It's true.
I hang my head in shame.
Hey! Look at that! I need a pedicure!
Oh sorry.
Distracted for a moment. Back to head hanging in shame and not looking at toenails.
I am greedy because yesterday I went to Home Depot and bought this wonderful bounty of flowers to plant in the garden...
And I got annoyed.
I know it's wrong.
But I need a farm. I want a farm! I demand a farm!
How can I possibly have only a few plants???? I need more plants, more space, more garden, more roses...
There are too many amazing and gorgeous varieties and I need them all. I want them all. I demand them all.
How can I possibly go to Swan Island Dahlias and not buy each of the 14,312 varieties they offer ...

How can I go to Park Seeds and not buy enough seeds to plant an acre of this...

And to make it even worse it comes in yellow and white varieties!
See what I mean?
That is three acres of corn!
Which means I need a farm. I want a farm! I demand a farm!
Sure I know I'm supposed to be happy with what I have. And I do have nice gardens. Really I do.
But they can only accomodate 1/1,000,000,000th of the seeds and plants I need to try. I want to try. I demand to try!
I already have 5 acres planted on my imaginary farm and I haven't even told you about my obsession with zinnias, sweet peas, larkspur, asters, tomatoes, heirloom vegetables...etc., etc., etc.
See what I mean?
I am greedy.
And I am ashamed.
And I need a pedicure.
And no matter what people say CONFESSION IS NOT GOOD FOR THE SOUL!
Because I still don't have a farm.
beautiful need a farm...
Beautiful! At least you can grow flowers (but you need a farm)- I have a brown thumb and only grow succulents and some roses. Hey, you can get a farm and I can get a HUGE addition to my house so I can have the studio of my dreams instead of a 10 x 12 portable building in my backyard. Guess we can be greedy together!
I totally agree, you need a farm but that is not being greedy :)
I love flowers but I don't have a green thumb!
Treat youself to a pedi, we call deserve one once in a while!
Jenny - I want a farm too!! :)
But in addition to a wonderful garden I want a few cows and goats to milk, and some pigs. OH, and chickens. I demand chickens!!!
Jenny that is not greedy! I envy you can garden....please share some tips and tricks of the trade!!~ I love your choices....oh and the corn, I could go for some right now, too early?? Nahhh!!~
I love all of the flowers! Let's share buying a farm:) I love corn and flowers! I need a pedicure too, we can share the cost of that too. 4 feet x 5 toes each = 20 toes/2= 10 toes each... oh heck we'll just pay for our own:) Have a blessed day Jenny Matlock!
I really love the flower pictures! Very detailed and the colors are so vibrant! :)
Yes it sounds as though you do need a farm. I go through my seed catalogs (I get a hugh stack of them) and I make a list out of each. Then I have to start crossing of my list. Not that I don't have room I just do not have the funds for as much as I want. Love your choices though. I am envious of the fact you can come home with any flowers at all. I am sitting here looking at a foot of snow on the ground. boo hoo.
I'm with you, Jenny! I want a farm, too. Instead I got a small city yard that is full of overgrown trees and shrubs! I plan to hack down the shrubs and plant all the herbs, flower and veggies I can squeeze in here, though. We just moved in on Oct.
And, no I don't have a large herb garden now. I did once ... but then I had children and my husband insisted I move to the country near his Mom... who then moved to the city (sigh). I didn't have any herbs after that because the grasshopper plague ate them all. Since then we've moved too many times to count, so I haul my poor herbs around in containers. I have a "few" ;) (my husband says a LOT when he has to move them)! I hope to be able to plant a "real garden" this year, because I'm not moving again soon unless I do get a farm LOL! :)
I don't think it's greed my dear ... who can resist all those plants!
Catherine :) .... don't worry I won't say a word about that Fo-Ti to your husband. Hair coloring is important LOL! :)
Oh a farmer's life is hard..lots of work and at the mercy of the weather.
Be happy with your gardens. If you were a farmer you wouldn't have time for a pedi! :)
Jenny- if you ever want to visit Minnesota in the summer you can come help me with my garden. We don't have a "farm" but my hubby tends to plant more vegetables than we can keep up with and of course there are always things to weed and move in my garden. Every year I wish, wish, wish a fairy would come to help me and we could weed and visit with the bugs and the birds and the toads together. I am jealous that you are getting to put new plants in the ground- still snow here. I think I shall go stare at your picture of plants now and dream some greedy dreams too :) Have a fab weekend!!
Jenny, quick, get that pedicure, and a manicure and a facial. Stay for a massage if you have to - whatever it takes for this insane yearning for a farm to pass. Remember that when the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers - I think of that often as I weed, remover deadfall, mow, water and keep forest fire watch on our small acreage.
Of course I wouldn't trade it for anything, but in the interest of truth I had to put this out there!
A farm. It's all a cycle of life, isn't it?
It is raining on my farm now.
The mud and the muck are back.
The ground is too soggy to even look at.
That's the sad reality today :(
The upside to all that is that
I have a 'farm' :)
the sun WILL shine day...I am sure.
