Desert horizons stretched far and away adorned only in gradients of gray. The only punctuation in the monochrome of highway and heaven was the velvetty blacks and deep, rich purples of mountains bracketing the periphery of land and sky.
It was an odd, almost suspended, time when the world felt still.

Do you know those times? It almost feels like each and every beat of your heart has slowed and the measure of our days is ticking away much slower then its usual swift pace.
I feel that sometimes. Especially when the highway is rolling away in front of me in an indistinct ribbon and my attention is not diverted by the view outside the window.

It is moments like these when I let myself just be. Content in the journey. Comfortable in the fact I don’t have to do anything except breathe.
The drama of the clouds always evoke memories for me. Clouds have always been tied to intense emotion. In times of great change, sadness, loss or fear I always end up looking at the sky for calm and comfort.
And perhaps that is why I remember those moments so clearly when my mind is momentarily silent of its clamor and the clouds have adorned the rain-filled landscape with their somber decoration.
The miles pass quickly and we watch the rain soaked mountains turn white with snow as the altitude climbs. The temperature drops enough that we turn up the heat inside the car.
We arrive at our final destination. The simple stuccoed house gleams a bit in the misty early afternoon light. Cobalt blue tiles randomly adorn the expanse of the white walls and glow like sapphires with their rain-polished sheen. We catch our breath when we first step out of the car onto the flagstone patio…the wind is cold and it feels like winter.
But we are quickly warmed inside with our friends……laughing, crying, remembering, rocking away in quiet companionship as the rain continues to decorate the windows with glistening beads of sparkle and the clouds continue to do their gray and black dance against the sky.
In the aftermath of loosing their son, our friends still seem stunned and perhaps even forgetful for odd moments that he is, indeed, gone. The time passes too quickly and soon it is time to head back down to the valley where we live.
Driving home we are again quiet content, again, with our own silent contemplations.
It is warm in the car and I doze.
My husband taps my arm and says “look at that” and he shows me a tiny bit of rainbow in a sea of gray monotone. It illuminates just one small hill. Only that one area is luminous and shining in shades of violet, blue, green and indigo amid the rest of the somber, soggy landscape.

