OK. Are you back? Then wooo-eeeee! Take a deep breath, honey. We got a few things to talk about here!
I like CSN. I like that they like me. I like that they like you. And I like my Cousins little cottage made out of doors AND she is having a little giveaway on her blog. No, don't get too excited...it's cool...but it's not the actual cottage.
But before you run over there we're gonna talk about CSN first.
One of the products that CSN has on their 200+ websites is Corelle dishes. No, don't turn up your nose. Corelle is not like you remember it. Corelle has some wonderful patterns now. And I found a perfect one for my Cousin to use in her cottage. It's this pattern called Impressions.

See, I didn't lie. Cute pattern, right?
So to win a $65.00 gift card to CSN to use on anything you like, including your own set of Corelle gift card or anything you find at their other stores (they have killer kitchen stores, too!), here's a lot of ways to win:
Entry #1. MANDATORY. Go to the Corelle site on CSN and come back and tell me in a comment on this post what pattern you like. Click here to go to the dinnerware section.
Entry #2. MANDATORY. You must be a follower. It's not because I'm on a control trip here, it's so I can reach you. Although it would be nice to get over that pesky 900 mark. But you can un-follow me later if you want, I'm cool with that. Tell me you're a follower in a comment on this post for a second chance.
Entry #3. OPTIONAL. Enter my cousins giveaway and come back and tell me you did on this post.
Entry #4. OPTIONAL. Put up a link and tell your blog followers about both giveaways. You'll have to tell me you did on this post, or I'll never know. I'm pretty gullible so I'll probably believe you even if you didn't but is it really worth the risk of bad blog karma?
Entry #5 and #6. OPTIONAL. Come back to this post and leave a comment on Saturday and Sunday saying hi.
I was telling you the other day about my Cousins amazing cottage made out of old doors.
AND she is having a little giveaway. For her giveaway you have to think of a cool quote to put on a specific door. Her contest runs through Sunday night EST, AND all four pages of cottage pictures are linked. It is worth your time just to look at the project even if you stink at quotes. Be sure to go look! It is just ridiculously cool!
Just click here to go to Allie's blog. The prize is really neat. I won't tell you what it is, but you will really love it! And if you don't, you can send it to me!
And last but not least...I know a lot of you felt bad after you read about Scoop's proof-reading tragedy. Although it appears his Pulitzer is safe, I don't think this will happen again because through the magic of Blogland a proof-reading applicant has come to light.
I received this comment today:
If an you know sumbody who is lookin for a reel good proofreider please pass my name along to them.
The proofreidin bizness has been a little slow round these parts, so's I am ready to take on any jobs that come allong. I have had to lowre my prices to git more bizness but still no akshun.
Thanks fer the plug, Jenny.
I new I could cownt on you!

And that's it. Thanks heavens! My fingers hurt, and not in a good way.
Roger and out from Jenny Matlock, where it's all tangents, all the time.
Wow, they do have a lot of great patterns. I would choose "hot dots" - it would be adorable in Cait's new apartment. And you know I would follow you anywhere, Miss Jenny! Popped over to see your cousin's final cottage post and entered her giveaway too. That is the neatest thing I've ever seen. Maybe when Tom is rich and famous he'll give us some signed books to use as giveaway prizes! You think?
I'm usually just a lurker, but I couldn't resist the chance to win some Corella. We have the Classic Cafe dinneware set in Black and I'd love more of that but it's out of stock. So I'd probably go with Livingware Geometric. With two small kids, the corella is great! I'm now a follower and also off to check out your cousin's cottage.
I am a new follower....love your blog!! Love Melinda, she is so creative and sweet!
Lots of great patterns so I'd need more time to choose, but I think Urban Red is my favorite at first glance.
Of course I'm a follower. :)
I entered your cousin's giveaway :-)
I have the Corelle Calloway, and LOVE IT!! Traded in a ba-zillon pieces of Pfaltzgraff for it. Love the light and durability of the Corelle. I would love to have a new set and for me it would be the bright and cheery Buttercup pattern.
Hi Jenny,
I entered your cousins giveaway. I wonder if she will visit other blogs? Love Di ♥
Of course I'm going to hit Melinda's blog and answer the violet question!
