Maybe not.
But first let me explain and then you can give me your opinion here.
I've become that woman...
You know...
The one with 17 coupons to apply to my 23 item purchase at the grocery story.

The one that gives a little squeak of joy when the cashier says, "Mrs. Matlock, you've saved $35.15.
The one that calls Mr. Jenny on the way home from the store to say, "You're not going to believe this BUT I got $72.12 worth of groceries for $36.97!"
A few days ago my Mom called me to tell me that three grocery stores in our area give you 10% of your entire grocery store purchase on the first Wednesday of every month! 10%!!! Golly gee, count me in! What do I have to do?
"Oh," my Mom says, "You just show your ID at the checkout and you'll get 10% off for your Senior Citizen discount."
Senior Citizen?

10% is 10% right. What's a little age sharing between me and the grocery clerk.
So I gather up my lists and my coupons and head off to store number 1. I'm all prepared at the check-out to take off my dark glasses and show my ID for my discount. Before I can do it, though, the clerk quickly rings me up! "Oh wait!" I say in dismay, "I wanted to get the Senior discount today."
"Oh, I already gave you that...see here, 10% off!"
Second store, same thing. I didn't show my ID. The clerk didn't ask. I got my 10% off.
Third store I'm feeling pretty freaked out so I take a second and put on a little make-up under my eyes, a touch of masacara, a little tinted lip gloss. I fluff my hair up and act all perky.
AND THE SAME STUPID THING HAPPENS! 10% without even asking for it.
"Okay," I tell myself, "Obviously they just don't ask and give it to everyone on the first Wednesday of the month."
I heave a sigh of relief.
Thank heavens I've figured out the mystery.
When I get home I call my Mom. "Mom, I went to the store and they just gave me the discount. I didn't even have to show ID. Thanks for telling me about it."
My Mom replies, "What? They always ask me for my ID."
"Really, Mom? Like in the past? How long ago did you go shopping on the first Wednesday."
"Well...just today as a matter of fact."
I quietly inquire, "Today? Today they asked for your ID?"
"Yes, why do you ask?" my Mom replied.
I ask you.
Is 10% really worth it?
I think not.
Or maybe my Mom was lying. Or paying someone off at the store to ask her for ID.
Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what happened.
Thank heavens.
I was starting to feel kind of bad about the whole SENIOR FREAKIN' CITIZEN DISCOUNT!!!!
of course...
47 comments: was YOUR, uh, well....maybe...
Me thinks you should wear your age like a badge of honor. You're one hot senior at any rate. But it is funny.....isn't it? When my mom was 50, she was ALWAYS carded for buying liquor. ALWAYS. I'm only four years older than that and I'm definitely 'senior looking'.
too funny! you should have demanded and extra 10 percent off just for being insulted!
Take it and run baby!!! I don't get carded at the liqueur store anymore and they call me "Ma'am" but I take it in stride... of course the booze helps:@)
Once at McD's they gave me the sc discount and I was at the drive up mic where they couldn't evensee me!
10% is good enough for God :-)
Would you be happier if they renamed it to 'Superior Citizen' discount?
Are you sure it's not called that already? You know, they say the hearing is the first thing to go as we get older...
Ha ha !!! Hey, have you seen that outrageous show on cable tv about the woman who has a 1,000 plus grecery tab at check-out, hands over her coupons, and ends up only paying 30.00 something for tax.
But this is a full-time job for her. No thanks...........
I've been getting for seniors offers on my email. grrr!
and here I am jealous of your discount...I use coupons too...I have a mini stockpile...nothing like what you see on TV but certain items only like toilet paper, kleenex, tampons, pasta and cereal.....but if I got an extra 10% off just for being me I think that would be cool!!!
Oh Jenny, you poor thing. I'm sorry you had to endure this trauma at the grocery. Allow me to help soothe the sting...
When I had my neck surgery, my sister-in-law (6 years older than me) came to pick me up. She left to pull the car up to the valet parking area. The nurse came into my room and asked me where my daughter went....I was suicidal for days.
I hope you are not close to the wildfires. Have a great weekend! La
They were just trying to make your mom feel better,,,I'm sure that is what it is. For some reason I have started telling people I am sixty..which I am NOT even close to..ok..maybe a little close. Anyway, nobody blinks an eye! I'm going to start saying 68 and see what happens...
They must think you are young enough for the teen 10% off.
I bet you qualified for the "most amazing person" discount.....I'd give it to you!
Are you really over 50??????? I would never have known it....;o)
Love ya'
I know how you feel! I don't ask and they slap that senior citizen discount on me! But a friend who had beautiful grey hair frosting her once jet black head full of hair told me, "The bible says wear your grey hair like a crown of glory" It is Proverbs 16:31. Go check it out and it will make you smile! Hugs Anne
Oh yeah baby... if they are giving the discount, I am taking it! My grocery store age limit is 60 so I don't qualify yet:( But at Kohl's it is 55 and you bet your sweet bippy, I take the discount! Enjoy your day sweet Jenny, HUGS from your SENIOR FRIEND!
Maybe I should stop coloring my hair and I could start getting discounts!!!!! :)
And Miss don't look a day over 45 to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jenny, simple explanation. They had already looked at your Mom's ID and knew how old she was so figured her daughter was a 'certain age' also....does that help? Nope didn't think so! Sorry...I always ask for my discount as I think that I need all the help I can get and yes they do ask for my ID most of the time...
