It has been a hard few days.
But I think I am finally ready to let go of something I've always wished for.
I think it is safe to say ...
I no longer want to be a rock star.
Let me give you a moment to compose yourself.
Are you OK now?
This has been a life-long dream of mine. Did I let my inability to sing stop me? Did I let my tendency to look like a middle-aged frump stand in the way? Did I ever think for one moment that my choreographed moves resembling a three-legged male dog trying to pee would slow me down?
Well, OK, yea.
I waited for the moment when I would somehow, someway magically become musical, gorgeous and graceful.
And I waited.
And up until last week I was still waiting.
But I have a new dream.
My new dream is this!!!!!!!

I am going to become the next American Picker. (hey, I know what some of you are Justine and PJ! but it's not anything like that!) Let me tell you what an American Picker is.
OK. Just a moment.
I need to put my intellectual hat on for a moment... ahemmmm....
This isn't your grandmother's antiquing. Pickers like Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz are on a mission to recycle America, even if it means diving into countless piles of grimy junk or getting chased off a gun-wielding homeowner's land. Hitting back roads from coast to coast, the two men earn a living by restoring forgotten treasures to their former glory, transforming one person's trash into another's treasure. American Pickers follows them as they scour the country for hidden gems in junkyards, basements, garages and barns, meeting quirky characters and hearing their amazing stories. If you think the antique business is all about upscale boutiques and buttoned-up dealers, this show may change your mind--and teach you a thing or two about American history along the way.
Didn't I write that well?
What do you mean? Of course I wrote that. I would never just go to the History Channel website and copy it.
OK, I copied it.
But isn't that the most amazing thing?
You have to watch this show! It is so cool. And I can just see me tooling around rural America digging through peoples old stuff to find fabulous treasures!
So, OK, yea...seriously...this is my new dream.
But to help fund it I need to get rid of a few things first...
I have three cases of this...just waiting to make my hair all cool and spiky. Never been opened.

These are a pair of brand new rock star boots...size 7.

And lastly, I have this pair of leather jeans...size 2.

So I am back to my original question.
Garage Sale or E-bay?
Let me know soon, OK, because I have some American Picking to get started on.
Country I come!
(but don't tell my husband I'm doing this, please, he never even approved of my rock-star dreams...sometimes I wonder how our marriage even holds together)
PS I'm just being a dork here...I don't actually have leather pants, cowboy boots OR hair stuff. It was all just an unfulfilled dream!
Oh Jenny, you do make me laugh!
Ummmm.... if those were mine, I'd just leave them anonymously at the thrift store ... I mean, surely the people at the Salvation Army can use rock star boots, leather pants, and spiky stuff, right? Or not. My husband does tend to police my giveaway bags these days (not that I've ever put THOSE items in the bags, but you know ...).
Ebay would be too much work for me, and garage sales are great to go to, but not so great to have.
Have fun whatever you decide to do with those "treasures" :) !
Catherine :)
Are you sure you wanna give up the dream? Simon Cowell told me recently he was looking for someone just like you for America's Got Talent. I'd go for ebay every time, you can sell in your p.j's and you don't have to talk to the customers. Come to think of it you could do that at a garage sale too.
Have a great weekend.
If you get to go out and scour the planet with the pickers you may need the boot go through the muck and the mire. If you do go out and scour with the pickers you will lose weight from all the climbing up hills and rock walls , you will be able to wear the black pants. I guess you could use the hair spike jel for glue.. Now you wont have to ebay or garage sale the stuff.. Have fun.. Sheila
So funny my dear friend. I would vote for yard sale so you can treasure the looks on the faces of those who also 'dream' of rock stardom!! Just think of the look on the size 18 gal as she buys those size 2 leather pants with dreams of ABBA in her head. Take photos and share the joy! Oh and I love American Pickers and I could be your side kick!!
Give the stuff to Goodwill. It's much easier! And we LOVE American Pickers! You go girl!! LOL
Oh Jenny! I just knew we were the exact same person in a former life! Or...long lost twins. Isn't it difficult letting go of such a glamorous dream? I've always said "If only I could sing..I'd be SO good!"