I like the Square Kobe print. :)
I'm a follower!
your cousins cottage is awesome...I want one.....
I think I'd choose Corelle Impressions. It looks light and pretty.
I couldn't choose as I have corelle already but if my daughter were awake I'm sure she'd choose something 'nature-y' for when she leaves home someday.
I follow.
I really like the retro squares collection.
As of this week, I am a follower!
Jenny, I like the Chutney dish set. Would look perfect in my kitchen.
Of course I am a follower and thanks for the giveaway opportunity again. CSN must really love you.
I love the Impressions Red Paislee...that would so look Fabulous in my kitchen!!! You know I am a follower...you are my girl!!!
I am off to check out the other site!!!!
Wishing you a great day!!! :-)
First, I am a big fan of Tom's. He's hilarious!!!
Second, I love THIS PATTERN of Corelle:
I am renovating my kitchen (new hardwoods and appliances right now)....and new dishes would be right up my alley, Sally. Plus, square dishes would drive my hubby insane. Heehee.
P.S. I'm a follower, too. But you already knew that.
I am a follower.......take me to your leader!
I lik teh patern "red paisley" ant eye whant 2 bee conseedert for teh wurd inspektor poseeshun....puleez
Luv ya'
Hey Fine lady,
I'm gonna post your giveaway on my blog, so there, you can't stop me........wooooooohooooo!
love ya'
I looooooooooove Tom's sense of humor and this comment rocked! Good thing he didn't say girlz this time.
I have one of UNIQUE giveaways in my inbox where I'm supposed say Corelle. I can't do a post without giggling. Soooo glad you accomplished this feat.
I'd go with the 16-piece Hearthstone Shale set because I don't eat blue food and strangely enough I like to see what's on my plate. I'd hate to set my sights on something that looks appetizing and head in for the kill with my fork only to find out it's part of the pattern.
(See why I'm struggling with my own giveaway?)
Follower? Hon, you know I'm the follower every blogger dreams about. Consistent, charming, and loyal. So yeah, I follow.
Hey there, me again. I visited Allie cuz I needed to see the entire series. I's shamelessly begged for exterior shots. There they were. I'd love me a cottage made out of doors but I'm far too lazy to do it myself. Left her the quote I'd want to see on one of my cottage doors (if I weren't too lazy to build one of my own).
You're right - it's definitely not y our gramma's corelle. I'd have the Hot Dots if I had a choice!
.....and of course I'm a follower.
Corelle was the first set of dishes we ever had!!!
I love the summer impression.
I am a follower.
ps. That Tom is FUNNY!
I had a lot of fun looking for the perfect quote for your cousin - and I love the one I found!
would you believe that I have never been to CSN, didn't even know what it was, what they sold and why everyone was giving away their stuff...Ok, I went today. I am no longer the loser (spelled right mind you) that hasn't been...and though I don't need any dishes..I will say that I kind of liked the Hot Dots pattern, not for me - for my kids...I like plain old boring dishes myself!
on to the cottage gal, I am so so so jealous of her cottage I wish she would make me one.
And Tom, Oh Tom, I wait with baited breath for his comments each week...
I grew up eating on Corelle dishes. An ugly green pattern! Tom's comment cracked me UP. His intro's to Sat. Centus are plain hysterical.
Jenny, did you read my post about cocktail napkins? The last thing I need is more dishes!! Of course, I could give them to my friend for her birthday.....nah, I tried that one once before.
Thank you for this giveaway, I love CSN! My favorite pattern is here; http://www.cookware.com/Corelle-1080178-REL1445.html and I am a proud follower. Your posts always make me smile and most days laugh.
I love Corelle and it is perfect for my Mom who will soon be 80 because it is so lightweight. I would love to get her a set of dishes and I think she would love the pattern Camellia! So pretty!
Jenny I am a follower of your blog! You know you are my favorite kookie person in all of blogland! (That's a compliment by the way...ya know just in case you didn't realize how much I like Kookie people)!!
I found a quote I really love for your cousin and entered her giveaway! Here is my quote:
Where there is love there is life
Author: Mahatma Gandhi
I put your giveaway and your cousin's on my sidebar!
