That is the only explanation possible.
Over the weekend, Mr. Jenny and I took a ride in his 1948 Jeepster to get some fresh picked sweet corn.
The wind was blowing through my hair.
The wind was blowing through Mr. Jenny's bald spot.
It was glorious.
We got to the farm stand and had a small debate over how much corn to buy. Mr. Jenny thought we should buy a dozen ears. I thought we should buy six. So we did.
When it came time for dinner, I was excited! Fresh corn the cob. Woo hoo!
I asked Mr. Jenny how many ears of corn he wanted with dinner. He said, "One!" I asked myself how many I wanted with dinner. I said, "Five!" and then I reigned myself in and cleaned two.
I had made barbecued beef in the crockpot along with some brown rice. I sliced up a tomato from the garden. It was delicious. The corn was perfect. So fresh it almost popped when you bit into it. Absolutely bliss on a cob.
But then...the bad thing happened.
Mr. Jenny ate his dinner much faster than I did, and when I was continuing to eat daintily, he scarfed down MY SECOND EAR OF CORN!
I heard your gasp. I know...right?
I'm not kidding either.
He stuck his weiner dog corn holders into MY EAR OF CORN...

And he ate it.
Give me a second here, okay.
I need to compose myself.
I kind of got over it. Kind of.
I'm still bitter.
And to retaliate I ate one of the remaining three ears for lunch on Sunday.
And tonight I may or may not share the last two ears with him.
Oh, sure, I still love him...
But, seriously...
What was the man thinking?
Yummy...sounds like a wonderful dinner.....
I would cook up the last of that corn and eat it all up!!!
Bad Mr. Jenny.....
Wishing you a great day sweet friend!!!
Didn't your wiener dog holder have points too??? You have to defend what's yours woman!!! And yes, I think you should eat the rest:@)
LOL ... a delight to read!
My husband would he done the same thing. Sweet corn is like candy this time on year.
How rude! Mr. Jenny....what has come over him?
The wind was blowing through Mr. Jenny's bald spot... spewing coffee after reading this one:) TOO funny!
HELLO, don't mess with my corn! When I was growing up and the corn was fresh out of the garden, my Mama would boil a big bowl of corn, just for me:) SWEET memories of SWEET corn!
Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
I bet he was 'the guy' who, when you go out on a date says he doesn't want fries and then he picks at yours.....
...I think I dated him once.
Ask him. He may remember.....
He probably just lost count....
You are a better wt of nowhereoman than am I! If FH tried to take my second piece of corn I'm pretty sure a fork would come out of nowhere to stab his grubby little paws!
oh man! I always make an extra ear for whoever wants it - ABOVE what I make for the actual us...because if someone at my corn I think I'd have to cry!
You probably should have gotten a dozen ears like he suggested in the first place... ;)
So much fun to read... and now I think I'll go get some corn. All for me. Just me.
That's a "be banished to the couch for a week" offense!!! I love sweet corn so much but I don't eat it often here because it tastes like field corn... bleh!
You have freshhhhhhhhhhh corn already! Wow!
Ahhh yes, the season of "How many do you want me to cook?" -giggles-
I give you permission to slap the crap out of him.
I love fresh sweet corn on the cob. you should have just bought a dozen. I know, I know, you are probably already kicking yourself. It's just too bad its such a big mess to make. I'm lazy like that.
Well, I never! How rude! I have those same cob holders...;) (Y'all crack me up!)
I don't know, Jenny, but I am going to go against the crowd here and suggest that Mr Jenny was carried away by the whole romantic-dinner-for-two thing, with your lovingly prepared dinner etc etc. He was probably mortified at having eaten your ear of corn. I think you'd better check and make sure he's okay - sensitive guys sometimes hide their pain and he might need an opportunity to talk it all out with you. As part of the whole healing thing I think you'd better boil up another pot of corn.
What a pigletpoo! For shame! I hope you made him wash the dishes. Geez, the things we do for our men. Humpf!~Ames
Next time place both ears on your dish and guard them with your life, Jenny! :0)
I love fresh corn and I can eat two ears easily when they are fresh and sweet!
