My brain is tired.
Yours might get tired, too, if you continue reading this post...
My Grands think saying "Holy Cow" is swearing...
It's true.
Obviously, they have never seen this picture...

...and if they think "Holy Cow" is swearing, it's a good thing they weren't around last night when I drove a splinter up under my fingernail. My finger looks like I have leprosy because I was varnishing when I took this picture so don't bother wiping your keyboard down with clorox bleach. It's not catching. But it really, really hurt. And I was definitely saying more intense swearing phrases then "Holy Cow"! I'm pretty much sure I would totally stink as a POW.

...and last and definitely least...
I finished painting two projects!
The first is a little wood-topped metal-legged stool I got at a garage sale for 2 bucks! I think it turned out cute!

The second is the industrial stool with a before and after.

And now my finger is aching and I'm repeating "Holy Cow" over and over again under my breath, so I think I'll just conclude by offering this little deep thought for you to ponder...
Knock, Knock?
"Who's there," you say?
Cow go.
"Cow go who?"
No, no, silly person!
Cow go, "Moo"!
Bye bye now.
C'mon, though.
Cow go, "Moo" was really cute!
Okay, never mind.
I gave a few lust-filled ones when I was at Mrs. Adventure's blog. She is doing a mega, huge, humongous (non knock-knock joke filled) one today with lots and lots of different items. Just click here to go visit her!
Oops! I just left my comment on yesterday's blog post because, well, I'm like that.....
Oh I'm sucking my thumb just looking at your nail! Not fun, I'm sorry that happened to you! Your stools turned out great, I'm sure they'll find new homes in no time:@)
Ok the chairs are just awesome but that nail looks oh so painful. UGH. Ouch. Swear away Jenny.
Owie! Zowie! Yikes! That looks like it was major painful!!!! (When our kids were little, I didnt even like them to say "nerd"! haha they started saying " a dren!" (nerd backwards) :o) Anywhooo...
Hugs to you!!! Poor Jenny! I hope that your feeling better!
Blessings & Aloha!
& I love your painting projects!!!! So beautiful!!
OUCHIE!!!!!!!!!! That looks horrible and I can't imagine how much it hurts!!!
Kisses to your BOO BOO!!!!!
Oh look at those projects....they are Beautiful!!!!!! Wow the stool and flowers are Fabby!!! ME LOVES!!!
It would so great talking with you!!!!
Have a great weekend!!!! :-)
Yowza! That splinter gotcha good! The painint of the stoo & chair look great!
HOly cow! I wish that was how I swear.. I have to say.. I like to swear. there I said it.. I have a gutter mouth.. sad but true. bad but true..
Ive tried to train myself to say other things, like cheese and crackers.. you know some cute way to curse.. sort of.. but I like the real thing.
ok.. now that I've confessed.. I have to go to work!
have a great weekend
Jenny,,you have found your true not the swearing or the joke's the painted furniture! It's great!
Oh my OUCH I would have been cussing like a sailor - both chairs look amazing...
So now I'm begging for a tutorial or how to on the industrial one pretty please with cherries on top :-)
Oh, good thing I kept reading as I grabbed the clorox bottle :) Sorry for the cussy owie but glad you got your painting done...looks great. Now, kick the halo off bossy and cuss all ya want, that had to hurt like ...the dickens:)
I love it when you post jokes. I am going to see what JDaniel thinks of this one.
OUCH!! I hear ya, with the utterance of not so holy words. When I hurt myself, am exhausted or pushed into a corner....somehow, from somewhere deep inside me, comes a whopping #&*@!oops.
Hope you heal quickly! Very nice job on your painting adventures, by the way :)
OUCH!!! That almost made me cry. Hope you got that nasty painin' thing out. Sweet Jenny I do believe you are in the beginning stages of a new booming business. The stool and chair is beautiful love them both. With your book writing and now painting oh, my!! You are off and running. Hugs
OUCH!! I know that hurts and Holy Cow is a funny swear word! Your stool and chair are so so cute. I love your painting! Awesome girl. Oh and I laughed at the Moo joke but then this is crazy me.
Yow! That finger looks painful! If it will help, I'd be glad to swear for you (so the grands don't hear). I mashed my finger a few days ago and I let the profanity fly for a good 2-3 minutes. I truly think it helped because my finger feels much better today.
The stools are spectacular! I love what you did with them! Will you keep them or sell them?
Holy s___!!!! That's what I'd be sayin'. Nothing hurts much worse then that unless you stump your big toe when it's really cold (you should hear me then). Your furniture is wonderful. Have a great weekend. Jan
That nail thing just sends shivers down my spine! Love the chairs--especially the second one!
Oh Owie! You made me flinch. That is really cute that your grands think Holy Cow is cussing...