Holy Smokes! It seems Scoop is quite popular around here. Or maybe it is your giveaway. At any rate, you never thought you would be writing three posts all because of the little color violet, did you? Ha! I have to wonder if Tom was the original proof reader and that is why he is now looking for a job. Hmmmm....
I love how you do giveaways! You're, well, not as demanding as other people are. There are no, take a picture of you doing a handstand, then post it on my blog with links to the best post I have ever done.
OK, I've never really SEEN that as a requirement, but it is how I feel at times! LOL
Here I am. A faithful follower who would choose the autumn-centric Abundance pattern and just returned from entering your cousin's giveaway.
What more could a blogger hope for?
PS. Tom is clever!
Jenny, you keep me in stitches! I've been without internet & TV of late because of the heavy rains that roared through recently. Can you imagine ~ no internet? What a tragic state of affairs.
So I'm late seeing this post, but love your cousins cottage of doors. I'm off to visit more and check out her giveaway.
You of course know that I'm a Follower. I jumped onto the Tangent early on. ~ Sarah
OK Jenny, here goes with all of my entries!!
#1 Does it count if your favorite is my favorite?? I like WINE BERRIES too! My second runner up is a little more on the plain side, but I can't help it - that's just me. It is HEARTHSTONE in shale.
#2 I am a follower! And I am not deleting you from my blogroll any time soon. :)
#3 I went ahead and entered Allie's giveaway. I think I will also follow her cool site.
Oooh I want to win this for my mom! She's in need of new dishes bigtime. I'd go for the Spring pattern in the Impressions line =)
Hi Jenny
I like Corelle's "square white" pattern because it looks food friendly. Did you ever notice most food bloggers use all white dishes? They say it makes the food look more appetizing and it also makes it photograph more clearly. Not thta I food blog...but you never know!
Of course I'm your follower! From day one :)
Going over to check out your cousins blog next...
♥ Pat
LOL @ being cool to break the 900 followers mark :)
Went to CSN Corelle. I liked the dinnerware patterns of Hot Dots, Paisley, or Henna. Joni
Jenny, I am a follower...one of those 900. Joni
Jenny, I visited your cousin's blog. Was that your Winnie the Pooh quote? Love Pooh and loved how he got caught in Rabbit's home...his big bum. Joni
Jen Jen!
What a surprising and sweet gesture to post such wonderful remarks about me and my scribblins' here on your blog. I hope my pic didn't lose you any followers, though! Thank you ladies (see, I got it right, Cheryl) for your nice comments also. And when I get rich and famous I will definitely get you all a copy of my new N.Y. Times bestseller, "From Here To Uncertainty." I mean, I think I will. Anyway, thanks Jen!
I love the floral serenity design!
I am a follower of your blog.
I am a follower. Since humm about a year I think.
Checked out the Corelle I love the Set in Red but I also like Buttercup.
Hopped over to your cousins and left her a quote! Ok what else do I have to do...jump though a hoop? Oh ok.
Yepper-rooski! Corrrell shurely aint de same ol Corrrell (I know that I could have used Tom's skills a million times over on my blog posts! um...actually I tend to be "Miss Typo-extraordianaire", thus part of the reason it takes forever getting my posts up each week :o)
oops back to the Corelle...so many to choose from! I do like the Hearthstone Square ones(cuz of the shape).And all the Corelle is really popular-a lot of the patterns are "out of stock".
Thanks for the giveaway and for the heads-up on your cousin's amazing cottage and her giveaway (I'll check that out after I am through with my entries here :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
I am a follower!!!!!! And will forever be. No "un-following" going on by me!
Blessings & Aloha!
Hi it's Saturday...love the cottage of doors, can't wait to read/see more!
Well I am a follower indeed! That's a given.
And the pattern I liked was the black and white set in Nouveau. Very cool and timeless.
I came back to say Hi! It's Saturday!
I like many of the patterns, but one of my favorites was Impressions.
I am a follower! La
I entered Allie's contest. La
Said hi on the wrong post yesterday. Oy!
Hi for both days! Hope you're having an awesome weekend!
It's Sunday and I'm back for my last entry and a Big Ole HI!!!
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