Great minds think alike! I have ribs in the oven with homemade sauce, can't wait to taste them. I would cook 2 ears of corn for me and 1 for Jeff and he would wish be could have my other ear!
Men don't think when they are hungry ! Never noticed ??
You made one of my favorite dinners! I have a long-time friend with whom I still have contact back in Atlanta. Her parents owned a farm outside of town and I would frequently go with them on the weekends for a little break. They had a wonderful corn field, and the two of us would wander through it when the corn was ripening and eat it raw, right there in the field. It was always warm from the sun, and it was so delicious! I think I'll give her a call today! Thanks, Jenny!
Those weiner dog corn holders are awesome... I may have stuck him with one though... LOL. Ok, I wouldn't have but I would have threatened!
Poor Mr. Jenny! Looks like he is gonna be paying for eating your corn for awhile. :) You made they corn sound so yummy I could almost taste it. Enjoy those last ears! Hugs
Laughing out loud at the wind blowing through Mr. Jenny's bald spot...
Corn wars - they've been fought before!
I think I'd rather eat with just my hands than use those silly things too! lol I love the image of the wind going over his bald spot ....we too have had far too much seems it's blowing strong all across the country! Have a great week!
I simply cannot imagine!
Shame on you, Mr. Jenny!!!
Alas Jenny, you can have most of my share....
As much as I love corn, I probably should only have a half one just to balance out that blood sugar thing I have. :( And the fact that we have nothing like that at the farmer's markets yet!
Your dinner sounds delicious! I have to admit, I'm a little hurt that I wasn't invited.
We had a similar food-stealing situation in our house about a month ago. I had spent the entire morning looking forward to warming up leftover Thai food for lunch. When I opened the fridge to get it, it was nowhere to be found. My husband had taken it to work so HE could eat it for lunch! The nerve! I'm still a little (or a lot) bitter about it.
No. This is wrong on so many levels.
I need to teach you how to use a fork. I would have, at least, maimed his hand! Seriously, the nerve!
Sounds like you should have bought the dozen, lol.
No Way!! Here in the south that's grounds for hanging!!!
I think tonight you should just fix one piece of corn and eat it right in front of him and grin!
Nah, I really wouldn't do that to my husband, but it's fun to think about what his expression would be if I did!
You never, ever cease to make me laugh.
And frankly, in our household such an offense would be punishable by nothing short of death. ;)
I absolutely love this post - sounds totally like what Mr. Barbara would do! I feel your pain!
Thanks for the visit - I was just having fun with my painting, since I paint with such attention to detail most of the time, and thought of rain dripping on a window. The colors are very wisteria!
Hope that you are doing weel and have a great week,
We have not had any fresh corn here yet. We have a very large garden each year but we have tried two years to grow corn, the first we planted it in an area where it just did not grow. The next we were waiting patiently to have our first ears and the racoons ate it all overnight. We do not even try anymore.
Sounds like a fun time!!
I fear that I might have taken some rash and regrettable action with his weiner dog corn holders!
Oh my! I guess that wind blowing across Mr. Jenny's bald spot must have rattled his brain a bit. Next trip....go with the dozen ears!
Only you can make a corn on the cob their story entertaining! Thanks for the laugh, Jenny! And I say eat that corn!
Mr Ken and I are still laughing.
It is a known unspoken rule in this house that you don't touch the food on the other's plate--unless you ask, because you'll get forked.
When corn is involved one MUST put "their ears" on their plate,
which makes it OFF limits.
You guys are too funny!!!!!
Your patience and potential to forgive is inspirational Jenny. My attempt at corn seconds, would have been met with physical resistance and a verbal tirade.
What a awesome little trip - I would have gone for the 12 ears and had 3 for dinner yum.
This sounds so much like my house...right down to the bald spot, well my DH has more than a "spot" of bald. Who only buys 6 ears of corn? Even we buy them by the dozen. You can cook them a second and cut that corn off and freeze it...yummy in winter. I'm drooling at the thought of a fresh tomato. We don't have them around here yet...or corn, but we live in the land of corn, soon we will have lots all around us.
I haven't mailed your package yet. I didn't bring home the right size box, but have one now. Hopefully tomorrow it will go to the post office, I'll let you know for sure. Thanks for being patient!
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