Garage sales all the way baby! I should so be with those pickers on the history channel! I've been digging for junk in places most people never knew existed....not meant for television cameras. Am I proud?, but I got some good junk.
Enjoy your weekend!
Oh my goodness! You are so funny! To answer your question, I think it depends on what you want as the outcome. Do you care about making any money at all? If not, Goodwill--easy peasy and fast. If you want to get the best price possible--ebay. If you just want to meet some interesting people that might have just have the same dream as you had--garage sale. LOL
haha! but i´m still going to hold on to my dream of playing the drums with green day... just a little longer ;) happy weekend!
Have a garage sale - it's all about networking, and you never know what you'll find through those 8 am garage-sale hardliners!
I've joined your alphabet Thursday/Friday but can't for the life of me figure out how to put your alphabet button on my sidebar. Feeling sort of clueless.....
I love garage sales...never really got used to ebay. But I do hafta say you will reach more people with ebay. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for the laugh. I vote for eBay.
They're all just my size! send 'em my way! kidding but i kind of love the boots!
Oh my gosh Jenny - Stephen loves that show! He freaks if he misses it! I love it too, but it just so cracks me up that he loves it so much! You have to go read my Alphabe-Thursday post. I just love my son to pieces!
That is an awesome Show Jenny!!~ I am going to say ebay on these items...people want things for pennies at a garage sale...the thrill of ebay gets people going once the bidding begins....being creatures of habit, we want things other people's all in our head, so maybe that bed head stuff will go quick LOL!!~ Good luck!
I think it is funny that you bought boots small. I don't think feet get smaller, do they? :) Cute post. How about a funky consignment store?
Oh, Happy Friday!
Oh my Jenny, when I saw picker... I automatically thought it had something to do with your nose:) You are hilarious my friend and all I can say is pick me up and I'll be a picker too! We won't tell our husbands, we will pretend we are going to the Mall! Have a happy day you crazy lady!
OMG, you're a nut case! I've never heard of this show, but yeah, American Picker makes me think of a patriotic booger fest.
I don't know Jenny, I'm thinking you might do better to go back to your rock star dream. You can send the clothes and shoes here for my daughter, Mikayla. Wait. Scratch that. She ain't wearing leather pants!
Justine :o )
OOOOOO I love Bed Head - good stuff you got there girl.
As much as I dislike Ebay, in your case I think it would be the best bet for you. You'll probably make more that way. I know around here Garage Sales have nothing but mostly low prices. Don't know what it's like in your area.
Your posts bring a smile every day! Oh, and I'm slowly getting better every day. Can hardly wait to get this danged cervical collar off! Probably have to wear it several more weeks though.
Oh Jenny...I love that husband and I want to become pickers too...maybe we will run into you on the road...LOL
My rock star dreams don't include cowboy boots...are you sure you weren't thinking Nashville star? I will confess to actually having had and worn leather pants...and I still have my disco dress around here somewhere! I say garage sale...people around here would grab those things up quickly!
Great pickin's you have there :) We LOVE that show. Ini fact, my hubby IS an original American Picker.. lol.
I vote for eBay, but I'm a little biased. I always have horrible luck with garage sales. Nobody wants my stuff.. wah :(
I've always fun your humor to be exceptionally wonderful, thanks for the chuckle
Oh come on Jenny...don't give up that dream...I'd pay big money to see you singing on YouTube!! You possibly could be the next Susan Boyle...but cuter!
Now on to the you know how many wooden highchairs & tables I have in my garage? I stock up on these as I am dreaming one day of having that perfectly cute country gift shop and just need furniture to put all of the merchandise on! Hmmmm....My husband just doesn't get all of this junk collecting (I mean antiquing and restoring). He was watching that show on hoarders and I said, "I hope that you don't think that I'm one of THOSE". Well he just laughed!! Hmmmm. I really am going to have a huge spring sale this year...I promise. I have so many baby things (and yes, josh is 9...what's up with that?) Saving for my future grandkids?...that hopefully will be waaay down the road. Now there was also a show on HGTV where 2 guys did this same thing and secretly waited in the bushes to see what the family thought of their restoration....haven't seen that show in a long time but loved it!! Have a marvelous day, everyone! Patti
you make me laugh with your dreams and writing...I am going to make you laugh now because I actually have those boots and that same hair stuff....really, I leather jeans though....I love the American picker show too!!! it takes a lot of guts to go knocking on those peoples doors....I can just see in my mind your husband shaking his head as you tell him your new idea.....
