Driving home from the grocery store with my youngest granddaughter on a Friday morning.
OK, so technically I wasn't driving around the rural wilds of Iowa but still...
We came to a little crunch in traffic so we took a side street home.
When we turned to head toward our house I saw a little garage sale sign taped to a box.
I don't know about you but I have this weird rule about garage sale signs. If they are cute...

I drove a few more blocks and got up to a stoplight which had turned red and then I had second thoughts. I told sweet little Miss Mo that we had to go check something out and whipped my car around into a u-turn.
We followed the colorful signs and when we pulled up to the curb I saw this!!!
There were four or five other people milling around looking at stuff so I hopped quickly out of the car, leaving my Granddaughter yelling "Gamma! Gamma!" but I was not to be diverted.
I almost ran to the little cupboard. Actually, I probably did run... (blush)
But, oh, this little cupboard was so sweet! I could see the patina on the wood and the old boards on the back...oh...I was besotted.
My Granddaughters wails caused me to say hurriedly to the lady sitting at the table, "I'll take this!" and then I quickly got little Miss Morgan out of the car.
There was no price tag on the cupboard and I think I had only a twenty dollar bill in my wallet!
But the cupboard was only $10! And the lady was apologetic about it. She said it was an old piece of junk that she had almost thrown away. She thought it might have been her Grandfathers but she wasn't sure.
I loved the little original mirror in the back of it...
I gave the lady the $20 and told her just to keep the whole thing and then I wrangled it into my car.
Mo looked pretty surprised at sharing the backseat with a child's cupboard.
And I felt pretty surprised finding something so cool.
I totally adore this little cupboard.
Sometimes I put it in my bathroom between the double sinks and put towels on it! Sometimes the Grandkids drag it into the living room and fill it with Pretty Ponies...and sometimes it sits in the corner of my breakfast room looking totally sweet.
I've toyed with the idea of hanging it on a wall but I don't want to drill through the thick, rough boards on the back.
When I was taking a picture to share, Miss Mo wanted me to take her picture, too, so I could show you that she looks just like her favorite little vintage Fisher Price figure. Right down to the yellow hair and the pony tail. Plus you can see what a sweet size this perfect little cupboard is.
Care to share one of yours?
Just link up below and we can all come and oooh and ahhhh with you! This McLinkey will be live until Sunday night but you can view the links anytime you visit!
Oh! And if you don't know what American Picking is all about just click here to read a post on it!

The cupboard is adorable, but Miss Mo is even cuter!
What a great find! See...yard sales are the best:)
Btw, I'm weird about signs too. If they have put up some little barely legible sign, no arrows, dates, etc. I'm not wasting my time.
What a cool find! And your granddaughter is so cute! She sure was acting the model LOL.
Hopefully I'll be able to get back to going to Saturday morning garage sales in a bit. Problem around here is that EVERYONE seems to know what things are really worth! SOB! You're supposed to find deals at yard sales, not pay antique store prices (seriously, they try to do that!).
That's a great find!!!!
I had that Fisher Price lady when I was a kid!
Oh jenny how adorable Miss Mo is...she is just the cutest. And that cupboard ~~ what a great find !!! Blessings & Love ~~ Linda B
That little cabinet is adorable. I can see why you jumped out of the car for it! That granddaughter is pretty cute too! I linked up my Georgia Pickers post! So much fun!
I agree with everyone - the cabinet is great, but Miss Mo is WONDERFUL!
Jenny, I'm thrilled your instincts told you to return to that yard sale. This is certainly a great find. I always love small pieces like this that can be moved about and used in different ways. Love the idea of using it for towels between double sinks. Very clever!
So are you starting a new weekly meme here? Sounds like a fun one.
what a great find! I love that cabinet and what a great price! Your granddaughter is so darn cute. I haven't seen one of those fisher price people that she had in the picture in years! Cool to see that, brought back a lot of old memories.
Your granddaughter is adorable with her doll and matching ponytail! the little cupboard is wonderful too. Now I have never even heard of this show American Pickers, but i tell you what, I am going to have to tear mytv guide apart looking for it. (Oh, I don't get a tv guide.) OK, which channel did you say it was on?
That is super cute. I thought it was bigger until you showed the pic with Miss Mo.
What a great find! Sooo cute.
I always fall for the cute signs too, but am usually disappointed! the best sales around here seem to have the most boring signs!!!
Love your cupboard and how cute is Miss Mo?????!!!! A.dor.a.ble!!
So looking forward to g-sale season!
I have no clue how to do the link thing, but maybe I'll give it a try!
what a find! Little Mo will forever remember being with you when you made that find. I love that you move it around to different rooms and even for playing with pretty ponies.
Great find - I do so miss the garage sales in LA where I used to live! Nothing remotely similar here in Spain :(
Have a great week!
xx LOLA:)
It's adorable! I'd have purchased it to, if I'd been there first.
Did you tell us you were doing Linky Man today? I'm not prepared! I have more picker treasures than I can shake a stick at. But they have to be photographed and uploaded and posted and only then can I hook up with Linky Man.
I am saddened to be unprepared. Please forgive me. ;)
What a bargain ! Could just do with something like that.
WOW Jenny, what a cute piece and that Miss Mo, OMG look at her posing:) PRECIOUS! Enjoy your day my friend!
that is the cutest, sweetest little grand daughter ever! And the cupboard is cute too:)
You were meant to be a Picker, and you have a pretty cute sidekick to boot.
That cupboard is adorable!!! What a find.
