It's not really gonna be a vacation but...
I'm actually in the process of moving over the next few days. Combined with job training, foot breaking, teeth pulling and all the other dramas of everyday life, I need to be as focused as possible.
Not easy when you're me!
I think I might have the world's shortest attention span.
Job training is going great but there's a lot to learn...
Mr. Jenny's foot is not getting much better but he's gonna rest after we move...
The ex-tooth site is doing pretty well and will hopefully be better by weeks end...
...and all the rest of the drama.
What can I say?
All this drama is just great story material...for someday when I actually have time to write again!
Send some energy and a little prayer our way if you get a chance.
Thanks, friends!
Sending energy, hugs,peace, prayers and laughter to you. The last is very helpful. Xoxoxo
you have so much going on! good luck with your move and I hope life calms down for you soon!
happy day!
Definitely holding you close this week! Hang in there!
Sending prayers that all will go well!
Thinking positive thoughts for you, Jenny!
Jenny you will sail through it all as you always too but just in case i am sending a burst of energy!!!!
Here's hopin' the move goes smoothly. Oops, that kinda sounds like a laxative commercial doesn't it? Heeehehehe!!!
Anyway....sendin' prayers of health, energy and 'smooth moves' you way Miss Jenny.
I hope ya have load of help 'round there this week.
God bless and take care...I know there will be many stories sweetie!!! :o)
Here comes energy and prayers:) Don't stay gone too long, I can't live without your humor! HUGS!
Hope the move goes smooth. If not, you'll have some more blog material, ha. Good luck
Hope the move goes smooth. If not, you'll have some more blog material, ha. Good luck
When it rains it pours so just let a positive attitude be your umbrella.... that's what my grandma used to tell me and I was just reminded of it today as I read cause your writes always make it seem like you try to keep the humor even when things are tougher than they need to be:-) Good luck to you, hopefully all will be settled soon!
Have a nice day of rest and a good recovery for your foot.
personally I hate moving but it does give one a new start. lots going on in your world. just go with it girl cause ya know you have it in ya ;) hugs
Shooting good energy and loving prayers your way, Jenny.
Hang in!
I don't have any energy to send, but I can sure double up on the prayer and good thoughts!
Thinking of you in the midst of all the upheaval! Hugs,
This stupid carpal tunnel syndrome has kept me away from the computer for a while, so I'm waaaay behind in what's going on. I'm sending hugs and well wishes your way!!
Sending you lots of good wishes as you move! Hugs, Linda
You will look back on all this one of these days and realize just how tough you are. I can't imagine moving with all that you have dealt with. Hoping you are both feeling better soon.
I'm sending prayers your way! Hang in there! I think I missed the thing about your tooth. Oh dear...you've had more than your fair share lately. I hope the move goes well.
I take it the POD was repaired and your move is on again.
Well dear woman, I had two weeks to move 18 years worth of memories, and crap. I didn't expect our house to sell so fast. We didn't even list it. Someone literally drove by and asked if it was for sell. Thank God for friends and family helping us to sort and pack and weed out and dispose of stuff so we could cram 18 years into a POD in two weeks. Now building a house through 4 hurricanes was a different stressor, maybe I'll post about that one day.
I will say a prayer for you and send calm healing thoughts your way. Talk to ya when you are back. Happy moving!Hugs ~Ames
Sounds like you might be on the uphill swing. Will keep you in my prayers. :)
will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for healing, a smooth move, Mr. Jenny to heal, and to get some rest sometime along the way.
I can see lots of Tangents perking away ready to hit the computer when the time is right.
Peace and love,
Siggi in Downeast Maine
sending you loads of energy and sunshiny happiness ...
you will make it through! you go girl!!!
Consider all of those good things sent. I wish you all the best in the next few days and hope that the move goes well. Hugs!
Definitely thinking of you over the next few days. I hope everything goes smoothly! Hugs!
Always rooting for you, Jenny.
Prayers for energy and wisdom to know where to cut corners to get it all done coming your way.
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