Jenny, you are totally hysterical. I have read anything so funny in a long time. Thanks for finding my blog -- no idea how or why you did -- but I'm so glad you did.
Oh, you are too much! Here I was going to suggest Ebay. Funny!
haha!!!! I thought you really need some advice about ebay or garage sale...
Hey, you can still be a rocker -slash-American rockin, pickin American...
Blessings & Aloha!
Ebay is awesome for the gotta find it now item. But yard sales are the best!! You find stuff you never even knew you were looking for! Oh, wait a sec. That's why my house looks like Hoarders!! (just joking folks)
Seriously though...yard sales rule!
Can I come with you? I want to go picking! I love digging through junk. (My dad was notorious for being a trash digger before trash day..I mean, the treasures you can find!)
Let me know when you're going on your first adventure. I'll pack my bags.
LOL! Y'know I could picture you crouched over a shoe mirror trying to get a good look at yourself in the leather that was funny. Sorry, it was! hahahaha
Ya know...I think we may be long lost twins! Even though we aren't close to the same age and have never met each other...I have dreams that are EXACTLY like that!! Far fetched and unbelievable but hey...they are my dreams dad gummit...and I want to keep them! Forever!
By the way...that hair stuff totally rocks...I have some! :-)
Put them on craigslist! It's the best, and free! Or ebay. You'll get more money doing it that way than a yardsale.
Hi Jenny! How fun! Love your blog! Saw that you visited mine and I am HERE! LOL LOVE LOVE LOVE your sense of humor and frankly, ideas on life! I'll be back!!!! yeah, Arnold said that LOL.
You are so funny!! That sounds like a cook show though.
Oh well good. I'm glad you really don't have those items cause I wouldn't know what to do with them and I couldn't tell you what route to go . It was fun though! Luv ya!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Jenny! And I am very sad that I have ginormous feet because otherwise I would make those boots mine!!
Oh Lordy your one funny gal! Ya give stuff away at a yard sale...stick with Ebay sister!
Have a fun day and a wonderfully blessed weekend!!!
Once again, I'm crying through the giggles! You crack me up! I'm with the above, go with ebay!
And congrats on the new dream!!
Once again, I'm crying through the giggles! You crack me up! I'm with the above, go with ebay!
And congrats on the new dream!!
Once again, I'm crying through the giggles! You crack me up! I'm with the above, go with ebay!
And congrats on the new dream!!
I think you are a rock star! What a great post! You have a natural gift. Forget about the singing, and picking. You should be a stand up comedian! ~Dan~
I'll give you 12$ for the leather pants.
I think I will like this show...must go look for it now.
And not just because that guy looks like a cutie...
"hey, mr picker guy!!!"
I would try ebay first and then the garage that show, must have watched the same night as you for the first time!
Hey Jenny, I'm goin with! And I don't have a hubby to wonder what I'm doing...We'll just tell your sweet one that we're going on a road trip...
I don't get the history channel here but I've heard of these guys. We'll be the Gal Pickers (O:
And hey, DREAM ON!
Jenny darling, by my definition...
Oh Miss Jenny, I love that show and am sooooo jealous of their adventures. Mom always said, one man's junk is another man's treasures. Unfortunately (for my husband), I think most junk is a treasure.
sadly I'm still holding on to my dream of becoming a rock star ... but yeah ... chase that picker dream Jenny, you never know ... :)
I have never seen that show, I will have to do a search for it. Sounds like fun. I would be your picker backup. I'll set in the car and get ready for the get away! As long as you share the take. lol Have a great weekend!
As someone who likes the Antiques Road show, surely I'll like American Pickers. Thanks for letting us know about it.
I can't use those boots either; I wear size 9 or 9 1/2 too.