And that Mo...priceless. Love her smile and her little toy. I used to have one of those little girls too!! Mo and the TOY.
Just a jewel in the rough...it's size surprised me!
Hi Jenny, What a good find! This is why I love garage sales and estate sales. Thanks for being a follower to my blog, you made my day!
I'm garage sale season's biggest fan. I didn't know I was a "picker"! I usually look for smaller items I can refinish and sell, but I don't think I would ever part with a cupboard as cute as that.
OMGosh! You rock picker. I'm just learning about this. My friends and family call my daughter and I treasure hunters. LOL We would so have jumped out of the car for this. I agree, your side kick is the cutest tho. LOL :) You just became a favorite.
TEN BUCKS???? Ya, you grabbed a steal for sure! I need to figure out this Linky stuff...later...work is calling..UGH
Sweet baby girl!
see ya yesterday..
SOOO cute! And the cupboards not too shabby either. (my best groucho marx imitation) Seriously, don't you just love it when you find a gem?
Jenny, If you have a handy husband go to Doityourself.com and type in hanging heavy objects. There is a way called a french cleat that doesn't hurt the wood. There's a little video that shows how to do it. I found I gorgeous old mirror to hand over the fireplace and my husband is going to use this method. Very nice find Jenny!
Love Di
Just stopping by to thank you for the comment on my blog. I love your little cabinet and your granddaughter is a adorable.
Okay, that piece is totally adorable!!!! I can even see it painted and distressed! But oh my, Mo is just beautiful! That last pose? Runway worthy!
Justine :o )
Well, first things first...Miss Mo is adorable. That last picture tells me that she is going have the boys knocking her door down in a few years.
I love the little cabinet, I didn't realize how small it was until I saw it next to Mo. I haven't been doing much "picking" over the past few years...but now I blog, it will be different this year when the weather gets better!
I'm jealous!
what a find Jenny....you are on your way to being the next American Picker....
I am really thinking that I need to get cable just to watch this show. After you emailed about going to the store and sharing pictures, I googled the store name. Sure enough right here in this town. I feel like I have been living under a rock! At least I knew who they were...that has got to count for something, right? I promise someday soon I will go check out the store and share.
Jenny - I love your little cupboard! I've never been much of a garage sale person...I go to thrift stores, etc. BUT, this spring I plan to go every Saturday Morning and see what I can find!
I linked up...
A cute little antique!
Have you told the guys [on 'American Pickers'] that you have started this thing, on your blog? Changing the way women refer to going to yard sales and flea markets and all? Betcha' they'd like to know. ,-)
Btw, I don't do yard sales etc. I just watch the show with husband. Cause I think the tall guy is CUTE!!!!
I love that cupboard. I never find anything that nice at garage sales. Just junk!
Oh, I've found some lovelies at yard sales. You found something too. Great photos. I wish I needed more stuff. Ha!
Love the little cupboard-really cute...but not as cute as a grand-daughter that matches a "little people" right down to the pony tail! What a sweetie!!!
Wow! What a great find! I love it!
And Miss Mo is just adorable!!
quite a find - well done!
Jenny it is beautiful! Little Miss Morgan is precious with her doll. Soooo cute! GREAT find my friend.
Quite the find! OK, i have had a post like this on my mind...I may just have to do it asap so I can linkup!
Wow! I can't believe you only had to pay 20.00. What a great find!
don't you just love, love, love granddaughters? ok grandsons too. but there is just something about the girls! love that cupboard. i'm not much of a yard saler so i don't find deals, but will let you know if and when i do. have a good one!
Hi Jenny, Thanks sooo much for stopping by and leaving your 'footprint' in my comment patch.
I enjoyed my browse through your site. Love the banner and background...it's fun!
Had to chuckle at your previous posting about sunny 306 days a year.... (even though you said not to).... I've always enjoyed rainy and cloud days (although I love sunny ones too), so now I'll really appreciate those 'rainy day' times.
oh gosh, I am so unprepared! I have lots of picking stories. Maybe I will write them out so I can be prepared! :)
Love BOTH of them (the cupboard AND your granddaughter!) Congrats on an awesome find! So nice of you to give more than they were asking!
Jenny Matlock! We JunkFest girls would have certainly dished out the bucks for the cute cupboard - it's adorable! You could even put that baby on legs...
Thanks for always leaving us FUN comments on our blog! We always look forward to hearing from you...I gotta get better at leaving comments on blogs...starting now.
Oh, and your granddaughter is ADORABLE!
20 bucks well spent! :D
What a sweetie, yes the cupboard too..Don't you love when we find those wonderful little treasures??
Lovely cabinet and lovely granddaughter!
It breaks my heart when someone is tossing something that belong to someone in their family. Does family not mean Anything anymore? Glad you've given the sweet little cabinet a good home; it's well deserving and will give years of pleasurable service.
I'm visiting via Flat Creek Farm and enjoying myself.
Fantastic "PICK" - we never miss a garage sale if there's a sign out there to let us know! Can't wait for signs of spring and sales!
I just love finding good stuff at yard sales! and you have such a sweet little grand-daughter to help you. thanks for stopping by my blog and helping make my SITS day so wonderful!
This is such a cute cupboard! I bet a grand father made it for his little grand daughter. I'm glad you rescued it Jenny! Your grand daughter is so adorable ... she is a good model!
Hugs, Pat
PS I never heard of this show I have been watching only the Olympics the past few weeks
oh my gosh! I love that little cabinet! and your grandgirl is just way too precious!!! Good find grammy!
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