Then I will plant and garden all that I can during that perfect little window of spring and early summer.
That is until the summer heat bakes the soil into concrete and the bugs eat my veggies.
Then I will wish for the cool rain again.
And be glad I have a 'farm'.
That's my tangent for the day...I really like your blog..thank you for visiting mine :) Come anytime and if you bring your mud boots, we'll go for a walk :) and then have tea by the woodstove.
Enjoy your plants...I am jealous.
Beautiful pics but a farm? Now, that's a really interesting idea!
Have a great weekend,
Okay! You need a farm, and that's not greedy to want everything you see on your farm and if it is that's not BAD..Because, I am GREEN with ENVY (Envy is worse than greed I think, or close anyway) I want to go buy flowers and plant them today.. Oops I forgot its still freezing here, EVERYDAY.. I am sick of it. We are suppose to have Spring in West Tennessee by this time.. I hate (that's a bad one too) this winter weather!
Wow - beautiful flowers... buy a farm, it's only money!! (LOL)
Whoa there... don't get too carried away. Who will weed all that? what else will you have time to do? (Sorry, I'm too much of a realist at times) Anyway, plant those pretties!
We're getting buried with another foot of snow today after 2 feet Wednesday and rain in between. I want flowers too! Sherry
I can't even tell you how jealous I am that you are buying and planting flowers right now....and...a farm would be great wouldn't it?
Happy Planting!
I still love you even if you are greedy and you need a pedi.
I just started my mini farm. And I think I started TOOO small. Cause I am feeling greedy as well. Not so much the flowers but the veggies. I want MORE. I want to grow them, eat them and maybe set up a table at the corner to sell what I can't eat. Don't tell my husband about the table though. :0
i have a farm...
come, bring your corn...
we shall plant together :)
Jenny I want it all but I want someone else to do the THAT is greedy! You are so funny, I am now hanging my head in shame, hey I need a pedi also...let's go and we can buy more plants after we are done.
yup, you need a farm ... and hey, we are all greedy ... i'm still wanting that pony i have been lusting for since the age of 8 ... one day!
Jenny, I still like you...confession and all!
And might I add...I still like you even though we are WEEKS...maybe MONTHS away from being able to plant ANYTHING on this frozen tundra we call the Midwestern Plains.
I'm really unhappy with Father Winter right now...he's had his fun and needs to go away. Mother Nature and Spring are knocking on the door and I am more than ready to answer.
Can't wait to see your garden pics this spring and summer,
awwww, you poor thing!
Jenny, this is so true,, we all want that and we all get greedy this time of year,, love what you bought and makes me so hungry for spring..Don't be so hard on yourself..
Sounds like you need to join facebook. Many, many of my "facebook friends" seem to be farming quite successfully! (I have declined offers to farm myself.)
You need a farm. You need your own nursery (plants).
You're not greedy, just highly imaginative,daydream-y, and fueled by the fact that you don't have a farm.
I wish you lived closer; you could be my gardener.
Our growing season is not as long as yours.....ours is March to November. I pay someone to weed my gardens for 9 full months. Oy.
Ooooh! That was so cruel of you to show that plate of corn on the cob.
I still have to wait months and months for the next sweet corn season.
I am right there with you! Wouldn't be amazing to have all that room to plant beautiful flowers and fresh veggies. But then again, all that weeding falls heavily on the down side! You have to love the dream though!
I feel the same way about a farm! Yes! Demand! I want a sheep farm, though, so I can make my own wool yarn. I want to be a little shepherdess, watching my ship graze, sitting under a tree, knitting and drinking Guinness (sometimes my farm is in Ireland, I don't know why).
Man! Those dahlias are GORGEOUS! I love the really dark red ones my neighbor plants. I don't know if they have a name, but they are huge.
I want a farm too. I haven't gone so far as to demand one yet, but I am quite addicted to a Facebook game called "FarmTown"! On my "farm" I'm currently growing pineapples (lol) - you should come over sometime!
Maybe you should go on Facebook and play that farm game everyone is so crazy about! I'm just jealous you are buying things to plant, while I'm still freezing here.
This is the first house where we don't have a place for a small vegetable garden...I miss picking my own produce. We do a few peppers and tomatoes in pots, but I want fresh peas and green beans!
I want pretty flowers, too...
I hope you are enjoying planting your flowers! Maybe a farm ~ someday. Have a beautiful day.
Everyone needs a pedicure this time of year!
I have 30 acres here in the Rockies, but no water for irrigation. About all I can expect are a few wildflowers and Aspen trees and, of course, the ever present sage brush. It wouldn't matter anyway, because even if I could plant & water flowers, the deer would eat them all!
love the post, love the music
Rocky Mountain Woman
You're so funny. You plant twice as many things as usual this year 'cause I'm "giving" you permission to do mine for me. I won't do any, and you can therefore do twice as many. Like it? I think it will work.
The flowers are so pretty! Someday I want a farm too.
Many thanks for being my 200th follower. That 199 was really bugging me. :)
The picture of the corn made my mouth water. I could taste it by looking at the picture!