Jenny, I have never seen that show, but it is going on my "to do list". Sounds like a great show, and the older I get the greener I get too, if ya know what I mean...not moldy green either. The boot story is TOO funny!!!! Good luck...
Would you believe those two men come from our humble corner of the fact the same town I live in. Does that make me cool? Never have meant them, but there has been tons of talk about them. Unfortunately we don't have cable so I have never seen the show.
Very funny post, you x-rocker you!
I always smile when I coe over here! You are so talented telling stories. I love it! Have a great weekend!
Oh, dad GUM!!! This is my first visit here (THANK YOU for stopping by my blog... what a nice thing to do!!), so I did not realize that you were just kidding about the size 7 boots. I WEAR size 7 boots and I LOVE size 7 boots, so I was all "Oh my GOSH.. she does NOT need to do Ebay on those, I will buy them right here and right now!" And then I read your last sentence and wept. Well, maybe not, but I could have. *sigh* Be careful... you never know how many hearts you might break.
Now, just haul your sweet li'l trailer on over here to my house and you are MORE than welcome to a boatload of "stuff" that may or may not be valuable. And I am not kidding... !
Hey! I left you something over at my place! : )
Oh you are fun! I have no e-bay experience, but it could be the way to go, plus no sitting outside all day haggling. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I just caught American Pickers the other day and was entranced! I want to do that too. I have never tried EBay...although everyone tells me its easy.
That show looks really cool! I'll have to see if they show it on the History Channel here or if I'll have to find a way to watch it through... ahem... other means ;)
If you were really selling cowboy boots and leather pants, I'd go eBay all the way!
Bother you just burst my bubble I was getting really excited thinking "thats it I will buy them" then that will be incentive to carry on losing weight ( read my blog latest). I was just imagining myself walking into work as a TA wearing the trousers with floral shirt and pinched toes ( I am uk size 9) and spikey hair. MM not sure the look would go down well in the small village church school I work in .
But the dream was fun till I got to the end of the blog. Oh well off to clean house now ready for arrival of daughter to help me de clutter my house.
Matlock, You had me going there. I was believing in the dream until you mentioned the size 7 cowboy boots. Then I knew you were full of hot air. Everybody knows that many rock stars wear a size 9!!!
Do you, by chance, craft with glue that has lingering fumes right before you write your daily posts? Email me the brand name. I want some.
Oh Jenny, what more is there to say, everyone has said it already. You are just too funny and I had a great time reading this post. Hey, you will laugh, my husband actually did have the dream of being a rock star, and some times when he does not know that I am watching him while he listens to music in his office, he is playing the "air guitar" and rocking around the room. It is just too funny to see! Dreams die hard, even after we turn 50 I guess! :-) He also wanted to be a motorcycle racer. Perhaps there is still hope for that one. I like the Picker idea of yours! I could get into something like that. Hey, I always say, never let go of your dreams!! Aren't they what keep us young? :-) What a fabulou post, once again. I do so love coming by for a visit.
Wanted to thank you for visiting Martin's blog and leaving that devastated young man an encouraging comment. It did help him and after talking with us until late in the night last night, he seems much more chipper this morning. thanks for being such a great friend!! hugs from afar, from me and one from martin, Debby
Watched American Pickers for the first time this week. My son Pete told me about this show and reminded me of how he and I used to go to garage sales and use "code" words to let one another know if there was a good "pick" to consider (yes, I taught my kids to sleuth)! Great memories...also loved the show!
Haha, I so thought those were real! I was like, oh yeah...put those boots on eBay so I can win them! LMAO. Funny stuff right there.
And pickers? Awesome.
Hi There! I'm following you back. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
You be the Picker, I'll be the Grinner!! We could go on the road! Wouldn't Buck Owens and Roy Clark be jealous??
Oh, I love this. It is so right up my alley. If you ever have an extra minute, look at my blog: Redoing The Undone
What a super cute post...your too funny...and as you already know...I love American Pickers.
My hubby and I have our DVR set to record each new episode of American Pickers. We are hooked!
okay are you a mini person? like tiny feet and tiny pants? seriously. I would personally garage sale because any other electronic involvement might fry my brain for good.
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