Just listen first!
I have a new blog design.
I've been waiting and waiting and finally it's done and I love it. I hope you like it too but no peeking yet, OK?
Sharon over at Redbud designs made this for me and I think it is different and cool and fun and interesting and, and, and...
Well.... look, I'm just going to let you see it now.
When I count to three OPEN YOUR EYES!
OK! ONE!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ta Da! Isn't it cool?
See, there's even a blog archive index thing-y down there on the right. Wow.
OK, I am close to hyper-ventilating here. Must. find. brown. paper. bag. gasp.
OK, I'm back!
I hope you like it as much as I do. Out of breath again with excitement. Breathe, Jenny, breathe...
OK...and speaking of exciting things...
Ummm.... OK, this is a totally unnatural segue but...
Happy 29th Birthday Greg! We love you!

After I get done admiring my new blog.
Thanks Sharon! Your patience and talent just amaze me.
And if you're thinking about re-designing your blog...get on her list now. She is the easiest and most wonderful person to work with.
Gosh! Look! See how cool it is?
OK, I'll stop now.
This is such a great design! I LOVE it! I'll be back to read more about the surprise wedding!
It is fabulous :) . And now I guess I'll just have to wait patiently for the rest of this wedding story (SIGH) ;) !
It is very COOL. I especially love the keys with your name on them. Very creative.
I love this Jenny. SO cute. So unusual. SO YOU!!!! And I mean that in a good way. Congrats.
love the new design...you are still keeping us waiting...LOL
I love it!
Oh Love the look
LOVE it Jenny! It's just beautiful and so *you* :)
So great! I love your name on the typewriter keys!
It's a winner. Everyone agrees. Even the crinckled paper on top has your name on it and love, etc.
I'll be back later!
Love it Jenny! going to take one of your buttons!
I like it, I would have like to see a comparison but it's a wonderful change and certainly has more breathing space
Great job, Sharon!
Jenny, I love your new blog design! She did a fantastic job!
Just stopping by for the first time and love your design. Very cool!
It looks great...perfect for you with the typewriter. OMG...anyone under 40 might not know what a manual typewriter is. :) And you've got blog buttons with the html. I'll be back to get them.
I love, love, love the new look!
love love love love it!!!!!
Happy Birthday! Greg!
Love that Header; how to I find Sharon?
Very Cool! Love your new button!
I've been swamped and horrible at keeping up with comments- but I have to comment and say ---WELL DONE SHARON!!!! Your new blog design is wonderful- I love it! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story about the wedding :)
LOVE the new look! Anxiously waiting for the rest of the story about the surprise wedding and thanks so much for all the kind words today...esp. about my age. :)
Hi Jenny!
Your blog looks great! It's so easy to read and very well designed.
Love it.
Jenny I love the new look! Very clever and cute and you! Still waiting for the rest of that Wedding story...sigh! LOL....
YEP! So you!
Now I'll go see the rest of the pics and look for the rest of the story part. Cute baby pic too! Happy B- Day to him (O:
Oh Jenny, I love it! It is so you!!
Cool!! I like it :o)
Love it, Jenny.... It is so YOU... The header is amazing...
Congrats.... I know you love it--and so do I...
Jennie, this is fabulous! Sharon did a great job. I love the look! Hope your breathing is back to normal now!
Grabbing your button! (I need a button!) Hugs from Sherry
Perfect design for the writer in you! Love it!
Just found your blog. Love the music (and the posts) but have been soo enjoying MUSIC...and my favorites - things I've heard and remember! I'll be back..might even join the Thursday thing..sounds like fun!
I know your "Quick, close your eyes!" "But keep reading!" were just done for cuteness, but! I could DO it. 'Cause I read your post, on my Google Reader thingie.
I read. But did not see the new blog look. Till I clicked and came here! So....... It worked, on me. :-)
Lovely look, my Dear! Softly restful colors, and look, and all. I like that! I like softness and restful-ness. Some blogs kind of hit you in the eye! Bang! I don't like that. I prefer restful. :-))))
Oh! I love the new design! I imagine the typed messages that Henry Miller sent to Anais Nin would look something like this. And thanks for using clear type on a white background. I'm terribly nearsighted and my eyes are always fatigued. You're very kind.
great new look and it totally goes with the alphabe-thursday/teacher thing you've got going on :D
it looks amazing..
It's beautiful ! I like it a lot . It's probably one of the better ones that I've ever seen . How lucky you are ! A new up-do and a blog makeover? get out :)! It's fabulous hon. I am guessing it cost a pretty penny .
Perfect Jenny!
I read you on Bloglines so I was coming to give you crap about the new designs (and how I'll never see it since I read you on Bloglines...) but then... I had to come to post my rant and wouldn't you know it, I am lovin' the new design... It's just too spiffy...how fancy of you to have your name on the background there, Missy! Gotta say, I might just leave more comments now just to come and see the "fanciness". LOL!
LOVE your new design!!
Jenny your new blog design is the bee's knees! Really. really cool! I think it is the most unique design I've seen.
Sharon did a wonderful job ..she is a very talented woman!
Happy birthday to Greg!
Hugs, Pat
Great new design, Jenny. You just don't ever slow down do you?
Looking good--like the new look!
More story please!!!
I love this look! It is you! You have the perfect fit!
Oh I do love it!!!!
Two words: AB FAB!
Wait, maybe that is one word these days? As in: abfab!
Oh well, no matter how many words, that's what it is.
LOVE your new design! Rebekah
Who knew you could stick your foot in your mouth on a blog??? Next time I will keep reading before I ask dumb questions about your blog design. SHeesh.
I love it and it looks just like you! perfect.....
Your blog layout is awesome and I really like the header. So clever using the typewriter and colored keys. ♥
I am very happy to be able to give my comments here.
- teknodrag.
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