Last week I thought my brain was exploding.
I thought I was never, ever going to grasp the concept of what they're trying to shove into my head.
I was wrong.
Mr. Jenny broke his foot...again.
And I was quickly able to tell him to...


Funny, right?
C'mon. That was funny.
Actually I know nothing yet...but I'm hopeful a miracle will occur in this weeks training somehow!
Sounds like your learning the terminology although not quite what they had in mind when you started this training.
I hope Mr. Jenny heals quickly!
Oh No! I know from experience... the Boot is no fun, especially a RE-Boot! Hope he can soon Delete it!
Ok the reboot...kind of funny the fact that he broke his foot with everything else going on - not so funny! You will get the job stuff once you actually get to do it!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Jenny! I am sorry about Mr. Jenny's foot! YIKES!
Oh Jenny, you can make anything funny! Enjoy your day and take care of your sweet Husband! HUGS!
Heeehehehe!!! Yes...'re~boot, de~boot' is a riot!!!
Ya always make me laugh girl!!!
God bless and have a marvelous week my friend.
BYW: Angel loved her card. She has a MRI tomorrow.
Yikes, Jenny! What's next? NO - there will be NOTHING else. Poor Mr Jenny and poor Nurse Jenny!
Say it isn't so! Poor Mr. are only intended for us cold weather folks...
How fast can you download him a completely healed foot? (I know - that was a groaner but just had to say it...:o)
So sorry to hear to hear about Mr. Jenny! Yikes!
What awful timing! I hope he's a quick healer. You've enough going on without adding a suffering Mr Jenny. Poor him :(
heehee on the debooting and rebooting.
PS. With your smarts, you will have this down in no time. Hang in there, Jenny!
Oh No! I had to "re-boot" once srtress fracture in my foot and it was not fun. :( I hope Mr. Jenny heals fast.
Don't worry about your lessons -- I'm sure it will all become second nature very soon, and you will be a better representative as you will feel empathy for your customers
Poor Steve! Pssst! Is he a bit of a klutz? Shhh! We won't tell anyone.
Get up really early so we can catch up! :-)
Sorry to hear about Mr. Jenny, but that IS funny! Sure wish they'd had those removable casts when I broke mine. The other kind is such a pain in the butt!
Le deseo al Mr. Jenny una rápida recuperación. Saludos.
my hell woman, when it rains it pours at your house.
I have complete and udder (is that the right spelling, or is that a cows you know whats) faith in you.
happy monday? or would that be happy moanday? :)
You are so funny...but a broken foot is NOT!!!!
I know you will get will take time and then they will be calling Jenny for help!!!
omg ... well, I wish Mr. Jenny well, he and your grandlittles seem to provide endless sources of blog material for you! but seriously, i do wish him well ... and you will get it ... it will happen, it will sink in ... so no stress! (easier said than done)
You're just uploads of fun. Are you becoming a computer geek? Another Peggy? Ha Ha!
How did Mr. Jenny break his foot? Hang in there Peggy uh I mean Jenny. (Snicker Snicker) ~Ames
P.S. I luv ya!
Re-Boot and De-Boot are important concepts to learn!
wishing you success with your job and healing for Mr. Jenny!
Just sent three boots to Good Will. Yes, three. One looks like Steve's.
Re-boot? I just call Keil to come over and do it for me!!
Hope Mr. Jenny feels better soon.
Somehow I missed the job announcement. What are you going to be doing? Good Luck.
The wedding looked FAB!!
Sorry about the broken Foot...hope it heals soon. Are you a part of Windows tech support...the boot and reboot got me thinking. Have a good week...and this errant student will be back in march for the Saturday Classes. ;)
Sorry for Mr Jenny's re-booted foot.
Hope it heals soon.
And here's hoping your week goes well at work.
Peace and love,
Siggi in Downeast Maine
I'm reading your posts backwards...don't you sometimes just scream "WHY ME"? I'm glad the training is getting better.
Hope you both are re-couping...your Mr. from his foot and you from all the training! You are a better one then would take for.ever to learn, if it has anything to do with computers.
Hugs to you both!
Blessings & Aloha!
I hope Mr. Jenny heals up very quickly I am praying and sending lots of love to both of you!
Our oldest is going to go for a promotion at work! It is scary cause if you can not pass the test to get your ins. agent license you don't have a job! We just have to have faith! So hang tough girl! You will get through this! You are so smart and remarkable funny and you will survive your training! You are lucky ot have training! I have a job where they just threw me in feet first! I am still hanging in there, some days but a teeny tiny frayed thread! Hugs Anne
That was indeed funny! Hang in there with your training; new stuff if always difficult...
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