We both watch intently as our quickly moving car takes us toward the vision. The colors seem brighter…the shimmer more magical.
Our eyes are both wide and we look at each other in astonishment. And suddenly we are past it. When I turn around I can no longer see the colors. The little piece of magic has dispersed.
It almost feels like another loss as the view from the car window returns to desert horizons stretched far and away adorned only in gradients of gray.
It is again silent in the car and we drive the rest of the way home just holding hands. We do not fill the hush with the rhytm of music or the jumble of conversation.
Because sometimes when the moments are just perfect…silence is just enough.
And in a totally weird segue...remember that comments to this post and yesterdays Christmas Carol post qualify you for tonights cookbook giveaway as long as you are registered as a follower.
Hope your Sunday is filled with quiet peace.
Beautiful photos. I've got to learn how to take photos from a moving vehicle. Loved reading about your day. Guess I'm living vicariously through other people's lives while house-bound LOL.
Have a great Sunday!
wow! i absolutely love your writing. so descriptive, i felt like i was on the ride with you. awesome photos as well.
have a great day...hugz!
oh, i am a follower...hehehe
Bob's dad loved rainbows. When he passed away in August, it was a loss we all felt heavily as he had deep and personal connections with each of us in the family. On his burial day, a rainbow appeared that lasted the length of the funeral. The strange part... it didn't rain. It was a humid day but not a drop of rain in the sky. Bob's brother took a picture of this miracle. It will always be with us.
Once again, you amaze me with your writing skills! I was right there with both of you as you saw the rainbow...beautiful!
Awww Jenny, what an awesome post today. You write so as to make me/us feel we're there in the back seat. So great that you went to visit them. I understand their silent confusion...
Did you see the video link on my Change in a Bottle blog? you need to..(:
Have a calm and peaceful Sunday Jenny. Well, not so calm if you see the video...
See ya Yesterday
Sometimes stillness and peace is best. Even a short time just looking at the expanse of sky and the movement of clouds is enough to calm me down.
That was very eloquent and a beautiful way to remember that boy and his famiily.
Jenny~ How beautifully written and the pictures are beautiful. You have such a way with words. I felt as if I were in the car with you! ~Dan~
Hi Jenny, Welcome to my humble little blog.I am honored to have you as a follower. I always like to warn people that I consider my followers as friends. :) I am happy you like my "Nod To The Past" photo's. I am having fun with them and learning photography as I go. I may actually get out of the car one of these days to get better shots.:) You have a wonderful blog and you are a very talented writer. I admire that, and I know I am going to enjoy visiting. I love the rainbow photo. I can hardly wait till rainbow weather will be in my state.
That was a beautiful post.
I've never been in a desert, so I guess my only point of reference would be a blizzard. I've driven through some terrible blizzards - like driving through a great nothingness. Nothing behind and nothing ahead. It makes me feel like one of the flakes of snow hurling through space - 'insignificant' doesn't come close to describing it.
Lovely that you were able to travel to be with your friends in this very hard time.
Good Morning Jenny Sweetie...
We too had a glimpse of a rainbow yesterday and as always it is so breathtaking, reminding us that God is still there watching over us and letting us know not to worry, for he is already there.
I loved the picture of the raindrops on the windshield so beautiful. We did not get out yesterday. The neuropathy that I have in my feet seems to be so much worse when the rain comes. I am also starting to notice it in my arms. One day at a time. But I have to admit I was so enjoying the sunshine, as it makes me feel so good.
Have a beautiful day today sweetie. I pray that you are well. Thinking of you fondly. Much love...Sherry
Jenny I could feel the silence and the calm of the ride. Your writing as always is beautiful. Rainbows are gods gift to us in times of need.
Jenny...very nice the photos....
Ah the rainbow...very nice..
I say Spring is the rainbow at Winter's in NY we need a rainbow! But the sun is out today, and for that I am thankful..
Sweet post. Beautiful pictures!
Wow! What a fantastic writer you are! Thank you for sharing this! I completely agree, quite silence is the BEST!!
This is one reason I prefer to drive to my destinations instead of flying.
What a perfect end to my day - a rainbow! thankyou and also thanks for visiting me. The backgrounds you like are from, take a look. xxx
Serene and thought provoking. What spoke most to me was the statement "comfortable in the fact that you don't have to do anything except breathe." I will think on that today. I do love how we always have the opportunity to see rainbows here. Back in Connecticut it was so rare, but now in Arizona, they are always here with rain or even the threat of rain. Beautiful.
xox Rella
Love that top picture. I am always fascinated by the grandeur of the sky!
Gorgeous rainbow! God is good even in the mist of grey skies and gloomy weather!
Your music is exactly like mine! I am here listening to Stones in the Road by Mary Chapin Carpenter. I love that song! Are you reading my mind or are we just twins!?LOL! Love your giveaway so come see mine! I just noticed on your "About me" you posted Carpe Diem! Latin for Seize the Day! It is on my business cards and my kids heard it from me daily when the three older ones attended a Catholic high school. It was the theme of a retreat my oldest son attended! But it is my life quote! Can't escape that Catholic in me! LOL!
Lovely post. I wish I had the writing talent you have.
What lovely pictures!! The way you describe everything it makes me feel like I was riding along with you on the trip--I could look at the sky and clouds for hours!
Thanks Jenny! what a nice soothing story and the rainbow was so pretty to capture spontaneously!!~
Great post. And great pictures.
How lucky were you to see a rainbow. I wish I could see those a little more often than I do... They're great.
Oh what beautiful pictures, sweet words and the best description of your day. Glad you had a quite ride and got a little nap too. Hugs.
It is a great art to quiet our minds and just "be". Good for you.
We drove through a rainbow once. It came out of the sky and right down onto the highway. We were a little nervous actually.
Jenny-I'm going to try to remember your words the next time we are driving in rain and clouds. I get very nervous when the weather isn't "perfect" and we are driving somewhere. It makes me edgy, I will try to be more like you next time.
I never get tired of seeing a rainbow. It always feels like a gift.
Speaking of gifts...I forgot to tell you yesterday that my gift card arrived. Thank you so much!
So sorry to hear of your friends loss Jenny. My cousin lost her daughter less than a week ago. I know that feeling that you described in the beginning of your post. I felt that way when my mom passed away. I am glad that you and your husband were able to find the rainbow.
Love Di
It has been a peaceful Sunday and you just added to that peace, Cindy!
Thank you!
Jenny, I apologize, I was thinking of my daughter-in-law Cindy's good news, my reason for a peaceful Sunday!
Perfect words capturing the passing moments, lives, visions of this beautiful life. Bittersweet and lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I really appreciate it. I looked around your "place" a little and I'll definitely be back. Have a great evening.
Beautifully written Jenny.
Thank you for sharing your moments, thoughts, hopes with us.
I wish for your friends much comfort and love at this tough time in their lives.
HI Jenny!
What a fantastic post. Lovely. There is so much thinking here. Thank you for sharing your heart.
It's funny you wrote about that today! I just got back from a road trip and you articulated it perfectly!
Jenny, this is a beautiful piece. You are a talented writer. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.
How sad for your friends. The rainbow (and your writing) are very beautiful.
I've returned your follow. Thanks for stopping by.
Another beautiful post. Whenever I visit you I am either moved to laughter or to tears- you are such a gifted writer.
Couldnt have said it better.
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