LOL! thats really funny! One day my daughter and I went shopping and two different little stores they thought we were sisters! I felt bad for my daughter ! lol!
yeah, well, that hasnt happened in a long time!
have a great weekend
It sounds like Mr. Jenny will have to do the discount grocery shopping for a while, just until you recover :)
OK Too FUNNY!..... But answering from the bright side....remember when clerks used to make change from their head? But so many clerks couldn't add or subtract...too many errors!!! so.... someone created cash registers to do it for them.....! ! !
YES!YES!..I love me some coupons and I always try and shop on Wednesday's for the extra 10% senior citizen discount, I talk about a big smile and a thank you, when the cashier says you saved this amount,whoohoo!
Love it!...I AM THAT LADY!
-smirk- Some stuff just isn't worth the effort.
Oh thank heavens, I thought you were going to tell us you were an extreme couponer. (Nothing wrong with this) but I couldn't do it.
Take your discount and smile all the way out the door!!!!
hahah! so funny. :]
Heck, if 10% = $7.50 off your grocery bill before the coupons then that's almost the price of a manicure. So yeh it's worth it. I'm all for saving a buck or getting a free coffee! I've earned that right. There should be perks with age.
Hey I've got one of those wheeled granny baskets in the picture up above. The hubby bought it for me. I'm wondering if it makes me look old. They are great to use when you go to those 10 acre flea markets.~Ames
I don't think it's worth it!
AARP keeps sending me applications and I keep ignoring them....
With as much as I travel, the discount would be nice, but I just can't wrap my head around that word "senior"...
Huh. Those rotten check out kids. WTG on the couponing! I wanna be like you. :)
LOL 10% is totally worth it ! I want that discount at the grocery store too. I also have been getting AARP stuff in the mail and just tear them up...I will not pay to be a Senior Citizen but if they want to give me free discounts, I'm in !!! ( are we talking about age 55, 62 or 65 ? Apparently, all these and everything in between and beyond is considered to be SENIOR )
BTW, looks like you are doing a great job with your coupons...bravo !
I was actually excited when a young male grocery store employee called me "Miss" the other day. "Miss" not "Ma'am"! Yee haw! Doesn't take much for this 50, almost 51 y/o chick, does it? Love this, Jenny (and the "senior" photo is just precious!). I went crazy on couponing earlier this year, and I seem to have dropped the ball on that. It does take time and a lot of it(!!), but yep, it saves!!
Miss Jenny, you sweet young thang, have a fabulous weekend!! -Tammy
Are you living my life, or what?
I keep telling myself if I died my hair, it'd all be different...
Same thing happened with me...but they ahve your birth year when you get the "discount card" remember????? You want to feel really bad at couponing? Watch "Extreme Couponing" on TV, these women's are so Type A and OCD....sometimes the stores have to pay them! It made me crazy! One lady and her husband got 1000.00 worth the groceries for 64.00!!!!!! But the hours and hours they put into getting ready for the grocery trip....not worth it! LOL
The first time that happened to me, I was so hurt, even though I KNOW I look my age. Then I found out it's in my store card and breathed a small sigh of relief. If there are ANY perks to being a senior citizen... I'll take them. Lord knows looking old isn't one of them, though.
Wait till somebody grabs you in the hall at church for a little chit-chat and says...."Now, how many great grandchildren do you have??!"
So they don't give you the senior discount for looking like a senior in high school?
Oh. Rats.
The difference is your mom went to an older cashier. You probably went to a teenybopper and they all think we're score though.
The cashier had a crush on you. All three of them. That is the only explanation. Of course.
Just too funny. The last time I was carded--for alcohol--I was 20 years and 364 days. Never again was I asked to show ID so the senior discount came for me in my
late 40's. "Sigh" here also.
I was really pissed when we went into McDonalds and ordered senior coffee. Rod had to show his i.d. but I DIDN'T!!!! Ouch! That hurt!!
I need to find a 10% off store. I think your mom was pulling your leg.
LOL... I think your mom was in cahoots with the cashiers. Sure it would have been a big task but she did tell you about it so she could have been prepared:-)
that's all i got.
Sweet Jenny, you are just so funny! I'll take a 10% discount anyway I can get it. Hugs
That was TOO freakin' hilarious!
THANKS for a grin to start my day!!! I've been watching the show 'extreme couponing' and am inspired by anyone who can do that, and you too!! I hadn't thought about a senior discount...My birthday is coming up and I'm getting closer to getting one!
Enjoy your weekend!
Ah, Jenny, you need to come up here, the retirement centre of Canada. I'm still called 'Miss' all the time, and sometimes 'young woman'.
PS Please assure me that you won't be going on that awful reality show about women that collect coupons!
What is wrong with those clerks! They must be blind!
I have started a new thing recently. Since people no longer seem surprised or say something nice, "Like, wow, I thought you were only 29," when I tell them my age, I am now going to say that I am turning 50 on my next birthday. I should hope this gets to proper response, because I'm only 42.
If this doesn't work, I'm going to carry a loaded water pistol. That way, SOMEONE, will always be surprised.
It must be because of your cheerful nature, those laugh lines around the eyes make those cashiers want to give you the discount voluntarily ;-P
when I was 20 I always got I wish someone would ask me for my day I asked the check out clerk don't you need to see my ID to buy this wine...No Mam....then when I use my credit card to pay....she needs my ID...told her I knew you really wanted my ID...she didn't get it...darn 16 year olds...
I think your sweet and silly Mom told you a little white lie.
And yes, it would totally be worth the 10%....think of the things you could buy at the garage sales with that savings. :)
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