...then a small child learning to skip?

Try skipping today. Just for a moment. It will make your heart happy! Don't listen to your knees for once...just try it! I think it will make you smile!
And hopefully my little giveaway for the day will make you smile, too.
To thank you for following my blog and "just because" I am giving away this lovely little painting from
Laurie's Charming Designs! It is painted on two sides so you can hang whichever side makes you feel like you're skipping!

Winner will be selected tonight after 9 pm PST. Winner must be registered to follow my blog and will chosen from all the comments on this post, the late night post announcing yesterdays winner AND the post about Snow-y Sundays. So you actually can earn three chances to win!
Winner must notify me within 24 hours or an alternate winner will be chosen!
Happy Skipping!
Such a precious child. Look at the glee on her face! Makes me happy just looking at her. Thanks!
I love those photos! I remember watching my girls learn to skip...funny, sweet and adorable all at once! Love the cute picture, the birds nest and roses! You are a sweet girl yourself Miss Jenny!
oh no! Skipping brings back bad memories for me! When I was six I had to be taught how to skip, and my mother laughed at me, and said that she thought all kids knew how to skip! Not me, I had to practice!
I still love to skip around with my grand kids! Your little doll is just adorable and what a sweet smile. Thanks for having such sweet giveaways Jenny! Good luck to us all.
That is a sweet painting!
Don't tell anyone, but I sometimes skip down the hall. On my really good days, I will throw in a cartwheel. I live on the edge.
How gorgeous is she, skipping along without a care in the world? My wish is for her to stay carefree forever.
Lovely painting too!
Love the pics of your granddaughter...how sweet!
Now about skipping...I remember when we tried to teach my son to skip. It was so hilarious!!! He just could not get it. 30 years later & he still can't do it. This is a guy that walks on a 6" steel beam that hangs 40' in the air but he can't skip. It must be the rythmn thing cause he can't dance either. LMBO Now that is really a funny thought. Thanks for the funny memories today!!!
I'll just skip on over Jenny and pick up my gift:) Love it and yes I am a follower! Have a blessed day and enjoy that sweetheart skipping around your heart!
Well I'm skipping now! What a cute little thing that is!
Hey, how did you get that typewriter image? That is so very unique, just like the owner of this blog. You always brighten my day, Jenny...
I love the skipping. I especially love the grass, short sleeves and no shoes. Something's not fair about that when we have snow coming down LOL.
I wish I was skipping outside instead of waiting for more snow! She is a beautiful little girl!
Isn't she just darling?! The little Lamb recently learned how to skip in gym class. He is so proud of himself! He skips all over the house & while we're shopping. People can't help but smile when they see him in action. We've been calling him "Skippy", but of course, that wouldn't be a name that needs to be continued in his older years (if you get my drift!)
Oh that precious face just makes this grandma want to grab one of my grannies and go skippin'. It sure burns more calories than walkin'.
From the snowy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ozarks, have a blessed day ya'll!!!
OH, Mo Mo is so sweet! I think I'll skip when I get home from work and mess with my guys minds! :)
I am going to try skipping. Looks like fun. Hope I haven't forgot how.
That's really lovely, such gorgeous photographs and a beautiful giveaway.
Thanks for your very welcome comment on my blog and for sending me the link to your post.
CJ xx
Oh my goodness, she's just adorable! Your neighborhood looks truly beautiful too. Are you near the ocean? Thought I saw it in the background of one of the pics.
Girl, if I tried to skip I'd knock myself out with my tits!
Justine :o )
Jenny nothing more joyous than seeing a child dance /skip!
I continue to do my happy dance!
You are one generous soul. hugs
Oh she is adorable...learning to skip is hard, its true ya gotta stop thinking about it and poof it just happens! Great pictures!
Only thing sweeter than a child learning to skip...is one that just doesn't quite get it!
As graceful as I am...skipping for me...would look like falling to everyone else! She is precious! I miss my kids being that small! Have a wonderful day, dear friend! BTW, I got my nightlight and LOVE it! Thank you so much!