You typed with that? I got chills just looking at it and can only imagine the pain.
Great job on the painting. I'm beyond impressed.
Grands and *swearing*! They drive me up a wall! Good grief, I don't swear. I use vulgarity. So there! -chuckle-
Not even thinking about your finger!
Ow! My fingers hurt for you! By the way, you've inspired me. I picked up a kids' easel for $5 and am working on painting it. So far I've spent a week sanding though. Honestly, why does anything need six coats of paint??
Holy cow, you are a heckova chair artist! Good work, sorry to hear about the splinter though.
How come you get to be a good writer AND crafty? Isn't it supposed to be either/or??
Holy cow!
Ouch...I feel your pain, Jenny!
Love your revamped stools and knock-knock joke too.
Eeeoowah! It looks like you may have to amputate.....well...maybe remove the nail. Eeeeeoooowah! I am cringing just thinking about it. That's definitely worse that a paper cut, but not as bad as sewing a needle through your finger. Done that. I guess you'll h watch it grow out.
When I was a little girl, my best friend had to have her toe nail removed because it was ingrown. She said it throbbed constantly. Umm just so ya know. :(
The finished results of you handiwork is awesome. Chose well my friend...wach it grow out...have it removed. I'm just saying....
Feel well dear friend.~Ames
I guess I'm so creeped out I can't spell correctly. Sorry about the typos. :(
The picture was too much...I actually felt some pain! Man alive! (is that swearing too??) Love the grandkids and their policing of grandma!!
Great the design on that last one...very GROOVY!!
OOO poor Jenny! That makes me wanna cuss just looking at it! But have I told you as of late you need to open your own shop? If not....You really do neeed to open your own shop!!! Those salavge peices are FAR too CUTE!!
Oh man Jenny that looks like it hurt a lot. Holy s...., that would probably what came out of my mouth. You sure are a painting machine. Have you gotten all those old projects done yet so you can shop again?
Holy Cow!! Your chair/stool is gorgeous!!
Sorry zbout your finger..I know exactly how that feels too~ I do it alot!
Yikes, that is a really nasty looking nail. It went so far up. I actually shrank away from the computer when I saw it. Hope you got it all out. Take good care and let a little colorful language lose. It helps.
I'm Australian and swearing is pretty much our second language so if you need some new swear words for your repertiore you can email me.You know- in case you wear all the old ones out?
Your finger looks painful. But the projects look fabulous. Life is a sucky tradeoff sometimes...
Ouch! That really looks painful! Your stools, on the other hand, look fantastic!
If Holy Cow fails to take some of the pain away you might try Holy Toledo or Holy Moley or Holy Smokes.
Just suggesting....
Oweeeeeee!! Hope you're doing a little better by now!
Love the chairs! You just might have something there!
Your projects turn out wonderful and fantastic. I love that stool!
Love how you redid your chairs but sure had a hard time getting past that photo of your injured finger...I just cringe thinking about it and know my own vocabulary would go way beyond Holy Cow real quick! Take care of that hand!!
That had to have hurt and I bet it still hurts. You are pardoned for saying anything worse than Holy Cow. Your stool and chair turned out great. You're on a roll!
Way too cute!
I got Mr. Ken with this one!!
He was very impressed.
Sorry about your finger, it hurts just to look at it!
Take Care.
Oh my goodness. Your finger looks like it hurts. Bad. I am not a swearing woman, but if that happened to me there would a whole choir of Holy Cows. In my livingroom.
Ooch, that looks painful! But the stools are darling, that is for sure.
That makes my eyes water. But the furniture looks awesome.
I gave you two holy cows at seeing the finished pieces; bravo. I gave you some more intense words at the sight of your boo boo. :(
We couldn't even say "dang" when we were little since my Mother said it sounded too much like da*n (see, I can't even type the whole word)...LOL
I am back from my art event in Texas and am now trying to catch up with everyone's Blogs :)
Hope your boo boo gets better quick!
holy ouch.
Jenny, your little artsy makeovers are really cool! Sorry about your finger. That must hurt an awful lot! I am so grateful that there are still children left in this world who don't know what a real swear word is. Who have been shielded from the ugliness of life. I wish all children had an opportunity to live in innocence.
Poor Jenny! That looks like it really hurts. Your projects turned out great.
yeeeouch! Love those cute stools -- amazing. Thanks for your sweet visit -- wish you could have joined us for cowboy dinner too!
wonderful painting!
I am still reverberating from that splinter! HOLY COOOWWW!
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