get! Sorry that you're down with the flu, though. That stinks.
Maybe you need to build up your immune system with one of my green smoothies!
You've been laid low will illness a lot lately! Not nice! I hope that this feeling better is a more long lasting feeling better!!
I do agree with you about the whole pointing fingers and raking over trash thing. Much better to keep such stuff to oneself!
Back away from the remote Jenny! I am of the same belief as you have no repect for adults. Mr. Ames and I were walking behind 3 teenage girls and we overheard them say "I hate walking behind old people!" Why I wanted to yell "You'll be old someday!" And I wanted to say..."And fat too!" But Mr. Ames just squeezed my hand....his polite way of telling me to shut up. Anyhoo....about grand nephew has already shown me the dead scorpion in my sisters driveway and the dead rattlesnake on the road as I am standing there in my sandles. Shiver. Now I am being entertained while he plays three blind mice on his trombone. I can't wait until tomorrow. Really!~Ames
lol. I'm thinking that the "flu" that you got this time was quite a different strain.
this is why I love you. You crack me up.
Time for you to get to feeling better, maybe a nap here and there.
A good books perhaps but no TV!
Get better soon.
Show me your hands, Jenny, and drop the remote on the floor. Kick it over to me. Now, step back and look me in the eye. I'm here to save you from yourself, Dear.
Repeat after me. "Stupid TV is for stupid people, and I am not stupid." Now, move over to the blackboard and write that sentence 100 times.
There. Don't you feel better?
I watch too much tv - yes I will admit it. I am not a Martha groupie either. Base don what some of my kids have to endure when I plan a simple party, I can see what Alexis may have gone through.
That said, I am so tired of listening to people belly ache about EVERYTHING - suck it up! As for reality TV and shows like American Idol and X factor - at this point everyone knows what they are getting into.
When I first got married, hubby had me quit my awful job and he would come home and I would say ..."On Oprah today..." and then it became a rule...Nothing could start with "On Oprah/Maury/Jerry/etc...."
I'm glad you're feeling better. Turn off the TV!
I saw some of the clips about the Martha book. I've always thought her daughter was a witch and truthfully...I think maybe she had a good teacher. I love the things Martha creates, but she has never seemed like a nice person to me. However, no child should write crap about their parents IMO! As for X-Factor...I'm hooked. I love that show! Sorry about the flu!
First off, I think you are more sick right now, worrying about women with more money than anyone should ever have! Secondly, people who fail to take accountability for their own lives make me sort of sick. Sigh. Especially if they have all the money and privilege and opportunity that most people don't have. Sigh.
I guess Martha never taught her daughter, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'd say it's all about the money but, as the only daughter she probably stands to inherit more by keeping her mouth shut.
Oh take it from me, Miss Jenny - Little House on the Prairie will lead you so deep in depression it will take more than a team of horses to pull you out! I was watching it daily in the spring and had to let it go because I was sure someone was going to be stricken blind, die in childbirth, or catch a disease for which there was no vaccine.
And don't get me started on the unfortunate Eliza Jane, being rejected by Harv Smithfield and lying about it so Almanzo and Laura could get married....
This was great...thanks for the chuckle. I agree with you about Alexis Stewart. I think she comes across as a word that starts with 'b' and ends in 'h'.
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