What a sweet painting. I would love to win it! You are just in a giving away mood aren't you? We sure cannot complain! Love ya!
She is darling and her outfit too. Skipping is fun and all the xtra flab can jiggle and make you laugh,
that is just so sweet. Thanks for the e-mail and heads up about a great giveaway..
I love skipping! Can't wait to teach my grandchildren how.
Please enter me in your giveaway. What a nice idea to have a daily one.
This made me smile. Just seeing green grass made me happy! As for skipping...I did an hour on the Wii Fit this morning. I was running, bike riding, marching and flying like a bird. I promise I wasn't nearly as cute as this little angel.
You know Jenny I once thought how hysterical it would be if all the the adults we see in public, were skipping. Go ahead close your eyes, you're at the mall, and everyone is skipping!!! And you are right, it would be very hard to skip without smiling! She is a beautiful little girl! Love Di
Oh how precious that little smiling face is! What a beautiful smile she has. Love the little hanging picture too -- both sides look skip worthy to me!
Awe, such sweet photos. Spring and skipping seem to go hand in hand. My teenage son sometimes breaks into a skip without even realizing it!
So Cute! I get an instant smile on my face when I see my daughter skip. To see that look of "not a care in the world" is priceless!
That really made me smile. Nothing like the feeling of being able to skip. There's no hard fast rules to skipping. You just let your body feel the joy.
I'm now following you! I so love your blog.
I'm sorry to hear about Mike but loved how your sweet grandbaby saw his life whole again.
so sweet.....good skipper too...
GOD made such beauty.
She is adorible.
You are a talented lady too..'
Happy Valentines Day to you all..
I just love children. They make me smile daily.
Thanks for sharing such sweet pictures.
Loved seeing the pics of Mo and girls. Bring back memories of childhood days.
I didn't quite understand what you meant in the email???
Ah innocence, I want it all back.
Charming little girl skipping reminds me my daughter's trainning for that. Makes me smile! thank you!!
That brought back memories. When I was in my dance recital at three years of age we were supposed to dance off the stage at the end. I was the shortest and at the end of the line. I could not skip. I tried, but it was more like a shuffle and everyone laughed. My own mother told me that she laughed so hard tears ran down her cheeks. I can still remember the laughter, but I thought they were laughing because they enjoyed the performance.
What a sweet little skipper you have!
I'm skipping in almost at the deadline here....
I wish I could still skip. Since my back surgery over 25 years ago and chronic back problems, my balance is so bad, at times, I now use a walker. I do remember what fun skipping was as a child and this little one ( is it your grand
child? ) is such a beauty!
Mo is cuter than any old fairy tale blonde, like, say, Goldilocks.
I miss having little ones around. Thanks for sharing yours with us, Grandma!
I think if I tried to skip now, my body wouldn't stop wobbling for days!!
So sweet. I pray that the rest of her life she will be skipping with joy!
This brought back memories of my daughter learning to skip! And now she's a mommy with 2 boys: a toddler and a newborn! Times goes by so quickly, and that makes me a little sad today.
These pictures long for the day that my oldest loved to skip (she's 11 1/2 now, too cool for that), but my little still does...will miss when she is "too cool for that." Great Pictures!!!!!
loved this post, and the photos are just so cute!
Such a sweet photo of M, Jebnny!
My husband and i went to the Dr. Oz show on Tuesday! So much fun! We were out all day. Today we had to shovel the snow form the storm x3 and it's still snowing and acculmulating! Yikes! I'm so tired,
When I finally got online I had over 1000 e-mails and stuopid AOL was bouncing them, I hope yours wasn't one of them.
I missed a lot here but I'll try to catch up tomorrow ...if I'm not shoveling for hours again. BIG SIGH!
Beautiful project!! Hey Jenny, I need your email so we can discuss your prize. I can't get it off your blog because I don't use outlook, so I can't see it. Please email me at melisa.waldorf@yahoo.com. Have a wonderful Thursday!
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