Perhaps you could have a flower/vegetable preserve - - - charge admission to see the flowers - - - sell the vegetables -- - and pay the mortgage!
You do not own a farm a farm owns you...or says all the farmers that attend my church. Maybe a small acre two to grow veggies and flowers for the farmers market?
Lady, you need a farm.
I do not need a farm. I already have one on farmtown. :-)
No, I don't want a farm, I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it. But I would like a few acres... somewhere between 3-5 would be really really nice.
Yep,girl, you need a FARM. You really do. But for now you will just have to make do.
It took 10 years, and it's not really a farm, but it is 2 acres and I do have a ginormous garden...which I love! wish you were closer as I would love to share the dirt with you!!!!
Don't give up!!!! And enjoy the miracle of each little seed you plant!!
You DO need a farm! I hope you get it!! (And, a pedicure, too!) Cheers!
What I miss most about Virginia is being able to have a vegetable garden. I gave up here...too hot and humid. I've even tried growing tomatoes in pots, but that wasn't successful either. And I miss fresh from the farm corn. The stuff from the grocery store doesn't look very appetizing usually. I need a farm too, but some place else.
Those flowers are beautiful! You need a farm. =)
i am so blessed..for my birthday 3 years ago my husband bought me a farm, well 10 acres with a barn and an out building that has a workshop in it...the down side is that it is 1/2 hour from our home. This is where I started my 2 beehives last year and plan to plant my orchard next fall, apples, pears, peaches, figs, and 2 pecan tress. I am getting everything in place for when I retire, four more years! When we move to only 5 minutes away from the farm...again I am blessed and you can come and help me on this wonderful place anytime!
Thanks for following me, I'm following you back. If you are greedy, then I am jealous, because it is so hot here in the summer that I can't get anything to grow! Not even grass! Looking forward to reading you regularly!
I am so in agreement with you Jenny! I want a farm and chilckens. Remember how we met on Mary Jane's Farm magazine blog? It is the frustrated farmer in me that subscribed to that magazine ( although I have to admit it really didn't do that much for me once I got my subscription)
Let's keep dreaming never know!
LOL, Jenny :-) I'd like one too, but I don't know if I'd actually be able to handle all the work involved when I read the blogs of the ladies who actually have them.
Jenny I hope you get your farm! That corn makes my mouth water. I used to have the Tea and Sugar canisters in the corn photo. I adore your writing. ♥
Hi Jenny,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
Glad you enjoyed the post and I think from the post that you directed me to we share the same sentiment.
As for gardens - there is the treadmill - or you can just imagine.
Less is sometimes more.
Best wishes Fenniexx
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am your newest follower.
I want a farm too but our backyard just can't handle it!
I know your pain...the older I get the more I think...less house, more garden. And, wanting is not more pleasurable than having!!
Now you've made me greedy, Jenny!
Can not wait for Spring to get here.
I wish I had a farm too! Those flowers are gorgeous and that corn looks SO good this time of year!
Oh Jenny, not to worry. I have a postage stamp yard and you would be amazed at the amount of flowers I can fit in it. I hang them everywhere as well as plant them in the ground everywhere, pots everywhere! You don't need a farm, just fill your space with flowers. Besides if you had a farm, you'd have no time to blog!
Love Di
I love dahlias, but can't grow them in South Florida. Or bearded irises, love them too. Such a drag.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! Looking at all your pics of pretty flowers and yummy veggies makes me hate all the snow on my ground that much more! :)
I don't think you're greedy, just wishful... I would totally go for a mani-pedi after you get the garden planted :)
Stopping by from SITS, hoping you're out planting and enjoying your Saturday
go get your deserve it...while there...get your toenails done...
These flowers are gorgeous. You're not greedy. And I too need a pedicure.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Awwww Hon, you know you can't drive us away! -giggles-
Attention: I have a new tv show for us to feature! Well, I already featured them, along with "Uncle A.". >,-)
Please come see, when you have the time off, from farm dreaming. >,-))))))))
Lovely...I kill all plants living i not an option in my house if you are a plant. I am awful.
It's okay to be greedy in this go.
What the heck kind of farm could you have in AZ? A cactus farm, maybe. But what kind of veggie would grow well in that sweltering heat?
I hate it when corn is sweet. I know, that's totally bizarre, but it's the truth.
To be honest, I want a farm too! But, I'd have lots of cute animals on mine and I'd feed them that sweet corn.
Justine :o )
I'm a bad person, too. I am envious of people and want a big yard, too. Like yours!!
LoL!! Yep you need a farm and Now I remembered that I need a pedicure too!
Nice flowers.
I wish I had the patience to plant stuff. Alas, I do not.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
when you figure out how to get one, let me know too cause I want one more.....I used to go to Swan Island in Portland to their cutting gardens.....swoooooooon....
I know what you have will rival Butchart Gardens and Del Monte combined. You'll make do with your planting area and, with the Jenny Matlock touch, it will be resplendent with flora and vegetables and the good things that grow in the have such talent for special things!!!
Having a farm would be so worth it to, vegetables...and no limits on how much to plant because there is more room...oh my goodness:)
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